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I had to stay in the hospital for observation for just a few more days before I could finally be released. I was feeling okay right now. I had a lot of support behind me but I wasn't allowed to be alone for long periods of time. It was understandable but sometimes made me feel uncomfortable and like I was crazy.

"Ready to go?" Colby asked, pulling me out of my thoughts as I sat on the hospital bed, combing through my hair with my fingers. "Yeah." I whispered and stood up, "oh! Hold on." He said then reached into his pocket and pulled out a little bag.

"Will you stay married to me?" He asked as he slipped my wedding ring onto my finger, getting down on his knee, "of course you goofball." I said and pulled him up off the floor. "And these belong to you, too." He said and turned me around so he could clasp my necklaces on my neck. "Thank you," I whispered and turned around, bringing my hand to my locket, "what's wrong?" He asked and brushed my hair behind my ear.

"I'm nervous." I said with a shrug as he smiled sympathetically at me, "I know, I am too. We will get through it though, just like we always do." He said and leaned down to kiss my cheek.

We had to stop to pick up my prescriptions on the way back to my dad's house. Everyone was already there, packing stuff up because we were leaving for Hawaii tomorrow morning.

Kat and Sam were taking Mia shopping for some stuff she would need so that Colby and I could just focus on getting me prepared for the trip.

Colby led me to the car and made sure I was comfortable before getting into the drivers seat. I chewed on my lip as we drove through my hometown. I had this overwhelming urge in my stomach that I knew I wouldn't be able to satisfy.

I wanted to go back to McMillan.

I didn't want to jump or do anything crazy there but it was still my safe space, even though it's been tainted now with my bad decisions.

"What's on your mind, love." Colby asked and took my hand in his as we drove to the pharmacy, "can we go to McMillan..?" I asked quietly as clenched his jaw slightly, "I don't think that's a good idea." He said quietly and kept my hand in his.

"We won't get close to the edge...I just...I don't want my last visit there to be negative...it's still my happy place." I said timidly as he squeezed my hand. "I know it is baby girl, but...I just can't risk that right now..I'm so sorry." He said quietly as I nodded, feeling the tears burning my eyes.

I didn't deserve to cry, I was the one who ruined it for myself. I couldn't blame Colby for not letting me go. I just wish I could have one more good memory there before I left to go back to the west coast.

"How about we stop and get some breakfast for dinner?" Colby asked as we pulled into the parking lot for the pharmacy which happened happened to be next to an ihop. "Okay." I whispered softly as we pulled into the parking spot.

We quickly ran in to grab my prescription and even grabbed some snacks for the flight tomorrow while we were in there.

"Do you think Mia will want a little pillow? I don't want her little neck to hurt...it's a pretty long flight." I said and held up a little neck pillow causing Colby to chuckle, "I think she'll be fine, but if it will make you feel better to get it then we can get it." He said as I poked my lip out and set it in the cart.

"Her little neck Colby...it's important." I said as he smiled and laced his fingers through mine. "You're right. Her little neck is the most important thing." He said as we walked to check out.

Colby ran to put the things in the car while I waiting at the entrance of ihop. I didn't realize how hungry I was until my stomach growled loudly, "okay, let's get some breakfast....or I guess dinner." He said and opened the door so I could walk in.

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