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I pulled the blankets from my legs to reveal a pool of blood between my legs. "Oh my god!" I shrieked and brought my shaking hand to my mouth.

"Colby!! wake up!!" I screamed and shook him, "mmm, Are you okay?" He asked and sat up, rubbing his eyes, "Colby!! The baby!!" I screamed hysterically as his eyes traveled to my legs.

His eyes widened as his breathing picked up. I watched as the color drained from his face,

"Colby! Help me!" I screamed as I sobbed, feeling my heart being ripped out of my chest. His hands shook as he went into shock,

"oh god...SAM!!! KAT!!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!" I screamed and brought my hands to Colby's face, "Colby please!" I screamed as he just stared at me, a glazed look over his eyes.

"Cora!! What's going on?!" Sam yelled and slammed the door open. "Sam! The baby!" I screamed and pointed down as he rushed over, Kat coming in closely behind him.

"Shit!" I yelled as another sharp pain filled my abdomen, "Colby?!" Sam yelled as he got in his face, "SNAP OUT OF IT!" He yelled and smacked Colby as Kat wrapped her arms around me.

"It's okay...it's okay." She mumbled as Sam shook Colby. "Help me!" I screamed as Colby finally came back to it, "Cora.." he said with a raspy voice as Kat ran to get me some new clothes, "Colby...the baby." I whispered and wrapped my arms around him, "I know.." he whispered and held me tightly, "I know." He said with a thick voice.

"We need to get you to the hospital." Sam said as Colby rubbed my hair down slowly, he let go to walk around the bed as Kat came over with some sweatpants for me. "Thanks Kat." I whispered and got up and stepped into them with the help of Sam and Colby.

Maybe the baby was okay, maybe this was something unrelated.

Maybe we were all okay.

Who was I kidding.

Colby lifted me into his arms as I hid my face in his neck. "Hey Claire, it's Sam...no...I think so...okay." Sam said into the phone as Kat grabbed a towel to lay down in the car. "I'm so sorry." I whispered into his neck. "Shhhh.." Colby shushed as Kat opened the car door, and laid the towel on the back seat. "Okay Claire is meeting us at the hospital, I'm so sorry guys." Sam said as Colby gently sat me down in the back seat.

I screamed out in pain as another cramp filled my abdomen. Colby wiped his eyes then got in next to me, holding me to his chest, "thanks Sam." I said as he closed my door and got in the drivers seat. Kat got in the passengers seat as I sobbed into Colby's chest.

This didn't feel real.

The baby had to be okay.

"Hey Corey, no. Can you watch Mia?" Kat asked as Colby kissed my head, he was crying but I could tell he was trying to keep it together for me.

When we got to the hospital, Colby pulled me out and ran me inside as Sam and Kat parked the car.

"Cora! Oh god...okay, come on." The nurse, Lacey, said and guided Colby and I to a room. Colby laid me on the bed but I couldn't let go of his neck even if I tried. "I'm right here baby, I'm not going anywhere." He said and smoothed my hair down, "please." I begged as hot tears fell from my eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere." He repeated and pulled away, cupping both side of my face with his hands. He looked me in the eyes causing my heart to break as a tear fell onto his cheek, "I'm so scared." I whispered and closed my eyes tightly, trying to wake up from this nightmare. "I know..I am too." He whispered shakily.

The door swung open and Claire came in, "Cora.." she whispered as she threw her hair in a bun, I could tell she had rushed to get here, "the baby." I whispered as Claire pulled over the ultrasound machine. "Okay just breathe for me." She said as I held onto Colby's hand tightly.

She went silent as she put the gel on my belly and looked for the baby. I watched intensely as she moved the wand along my abdomen, "I'm.....im so sorry." She said as Colby sprung up to pull me into his chest as I screamed in agony.

I had never felt this kind of pain before.

I had been through a lot, but this took the cake.

This was the most painful moment of my life.

Colby held me tightly to his chest as we both cried to eachother, my screams of agony filling the room.

I couldn't breathe.

I didn't want to breathe.

Claire silently wiped the gel off of my stomach as Colby pulled me closer, "I'm so sorry baby girl....I'm so sorry." He whispered tearfully, "I wanna die!" I screamed and pounded on his chest as I choked on my sobs.

"Don't say that....please don't talk like that." He whispered and laid down on the bed with me, pulling me even closer. "I'm...I'm a failure! I....I..." I screamed as Claire sniffled. I hated that I hurt everyone.

"Cora...I know it feels like it's your fault right now...unfortunately these things just happen sometimes..it's just out of your control. It's not your fault." Claire said and rubbed my back soothingly, "it's my fault!" I screamed as Colby kissed my head. "It's not baby girl...it's not." He said quietly.

After a long time my sobs eventually died down, Colby still held me to him tightly as he would occasionally sniffle. Claire had left the room to give us a minute before we would go home. I would be bleeding for a few days but physically I would be okay.

"I'm so sorry, Colby." I whispered and looked up at him, feeling my heart break more at his tearstained cheeks, and bloodshot eyes. "Don't you dare apologize. This isn't your fault. You don't get to apologize." He whispered and kissed my forehead tenderly. "I-it was my...my anxiety. I put t-too much stress on it." I said as he shook his head,

"no. Don't do that. That has nothing to do with this, Claire even said that. I'm not going to let you take the blame on this. It just happened, and we will get through it. For better or for worse." He said and wiped my cheek. "For better or worse." I repeated and sucked in a shaky breath.

"Okay Sam pulled the car up for you guys...if you need anything just call me. Any time. I'm so so sorry you guys." Claire said as Colby lifted me out of the bed and put me in the wheel chair next to it.

"Thank you for everything. I'm sorry you had to come in." I mumbled as she shook her head, "stop apologizing Cora." She said as Colby wheeled me through the halls.

I felt very empty inside for multiple reasons. I couldn't shake the idea that I failed as a mother. I knew I would be too embarrassed to tell anyone. I knew this was going to be hard on me. I knew it would be hard on Colby.

I didn't want to face this. I wanted to just shut everything off and feel nothing.

So that's what I did.

A/n: I'm so sorry guys pls forgive me 🥺

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