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A/N: alright you know the drill by now, this chapter contains EXTREMELY detailed smut. If you're uncomfortable with it PLEASE skip it, if you're underage please skip it hahah okay here we go you nasties enjoyyyy

I walked up to Colby slowly as his eyes burned into mine. I tried to take my time but as soon as I was in his reach he pulled me to him by my waist, then lowered his head into the crook of my neck.

I moaned ever so slightly, already feeling the tension in my core, knowing exactly where this was going to go.  I reveled in the way his tongue danced along my neck as I reached in front of me and started unbuttoning his shirt, savoring the slow heat that was rising in the room.

He slowly brushed his fingers along my shoulder, pushing the strap of my romper down as he worked his lips against my skin, trailing the kisses down my collar bone.

I brought my hands to the back of his head, lacing my fingers through his hair as he smirked against me, "does it feel good baby girl?" He mumbled against my skin as I clenched my legs together ever so slightly. "Yes." I whispered as he pulled away, "just yes?" He asked with a sly smirk, "yes, daddy." I corrected as he chuckled and shook his head.

"I wanna make you feel really good, baby girl." He said and folded the bandana into a blindfold before bringing it to my eyes, "do you want that?" He asked quietly as he tied it behind my head, "y-yes daddy. Please daddy." I said feeling my knees go weak as he finished blindfolding me.

"You have to earn it." He said then pushed me to my knees as I heard him undoing his jeans while I waited in anticipation.

I felt him reach down and guide my hand to his length as he let out a small moan. I smirked at the sound, then brought my mouth to him, circling his tip with my tongue as he hissed out a breath.

I felt a sense of empowerment as he hissed at my touch, reveling in all of my motions. I bobbed my head, taking him in fully as he moaned loudly, filling my eardrums, the sound turned me on even more due to the fact that I was blindfolded.

I carried on with this for a while before he finally reached down and took a fistful of my hair, pulling at it roughly as he yanked me away from him, "good girl." he whispered before lifting me back up to my feet.

"I'm gonna make you feel really good baby girl, you deserve it." He whispered into my ear as he reached around and unzipped my romper, letting it drop to the floor, leaving me in just my panties.

"You're so fucking beautiful." Colby whispered into my ear before he bit my earlobe playfully. "T-take me." I whispered, unable to control myself. "Patience baby girl." He said then pushed me onto the bed causing me to gasp as he hovered over me. He lowered his head into the crook of my neck again and started sucking on it gently as a moan escaped my lips. Even the slightest touch felt like it was burning my skin, as the pleasure of it all intensified.

"Mmm I wanna hear you." He mumbled as he squeezed my breast, causing me to gasp. "Fuuuuck." I moaned as he twisted my nipple with his finger while sucking at the sensitive spot on my neck still. I lifted my lower back, trying to relieve some of the tension that was building up in my heat.

"You've been such a good girl. Always so obedient." He whispered as he kissed down my neck and to the valley of my breasts. "Let's continue the trend." He said lowly as I gasped at his fingers suddenly grazing my heat.

"open your legs." He demanded as I bit my lip, "yes, daddy." I said and spread my legs as he brushed his finger across my pantys, bringing his mouth to my right breast. I moaned loudly and brought my hand to his head, as he took my nipple into his mouth, sucking at it. He rubbed at me gently through my panties as the heat in my belly started rising.

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