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Everyone went home eventually which left just Colby, Mia, my dad, and I.

It felt weird.

"It's too quiet...I don't like it." I said as we sat on the couch. "Yeah, I'm not really liking it either..but we'll adjust." Colby said as I bounced Mia up and down on my lap. I paused for a minute and looked at him, "is it too late to move back?" I asked and bit my lip. "Yeah, it is." He said with a laugh and wrapped his arm around me.

"Come on guys! This is fun! You guys could walk around naked if you wanted to! Please god wait until I'm gone before you do that though." He said as I rested my head on Colby's shoulder. "Don't worry, dad. We won't be doing that." I said as Colby chuckled, "while you're here." He added causing me to smack his arm. "Stop it, Brock." I said as Mia started fussing.

"Are you sleepy little one?" I asked as she looked at me, while rubbing her eyes. "Let's go to bed then." I said and started getting up, "let me take her, you spend time with your dad." Colby said and smiled at me. "Oh okay. Goodnight sweet girl, I love you so much." I said and kissed her cheek as she smiled, "mama." She said and reached her hand up to touch my cheek. "Yes baby, mama." I said and grabbed her hand, before pressing my lips onto it.

Colby took her from me as my dad waved to her, "goodnight Mia! Papa loves you!" He said as she giggled a little, "papa!" She said and bounced in Colby's arms which made him laugh, "alright dancing bean, it's time for bed." He said then went off to Mia's room.

I sighed and looked at my dad as he smiled at me, "you seem to be doing better." He said as I took a deep breath.

"I'm really trying..it's just hard." I whispered as I started messing with my wedding ring. "I know. Trust me sweetheart, I know." He said as I shook my head,

"I don't think you do...I don't even think Colby knows how this feels.." I said and closed my eyes, trying to keep my composure. "You're right. I don't. I just wish there was a way to help you." He said as I shook my head.

"There's nothing anyone can do. Every morning I wake up and force a smile on my face so I can try and forget that I'm a failure. That I couldn't even do the one thing I was built to do." I said and took a deep breath. "It's all my fault, dad. If I just didn't stress so much this wouldn't have happened." I said as my heart shattered in my chest, reliving that night in my head.

"Don't say that, Cora! These things happen more often than you think, it's never anyone's fault though! It's happened to Michelle a couple times." He said as I cringed, thinking about having to go through this pain multiple times. "Really?" I asked as he nodded slowly, "yeah, she told me to tell you that you can call her anytime to talk about it with her." He said then sighed.

"I was going to give you her number right when you told me, but I didn't want to force you to talk about it. I think it would be good for you though to talk to her." He said as I nodded, "maybe...if she's okay to talk about it. I don't want to reopen any wounds." I said and bit my lip, "no sweetheart she doesn't mind. She hates that you're going through this because she knows firsthand how it feels. I know your situation is a little unique, but she still knows how it feels." He said as I nodded.

"Okay, maybe tomorrow or something. It's late." I said and pulled my sleeves over my hands. "Sounds good, now come here." He said and opened his arms as I chuckled and walked over to snuggle into him. "I really missed you squirt." He said as I breathed out a sigh, "I missed you too, daddy. Maybe you should move out here." I suggested as he chuckled.

"I'd love to, but you know I can't do that." He said as I leaned away to look at his face, "why not? I mean I know your job is there but we can find you something like that out here." I said as he sighed, "I can't leave Michelle like that. I love her too much for that." He said as I nodded, "Would she move out here too?" I asked biting my lip with a hopeful expression.

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