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"Coraaaaa!!" Kat yelled and tackled me with a hug as Sam walked into the house shaking his head, "I swear she loves you more than she loves me." He said as everyone else filed into the house.

"Well yeah, she's my girlfriend." Kat said and kissed my cheek as I laughed, "sorry Colby...guess I'm leaving you." I said with a laugh as he jumped into Sam's arms, "that's fine, we were always the real couple anyways." Colby said as I rolled my eyes playfully.

"How's my favorite tiny human?" Jake asked as he walked over to the couch where Mia was still sitting. "Shit!" She yelled at Jake causing me to smack my forehead, "is that her nickname for you? I swear to god Jake, fix it." I said as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Uh....no Mia, it's Jake." He said making sure to enunciate the sound of his name. "Jay!" Mia yelled happily, "Close enough!" He yelled and scooped her up causing her to giggle loudly. "Jay jay jay!" She yelled as he bounced her on his hip.

"Aw Jay and Titi." Tara said with a laugh as we all sat on the couch. "Mia gives us better nicknames than we give eachother." Kat said with a laugh.

"Yeah, I melt everytime she calls you Kitty." I said as Colby wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Me too, dude that makes me want a kid so bad. She's literally so sweet, right Mia?" She asked as Jake threw her up in the air and caught her.

"Why don't I have a nickname?" Corey asked with a pouted lip as Tara took Mia from Jake. "Hmm I don't know, let's see if we can get her to make one for you." I said and looked at Mia as Colby ordered the pizza.

"Okay Mia, work your nickname magic on me." Corey said and took her from Tara. "I'm Corey, feel free to make it really cute. I know, I know it's going to be hard to not call me 'the coolest person I'll ever meet' but honestly that would work too." He said as Mia stared at him blankly.

"At this point you're not going to get a nickname." I said with a laugh and rested my head on Colby's shoulder. "Oh come on Mia..." Corey begged as Devyn snorted, "Mia doesn't like you." She teased as Corey grumbled, "shut up, Devyn." He said as Mia rested her head on his chest.

"Don't worry too much Corey, she will come up with something eventually." Colby said with a chuckle.

"So I was thinking while we are here we can film a fun video?" Sam suggested as we all looked over at him, "yeah what did you have in mind?" Colby asked.

"Blindfolded hide and seek? We haven't filmed a video here yet it could be fun." Sam said as I shrugged, "sounds fun. You can have Mia help you find us, that could be really cute." I said as he smiled, "yeah, that actually would be cute. You guys down?" He asked as everyone agreed.

"Alright go hide guys, I'm gonna make an intro." Sam said as we all got up to go around the house, "Coco!" Mia yelled as Sam tried to take her from Corey, "is that my nickname??" Corey asked with a surprised look on his face as Mia reached for him.

"Dude I have the cutest nickname! Sorry guys I'm now officially Coco." Corey said dramatically as Sam finally was able to take Mia from him. "That is pretty cute not gonna lie." Devyn said as Kat pouted, "I think Kitty is the cutest." She said and crossed her arms.

"Alright alright, they are all cute! Come on let's go hide." I said and took Colby's hand pulling him away as Sam set up his camera and went outside to film the intro with Mia.

"Will you help me get into my hiding spot?" I asked Colby as we walked into the bedroom. "You need help? Where are you hiding?" He asked with a laugh as I walked us to the bathroom, "up there." I said and pointed to the empty cabinet that was over the toilet, "he's never going to find you." Colby said with a laugh as he picked me up and lifted me into the cabinet.

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