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I accidentally ended up working for hours again, but I didn't realize it until Colby came in through the front door.

"Hey baby, I'm home." He said as Mia giggled and stood on the couch, leaning against me for support as she turned to face Colby,

"DADA!" She screamed happily as he came over and lifted her up, "hello princess, did you miss me?" He asked as she nuzzled into his neck, "miss you!" She yelled as he smiled and leaned down to kiss my head.

I smiled and slid my notebook under the pillow next to me, "how'd it go?" I asked as he walked around the couch to sit next to me. "It was fine, sorta boring. I got a new phone though so that's good." He said as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"That is good, did you and Sam enjoy the banana bread?" I asked with a laugh as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "oh yeah! It was so good baby, so good that Sam tried to eat my piece too. I obviously didn't let that happen though." He said and scrunched his nose at me as Mia bounced.

"What did you guys do?" He asked as I shrugged, "just watched movies. I think it's maybe time we let this one get some energy out though. I was too scared to let her play without you here." I said quietly as he smiled sympathetically.

"It's alright, I'm here now. Mia, what would you like to do?" He asked as she giggled, "swim!" She yelled which caused my heart to seize up, "no..no swimming honey. Maybe we can go to the park?" He suggested as she frowned, "swim.." she said as I sucked my lips in, "no sweet girl, we can't swim tonight..." I said quietly as she shook her head, "park?" I asked and brushed my finger along her cheek.

"Park." She said but with little enthusiasm, "come on sweetheart, it will be fun." Colby said and stood up. "Dada.." Mia said and pointed outside, "yes princess, we are gonna go outside." He said as he took her to get changed.

I sighed and went to the bedroom to get my shoes on but stopped to look in the mirror, I looked as exhausted as I felt but I didn't feel like arguing today. I just wanted to have a good time at the park with Mia and Colby.

Once we were all ready we went to the car, "park!" Mia yelled in the backseat as Colby took my hand and held it in his lap, "yay! Park!" I yelled with a laugh as we drove down the street, "should we stop and get some bubbles or something?" I asked as Colby chuckled, "great idea. To the store we goooo!" He yelled as Mia squealed in the back.

We went to the nearest store and walked through the aisles looking for some toys Mia could play with outside.

"How about bubbles Mia?" I asked and held the bottle of bubbles up to her, she looked at them quizzically as Colby bounced her on his hip, "they're fun, you'll love them." He said and looked at the rest of the toys.

We decided on a bouncy ball, some chalk, and the bubbles then we swung around and got some snacks to have a little picnic.

The feeling of dread finally left my mind as excitement took its place.

"We should have brought your banana bread." Colby said with a laugh as we got back in the car, "no, that's an at home treat, Cheetos are a better picnic snack anyways." I said as he took my hand again, rubbing his thumb along my wedding ring.

"I'm happy you married me." He said quietly as we drove, "why wouldn't I marry you. You're the best." I said with a laugh, "I honestly was afraid you would say no." He said as I laughed, "it was never even a thought in my mind. I was always going to say yes." I said and squeezed his hand as he smiled.

We got to the park and found a little spot to set up under a tree. "Mama!" Mia yelled and crawled into my lap. "Hi sweet girl." I whispered and wrapped my arms around her.

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