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"Did you have fun little girl?" Colby asked as we walked hand in hand out of the aquarium. Mia giggled and nuzzled into his neck, which meant yes, she did have fun.

"Food." She mumbled as I shook my head, "can you say please?" I asked as she smiled at me, "peas." She said as Colby rubbed her back gently. "You're so cute." I mumbled and rubbed her cheek with my thumb as we made it to the parking lot.

"We should go back to the house and let Mia nap for a little bit before we go to the beach." Colby suggested as he pulled his phone out to call an Uber, "yeah, she's gonna crash any minute, I can feel it." I said as Mia's eyes drooped ever so slightly. "You sleepy Mia?" He asked and bounced her ever so slightly, "Boba." She said as I frowned,

"Boba is inside sweetie..can you blow Boba a kiss though?" I asked and gestured to the building. She pressed her hand to her mouth and threw her hand out to the building as the Uber came up. "Good job sweet girl." I said with a small smile and leaned over to kiss her head.

We got into the Uber and made our way back to the house. Mia was getting really fussy so I ended up just feeding her in the car which was probably really weird for the Uber driver but you do what you have to do.

As soon as she was done she fell asleep in my arms, "see? I knew it was coming." I said quietly to Colby as we pulled up to the house. "She's gonna be out for a while I think." He said and helped me get out of the car so I wouldn't disrupt Mia's sleep.

"Yeah, what are we going to do with ourselves?" I asked with a laugh as we made our way inside and up the stairs. "I have a couple ideas." Colby said as I put Mia to bed.

We ended up bringing Mia's cot back into the extra room so we could hang out in the bedroom. As soon as she was tucked into bed I turned and left the room.

"Like what?" I asked when I opened the door, only to see Colby looking at me with a hungry look in his eyes. "Oh my God." I said with a laugh as he lunged for me.

His lips were on mine in an instant as he held me so close to him that my legs were almost being lifted off the ground. I giggled and pulled away, "we shouldn't." I said and put my hand on his chest, "why not?" He asked as I bit my lip.

"Because we...might wake up Mia," I said as he rolled his eyes and pulled me into him, "not a good enough excuse, try again." He said against my lips as I melted into him. I honestly couldn't come up with anything so I just kissed him back.

30 minutes later I was in the shower, "you're lucky we didn't wake her up." I said with a laugh as Colby brought in a towel for me. "We weren't that loud." he said with a chuckle as I cut the water and opened the door, "Right." I said and took the towel from him as he grinned at me.

"You're cute when you're angry." He mumbled as I shook my head, rolling my eyes playfully. "Whatever, what should we do now?" I asked and looked through my clothes, choosing what I wanted to wear for our beach date. "Round two?" Colby asked from behind me as I turned around with a deadpan expression, "youre killing me, Brock." I said as he laughed, "I'm just messing with you, are you hungry?" He asked as I got dressed.

"Actually yeah, but aren't we having a picnic at the beach? We can't eat now...hmm we could snuggle and watch tv?" I suggested and pulled my shirt on. "Sounds perfect to me." He said and held his hand out for me to grab.

We went downstairs and settled in on the couch, I nuzzled into his chest as we started watching some random show. I found myself getting fully invested into it as I rubbed Colby's wedding band absentmindedly.

After a few episodes I felt my mind start to drift off though, and it wandered off to the miscarriage of course.

It always did.

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