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"Ready to make some music?" I asked Colby as we pulled into the parking lot of the studio.

Today we were recording our song together, and I was honestly super excited about it.

"No but I'm ready to see you in your element." He said as I rolled my eyes. I was really excited to be able to spend the day with Colby while we recorded a song together.

We had dropped Mia off at the traphouse to hang out with Devyn and Corey since she would be so bored here, plus Devyn has been begging me to let her take Mia shopping so it was the perfect opportunity.

"Well look who it is!" Bryan said as Colby and I came in, hand in hand. "Hey Bryan." I said and set my stuff down on the table, "how's my favorite couple doing?" He asked as Colby chuckled, "she's great, I'm nervous." He said and shook his hands out, "Don't be nervous. Cora tells me you have a great voice! I can't wait to hear it." He said as I took Colby's hand while he shook his head.

"He has a great voice, he just doesn't believe me!" I said with a laugh as Bryan shook his head, "well I guess I'll be the judge of that." He said then opened the door to the booth.

"Come on, babe." I said and pulled him into the booth with me. When I turned around to look at him I couldn't help but laugh at how awkward he looked.

"Okay, let me show you what to do." I said and took his hand, walking him over to the music stand that had his music on it. I grabbed the headphones and handed them to him, "okay, put these on." I said as he chuckled and shook his head.

I smiled widely at him once he put them on then squealed happily, "I'm so excited!!" I said and clapped before going over to my music stand.

"Alright, so here's the track so we can adjust the volume in your earphones." Bryan said then played the song so it was playing in our ears.

I couldn't help but dance giddily at the fact that I convinced Colby to do this with me. I knew he had always wanted to do music but he was always to anxious about it. This was huge step for him and I was just so proud.

I watched him as he closed his eyes and focused on the music, he was absolutely adorable as he bobbed his head to the beat with full concentration.

He was always so comfortable filming YouTube videos so seeing him so nervous was a little strange honestly.

"Alright, you guys ready?" Bryan said as I looked up at Colby, "Are you ready for this?" I asked and reached my hand out to him. "I'm ready." He said and took my outstretched hand, giving it a squeeze.

Bryan played the song and I started to sing, closing my eyes and focusing on the music. When I opened my eyes Colby was looking at me with so much love it almost made me gasp. I smirked at him as I finished my verse, knowing that it was time for him to sing.

He kept his eyes on me as he sang the vows we had written for this song. I felt like it was our wedding day again, because there was just so much love in his eyes as he sang the words to me.

I was really happy he agreed to do this.

"That was great! Ugh! My favorite couple!" Bryan gushed as I giggled, "Colby I think you should listen to your wife more, you have a lovely voice." He said as Colby laughed, "thank you." He said and bowed as I scrunched my nose at him.

"Let's do it a couple more times, then we can move on...I think we might finish this album today Cora." Bryan said which made me smile widely at him. "Let's do this!" I yelled and jumped up and down feeling the excitement in the air.

We recorded Colby and I's song a couple more times before it was perfect then ended up recording the rest of the songs needed for my album to be finished.

I forced Colby to leave so he wouldn't get any sneak peaks of the album since I wanted it to be a surprise, so he went to go grab Mia.

I finished singing the last song of the day before Bryan started clapping, "that's a wrap." He said causing me to squeal happily and throw my headphones off my ears so I could run and hug him.

"Your first album is fully recorded! How do you feel?" Bryan asked as he pulled away from me, "amazing!! I can't believe we did it! I can't wait until it's released." I said and felt the tears sting my eyes.

"I'm really proud of you, Cora. You've put your blood sweat and tears into the album. I'm gonna start working on the mixes right now, you go home and celebrate, alright?" Bryan asked as he hugged me, "will do!" I said and collected my stuff.

When I got outside Colby was already waiting out there with Mia on his hip, "COLBY!" I yelled and ran to him, throwing my arms around his neck as Mia squealed at my excitement.

"You just saw me like..two hours ago." He said with a laugh. "I finished it! I finished the album!" I yelled and pulled away from him so I could jump up and down happily.

"I'm so proud of you!! Mia, are you proud of mommy?" He asked as Mia giggled and reached for me. "YA!" She yelled and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Thank you baby." I said and kissed her head as I looked at Colby, "thank you for encouraging me to chase after this...thank you." I said and leaned in to kiss him.

"I love seeing you so happy." He mumbled as I pulled away, "I love being this happy. I feel like everything is just falling into place. All the stress and tears are going to be worth it." I said and turned to put Mia in her car seat. "I agree. Now come on, let's go celebrate." Colby said and kissed my head before going to the drivers side.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked with a giggle as we drove down the highway, "You'll see." He said and took my hand in his, bringing it to his lips.

After a few more minutes of driving we pulled into the parking lot of a little restaurant, "should I know what this place is?" I asked as he chuckled, "no, but you will in a minute." He said as we got out of the car.

Colby grabbed Mia then took my hand in his as we walked into the little restaurant. "Cora? Is that you?" A familiar voice sounded which caused my heart to stop.

"VINNY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I yelled and leaped into his arms. "Surprise! Vinny's Italian restaurant has made its way to the west coast!" He exclaimed as he hugged me. "No way!! How long have you been here? Why didn't you tell me?! I would have been here every day! I miss your food so much!" I yelled and turned to Colby,

"IT WAS YOU. You knew he was here and didn't tell me!" I said and pointed to him as Mia giggled, "Mama mad." Mia said as Colby laughed, "your dad told me about it the other day, I wanted to surprise you." He said as I teared up, "I can't believe this." I said and pouted as Vinny hugged me again,

"alright no tears, you look like your gonna blow away with the wind, let's get some meatballs in ya." He said and led me to one of the tables.

I wiped my face as Colby followed with Mia in his arms. "Are you going to introduce me to your daughter or did I not raise you right?" Vinny asked as he set a highchair down at the end of the table.

"Vinny, this is Mia. Mia this is Vinny, he's papa's best friend." I said and took her from Colby as she giggled, "papa!" She yelled as I chuckled, "no, I'm Vinny, can you say Vinny?" Vinny asked as she shyly hid in my shoulder.

"Vinny." She said quietly as I bounced her, "very good!" I said and looked up at him, "she's a little shy, she will warm up in no time though, don't worry." I said and put her in the highchair then sat across from Colby.

"I'll bring out your regular, but first eat some bread you look like a skeleton." Vinny said and put a basket of bread in front of us causing me to laugh and look up at Colby.

"I can't believe you." I said with a smile and took his hand, "are you surprised?" He asked as I nodded and looked around the cute little restaurant. "Yes! We are never eating anywhere else ever again." I said as he smiled at me.


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