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Today was my first day recording in the studio. I had been practicing like crazy, but my nerves were still through the roof.

I had come in a couple times in the past week to write some songs but today was the first real test if I was going to be good enough. I was terrified.

"You're going to come by for lunch with Mia right?" I asked Colby on the phone as I walked towards the building. "Of course, we'll be there around one. Are you excited?" He asked as I grabbed my badge so I could get into the building, "yeah, I'm really nervous though." I said quietly, leaning against the wall next to the door.

"I know, but you're going to be amazing honey, I'm so proud of you." He said as I brought my hand to my locket, rubbing it gently with my thumb. "Thank you, I love you.." I said with a sigh, "I should probably get in there though.." I said quietly as he breathed out a laugh, "I guess so, I love you too. Good luck. We're rooting for you here at home." He said as I smiled, "that's all I could ask for, alright I'll see you at one." I said then hung up.

"I can do this." I whispered to myself then opened the door and went into the studio. "Cora! In here!" Bryan called out from one of the booths. I took a deep breath then made my way back there.

"There's the woman of the hour. Are you excited?" Bryan said and gave me a hug, "yeah! A little nervous but excited!" I said and shook out my hands after putting my stuff down.

"Once you get in there I think the nerves will melt away. Got your uke?" He asked as I nodded and picked it up.

"Perfect! This is Chris, he's the sound technician." Bryan said as he opened the door for the booth, "nice to meet you." I said and waved as he smiled warmly at me.

When I walked in I picked up the headphones that were hanging on the music stand in front of me. There was an iPad on the stand that had my lyrics and chords on it. I didn't really need them but I was happy they were there just in case.

"Okay can you hear me?" Chris said as his voice came through the speakers in the booth, "yep!" I said and gave a thumbs up. "Perfect! So I think we should record the uke parts first, that way we can record over it with your voice. Sound good?" He asked as I nodded and brought the ukulele to my lap, "whenever you're ready." He said and a red light turned on in the booth showing me they were recording.

I started to strum but my hands were shaking so bad I messed up a couple seconds in, "I'm sorry." I mumbled as Bryan smiled at me sympathetically, "don't worry about it. Go ahead and try again." He encouraged as I nodded.

I took a deep breath and started strumming again, concentrating on the words of the song in my head so I wouldn't get lost and mess up. I let out a sigh of relief when I got through the song without messing up, "that was good. Let's do it a couple more times, just to make sure." Chris said causing me to nod.

I waited for the red light to turn on then started to play again. I let my mind go numb this time, just letting my hands do the work. When I finished Chris nodded, "that was good, one more take then I think we will have it." He said then started recording again.

We ended up recording it a few more times after that but they were both finally satisfied with it, "great! Okay let's do some vocals now." Bryan said as I nodded.

The red light turned on and the recording of the chords started playing in my headphones. I closed my eyes and started to sing, trying to make it sound as good as I possibly could, but was stopped after a few seconds,

"Cora. It's beautiful but you need to relax. You sound stressed out." Bryan said as I nodded, "I'm sorry..I'll be better." I said and wiped my hands on my pants, feeling the nerves pick up.

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