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I slowly made my way over to the bed so I could take his hand in mine, "hey daddy..." I whispered and sat down, bringing his hand to my lips.

"They told me I needed to come in and say my goodbyes...but I don't think I need to. I think they are crazy for underestimating you." I said and started to cry, "I don't think they know what you're capable of." I said with a small chuckle, "remember when I was little and we were hiking and you fell and basically broke your leg?" I asked with a fond laugh.

"They don't know that you got up and carried me down the mountain still because you wanted me to be safe. You didn't care how much pain you were in, you needed me to be safe." I said and kissed his hand, taking a deep breath.

"You always protected me from the bad things..you always encouraged me to chase my dreams even though they seemed so unattainable." I said and wiped my cheeks. "You encouraged me to take a chance with Colby...honestly you are the reason I'm still here today Dad." I said and broke down, laying my head on the bed, still holding his cold hand tightly.

"You've been my best friend my entire life." I whispered and had took another deep breath. "After this can we please stop scaring eachother by almost dying? Can we please just be healthy and happy?" I asked with a small laugh as I brought my hand to his hair, fixing it.

"I know it's hard to fight right now but daddy I need you to fight for me. I need you to fight for Michelle, and for Colby and for Mia, and hell even for Stephanie. I need you to wake up from this and propose to Michelle and live happily ever after because it's what you deserve after what happened with mom." I begged and wiped my eye with the back of my hand.

"I understand though if you can't do it...if you can't keep fighting. I know you're fighting so hard but if you need to go....." I said and broke off, feeling my chest seize up with sobs.

"I can't make you stay....it's going to hurt a lot daddy...but I'll be okay. Colby will keep me safe and will protect me like you always did. I'll be okay daddy." I said and shook my head, not liking how this felt.

"If you need to go....it's okay. I love you so much...so much more than you'll ever know." I said as the machine that was beeping suddenly flatlined,

"NOO!!!!!!!" I screamed in pain as I tightened my grip on his hand as nurses and doctors flooded the room, one of them yanked me off of him and pushed me back as I screamed and sobbed, "daddy please don't leave me!!!!" I screamed as Colby's arms wrapped tightly around me, pulling me out into the hallway, "go to the waiting room!" One of the nurses screamed as I fought Colby to stay.

I needed to stay.

"Cora, we have to go! They can't save him if we distract them, I'm so sorry baby girl, we have to go." Colby said as I flipped around in his arms so I could hug him, "I can't lose him." I whispered and collapsed into his arms.

"I know baby girl....I know..." he said and lifted me up, holding me as tightly as possible. "Colby I c-can't do t-this!" I screamed as he walked. He passed the waiting room and went straight outside.

"W-we have to go b-back in there!" I screamed as he set me on my feet and held me tightly. "We will once we calm you down a little bit." He said with a thick voice as his voice cracked.

"I c-can't do this! I told him he could go! I k-killed him!" I screamed as he shook his head, "Cora, stop." He said and cupped both sides of my face, "he's not dead yet. His heart stopped, but if I remember correctly your heart has stopped before too." He said an pointed to my chest,

"That big beautiful heart of yours stopped when you were in the car accident, but look at you, you're standing in front of me. He's not dead yet." He said and leaned down to be eye level with me as I hyperventilated, "he-" I started but Colby pressed his lips on mine, swallowing any word I was going to say.

I calmed down as soon as his lips were on mine. He gave me a certain sense of comfort that nobody else could give me.

I would be okay as long as he was by my side.

When he pulled away he wiped my tears and smiled at me slightly, "you're going to get through this, Cor." He said as I nodded slowly. "We should go in.." I whispered as he placed a kiss on my forehead. "Okay, if you need a breather just let me know, we can step outside whenever." He said as I nodded and took his hand in mine.

When we got to the waiting room Mia was fussing in Michelle's arms. "Oh sweet girl." I breathed out and took her from Michelle, who was also crying.

Stephanie had her head rested on her mom's shoulder as she cried. It really put things into perspective seeing her crying like that. I don't know what happened to Stephanie's dad but I knew her relationship with her mom was like how mine was with my dad.

She had been through so much mentally since her breakdown in November, and my dad has helped her through it. He was her only father figure, and he was dying. She was losing the one positive man in her life and I had to be sympathetic to that.

As soon as Mia was in my arms I reached down and took Stephanie's hand. She looked up at me with confusion as I rubbed little circles on it, "he's not dead until they say he's dead." I whispered then sat next to her.

I kept her hand in mine as Colby sat next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. We all stayed silent for a while, not really knowing what to say until Michelle gasped.

"What? Are you okay?" I asked and leaned over to look at her. "Cora, I found this in your dad's wallet when I was looking for his medical card..it's yours." She said and sifted through her bag.

I scrunched my face in confusion as she handed me a folded up piece of paper. On the front of it was my name, "I have never seen this before..." I whispered and handed Mia over to Colby.

I opened it slowly, only to reveal my dad's handwriting.

Cora Elizabeth,

This note is for you, if I ever die a sudden death, I need you to know a couple things.

First thing is, stop crying. You don't need to waste your tears on this old man, I'm always gonna be with you anyways even when I'm in heaven. Keep your head up squirt.

Second thing is, I'm so damn proud of you. You have been through so much and I'm so grateful that you're still standing here today. You're the strongest girl I know and you make me proud every day. That little Mia is so lucky to have you as a mom. You're strong and brilliant and resilient. You have made me the most proud dad in the world. I will take that to the grave, you're my biggest pride and joy.

Third thing is, I love you. I love you to the moon and back squirt, and I always will. Never forget that. Please let Colby take care of you, because my darling, he loved you more than anything. Let him protect you and help you through this. Don't shut down sweetheart. Stay as strong as you can. I love you.

I only have one other thing to ask, give Mia lots of cuddles and snuggles, and make sure you tell her how cool her papa was.

I love you Cora. You'll always be my little squirt.

I heaved in a sob and brought my hands to my face, dropping the note onto my lap. I leaned my head onto Colby's shoulder and just cried, when I felt Stephanie reach over and take my hand. 

We sat there for a while before a nurse opened the door,  looking around the room.

"Daniel Williams?" She asked causing us all to stand.

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