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Kinda trigger warning here:

I could physically feel my wedding band burning my finger as Charlie kissed my neck. I felt disgusting, knowing that only Colby's lips should be kissing me.

My head was spinning.

I couldn't sleep with him. I couldn't sleep with either of them. I couldn't get the guy's show cancelled though. I had to be smart about this.

"N-no." I said as my heart raced in my chest. "So you want to cancel the show? You want that for them?" He said and grabbed my ass causing me to gasp, but not in a good way.

"S-stop." I said as Bill put his camera down so he could come over, too. I noticed he was filming this making it even more disgusting.

"I can't hear her. Can you Bill?" Charlie asked as he brushed my hair out of the way. "Nope. Can't hear her." Bill said and grabbed my hand, so he could lead me to the bed.

I had to get out of here.

"Wait." I said as they pushed me to sit down. "What?" He asked with an annoyed tone, "let me get this straight. You'll make sure the boy's show does well if I sleep with you?" I asked as he groaned, "yes. It's not hard to understand." He said as he undid his belt.

"And if I don't want to, you'll cancel the show completely?" I asked as he stepped towards me in just his boxers. "Yes. If you don't, then it's over for them. Now come on, I don't have all day." He said lowly before he lowered himself down to start kissing me again.

"In that case..." I said and reached for my shirt so that I could pull it off, as he watched me I made sure he stayed distracted.

I looked over at Bill who was just watching us causing me to shiver at how absolutely creepy and disgusting this was. "You're going to do it?" Charlie said with a husky voice as I chuckled,

"Oh I'm gonna do something." I said with a smirk as I kneed him in the balls as hard as I could before bolting to the door and scrambling to undo the lock,

"Don't let her leave!" Charlie groaned out as Bill raced towards me. I looked around and grabbed the closest thing I could find which happened to be a camera that was on the desk next to the door and threw it at Bill's head so I could get away.

They both were groaning in pain as I flung the door open, with my shirt in my hand and the recording device still going in my pocket.

As I ran down the hall I checked behind me to make sure they weren't following. When I got to the door I pounded on it frantically, looking behind me to make sure they weren't coming.

As soon as Colby opened the door I pushed him out of the way and slammed the door closed, latching the lock with my shaky hands.

"Cora! What happened?!" Colby asked as I rested my forehead on the door and let the tears flow freely as the adrenaline wore off.

"Why aren't you wearing a shirt? Did he...." Colby said as his voice trailed off. I just held my hand up to his lips and pulled the recorder out of my pocket before I walked to the main part of the bedroom.

Jake, Sam, and Corey sat up as I wiped my cheeks of the tears and sat on the bed fumbling with the recorder, trying to find the play button.

Jake gently took it and pressed the button for me as I looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with any of them.

I slowly put my shirt back on as the guys listened intently to the recording. I could almost feel the rage boiling in each of them the longer the recording continued.


"I can't hear her Bill, can you?"

"Nope. Can't hear her."

Colby sucked in a breath as his eyes filled with hatred and rage. His jaw was clenched as his fists were balled up so tight that his knuckles were white.

"let me get this straight. You'll make sure the boy's show does well if I sleep with you?"

"yes. It's not hard to understand."

"And if I don't want to, you'll cancel the show completely?"

"Yes. If you don't, then it's over for them. Now come on, I don't have all day."

Everything happened so fast after they heard that.

Colby bolted out of the room aggressively as Sam, Jake, and Corey followed closely behind with almost the same amount of force.

I sat on the bed, frozen.

I couldn't comprehend what was going on or what was about to happen but I was honestly scared. I had never seen them so mad.

As soon as I processed what had just happened I bolted up and ran out into the hallway. I heard loud bangs as I turned the corner. "I'm going to FUCKING KILL YOU!" Colby screamed as he kicked at Charlie and Bill's door, making the wood bend.

Corey and Jake were helping him kick the door as Sam looked around frantically, as if he was looking for another way into the room.

I must have looked terrified because when Sam's eyes met mine he rushed over to take me into his arms.

"None of this is your fault. None of it." He said and smoothed my hair down. I could hear the wood cracking on Charlie and Bill's door as I covered my ears and hid my face in Sam's chest. "Shhhhh it's okay." He soothed as the door cracked off of the hinges.

"I'LL CALL SECURITY!" Charlie screamed as I finally looked over to see what was happening. Colby was holding Charlie up to the wall by his neck as Jake and Corey started beating the shit out of Bill. I couldn't help the small squeak of fear that came out of my mouth from seeing them like this.

"DON'T TOUCH MY WIFE! EVER." Colby yelled then pulled his fist back to punch Charlie in the nose, breaking it even more.

Sam tightened his grip on me as I trembled, watching the love of my life beat the shit out of the guy who just tried to blackmail and essentially rape me.

"H-help him...." I whispered as Sam smoothed my hair down more, "he doesn't need it..he's got this." Sam mumbled and turned his body to shield me from the violence.

All I heard was slapping of skin and grunts of anger as security came up not even a minute later. "Woah woah! Hey! Break it up!" The muscular man yelled as he pulled Colby off of Charlie's limp body.

Did he kill him?

I let out a loud sob as I turned my face into Sam's chest again, feeling the fear radiating from my body. He couldn't have killed him....he just knocked him out..he had to have just knocked him out right?

"He's not dead, Cor. He's already moving, it's okay." Sam cooed and rubbed my back. "He's gonna go to jail again Sam.....I can't lose him!" I sobbed into his chest as the security guards tried to calm the guys down.

"No, we aren't gonna let that happen Cor. You're not gonna lose him." He soothed as Corey came over, "he's gonna get arrested!" I screamed and cried as my legs gave out.

Sam caught me and lowered me to the ground as Corey rubbed my back, "they won't arrest him for this, maybe charge him but won't arrest him. They just let me and Jake go without question. It's gonna be okay." Corey said as he rubbed my back.

When I finally lifted my head up I looked over at Colby to see him watching me with scared eyes as he tried to catch his breath. I desperately wanted him to come over and hold me, but the security guard was still talking to him and Jake.

He couldn't get arrested again because of me. He couldn't get in trouble for this. We needed to go home to Mia. She needed him.

I needed him.

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