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I eventually did fall asleep again because I was so exhausted. When I woke up I felt like I could have slept for another 3 days but Mia was crying and I honestly needed a snuggle from her.

"Hey sweet girl." I whispered and picked her up, "mama!" She cooed happily as if she was surprised it was me. My heart broke in my chest,

"I know, mommy's been the worst..I'm here now though." I said and held her close as she hugged me. "Miss you." She said which ripped a hole in my chest. "I missed you too baby." I whispered and held her in my arms tightly.

"Let's spend the whole day together. What do you say?" I asked and bounced her on my hip excitedly, "YAY!" She yelled and nuzzled her face in my chest.

"Let's start with breakfast. We should make daddy something yummy." I said and laid her down so I could get her changed and ready for the day. "Food pease!" She yelled and kicked her legs out happily,

"what do we think? Waffles or French toast?" I asked and tickled her belly as she giggled, "waffa!" She yelled happily as I pulled her shirt on, "okay, waffles it is." I said then picked her up again and brought her out to the kitchen.

"I think we need a snack before we start cooking though." I said and grabbed a banana, "NANA!" She yelled as I shushed her, "shh we don't want to wake daddy." I said with a laugh as she brought her hand to her mouth. "Dada." She whispered as I giggled and cut half the banana up for her, "okay you snack, I'll cook." I said with a nod and started pull out ingredients.

I put on some music and turned it up just loud enough to where we could hear it but Colby wouldn't wake up from it. It was times like this where I was grateful for him being a heavy sleeper.

I danced and sang around the kitchen as Mia watched me with a big smile on her face. I regretted everything I did the past week because this was the happiest I have been. I wasn't worried about anything but making breakfast with the cutest little girl in the world.

I didn't care that I had so much to do or that I should be practicing. I didn't care about any of it, and I was happy.

Maybe my dreams had changed, and this was actually what I was supposed to be doing with my life.

"Good morning my beautiful girls." Colby said groggily as I put the last waffle on the plate, "we made breakfast!" I said and held up the waffles, "you're in a good mood." He said with a chuckle and kissed my cheek.

"I feel very alive right now. Best I've felt all week." I said and scrunched my nose at him. "That's good. We missed having you around. Did you call Bryan to tell him you're not coming in?" He asked as I shook my head, "no I should though, he might already be there." I said with a sigh and reached for my phone to call him.

"Just be honest with him, babe. I'm sure he will understand." Colby said as I dialed the number. "Yeah, I just don't want to come off as hard to work with." I said and took a deep breath and looked up at him, "you won't. You're just taking care of yourself. You can't make an album if you're dead." He said as I nodded, feeling my heart ache a little bit.

I shook my head and called the number as Colby got us plates, "hey Cora!" Bryan answered as I took a deep breath, "hey, I just wanted you to know I'm not coming into the studio today." I said and bit my lip as I looked at Colby. He smiled and nodded at me, giving me some encouragement,

"Is everything okay?" Bryan asked as I nodded, "yeah, I just need a day with my family, I haven't been able to spend much time with them..." I said and walked up to Mia, putting my hand on her head, twisting her curls through my fingers.

"That's totally fine! You're gonna be in tomorrow though right? Chris mixed your song and it's amazing! We wanted to show you today." Bryan said as I smiled, "yeah I'll be in tomorrow, I'm excited to hear it." I said as he chuckled, "okay I'll see you tomorrow then." He said as I nodded, "thank you, I'll see you." I said then hung up.

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