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Sam did the ritual and unfortunately for me, it didn't go as well as when I did it.

"See? Cora, do it again." Charlie said as Sam shook his head, "no, I don't think it's going to work again. We should just move on." He said and handed Charlie the small camera, "fine, but we may need to try again later." He said as I looked up at Colby, who was rolling his eyes,

"you okay?" He asked me quietly as the rest of the group went over to a different part of the room.

"Yeah, just got a little freaked out, it's okay though. I can handle it." I said with a grin a she smirked, "I know, honey. I know." He said then kissed my forehead before leading the way to where the others were.

"Alright! I think we should do the ouija board next." Charlie said with a loud clap. I really didn't like him at all.

"Let's set up over here at this table." Charlie said and pointed to the coffee table that had crystals on it. "You tell me if you need to stop." Colby mumbled to me as I nodded. "Promise." I whispered as we sat on the couch.

We set up the ouija board and all sat around it, "you okay?" I asked Corey as he looked up at me, "I'll be okay, are you okay?" He asked as I nodded, "I'm okay." I said with a smile before we started asking questions.

"Is there a spirit here?" Sam asked as we all stared down at the planchette. It slowly started drifting to yes as I took a deep breath.

"When did you die?" Colby asked as I kept my eyes glued on the board. It moved slowly to 1953. "Okay...are you a woman?" I asked and felt my heart beating out of my chest again as it moved to yes.

My mind quickly flashed to the night Sam, Colby, and I first used the ouija board together and how it said it would hurt me.

I could feel my hands starting to shake as Colby's head snapped up to look at me, "we need to stop." He said as Charlie scoffed, "no way! Not with evidence like this." He said as I bit my lip, fighting against the tears that were forming as my chest tightened up.

"get out." I heard in my ears, causing me to gasp, "I'm serious Charlie! We need to stop." Colby said and looked at Sam desperately, "not until we get enough answers." Charlie said as Sam sighed, "let's just hurry then." Sam said as he looked at me cautiously.

I kept my eyes on the board as the panic attack boiled within me. I had to keep my cool, otherwise I would ruin everything for them.

"Are you trapped here?" Sam asked as the planchette glided to yes. I felt my heart beating even faster as I choked back the tears.

"How did you die?" Jake asked as the planchette quickly moved to Goodbye. "Oh. Goodbye I guess." Sam said as we quickly pulled our hands away.

As soon as the camera was off I heaved in a breath and collapsed into Colby's chest as he soothed me, "shhh hey it's okay." He whispered as he kissed my head.

"We should get her some fresh air." Sam said as Colby smoothed my hair down. "We can do that on the way to the boiler rooms, let's go." Charlie said and led the way out of the room as Bill followed closely behind. The guys stayed back with me for a second as I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing.

"You okay, Cor?" Sam asked and rubbed my back as we slowly made our way out of the room, "yeah, what is his problem?" I asked and gestured to the door Charlie just went out of. "He's really into this and just wants the best content possible no matter how badly it scares us." Jake said as Colby put his hand on the small of my back, leading me out into the hallway.

"Now do you understand why I didn't want you to come?" Colby asked as I wiped under my eyes, "it's not right how he's treating you guys." I said avoiding the question as I rubbed my chest where my heart was still racing.

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