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"I scheduled an appointment with Claire for tomorrow." Colby said as I got in the bath with Mia. "Okay, I cant believe this is real." I said and splashed with Mia. "Yeah, I guess the world just needed more Brock babies." Colby said with a shrug, "should we maybe tell our parents at least? I'm stressed out..I know we aren't supposed to really tell people before a certain point but I hate lying." I said with a sigh.

"You're not lying, Cor. You're just not sharing something with everyone. It's okay for just us to know. If you want to tell someone to get it off your chest go ahead and tell Mia." He said and gestured to the cute little baby I was holding.

"Okay...hey Mia, guess what?" I asked and brushed her curly hair from her forehead, "you're getting a little brother or sister." I whispered and pinched her cheek. "Bah-bah!!!" She said and bounced with a giggle. "Yeah! Brother! Or sister, we don't really know yet." I said and smiled up at Colby who looked at us with so much love, "feel better?" He asked and brought his hand to the back of my head and laced his fingers through my hair so he could massage my scalp.

"yeah..don't stop doing that." I moaned and leaned into his hand as he chuckled, "yes ma'am." He said and continued massaging my scalp as Mia splashed in front of me.

When we finished Mia's bath, Colby wrapped her up in a towel and took her to the nursery. I got dressed and headed downstairs, I was so hungry I felt like I was going to die.

"What are you looking for?" Sam asked as I rummaged through the cabinets, "food." I said with a shrug, "and none of this food is good enough?" He asked with a laugh and gestured to all of the things I had pulled down already, "none of it sounds good, I don't know...I'm starving though." I said with a sigh and opened the fridge. "How about you postmates something?" He suggested and helped me put the food back into the cabinets.

"Oooo maybe a milkshake and like a burger or something." I said and licked my lips, "yeah, that sounds good." I decided and nodded, "you want anything?" I asked and grabbed my phone, "maybe some fries." He said as I started ordering my food.

"What are you two up to?" Colby asked as he came in the room with Mia, "ordering food, you want some?" I asked and smiled at him widely. "Where from?" He asked and set Mia on the ground for her to play. "In N Out." I said and scrolled the menu. "Yeah I'll get something." He said as I finished ordering mine and Sam's stuff, "all yours, Brock." I said and slid the phone to him.

We eventually went out into the living room and turned a movie on as Colby played with Mia on the floor. I was so tired I was falling asleep before the food even got here.

"Cor!" Kat yelled and shook my arm, "huh? Sorry." I said and sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Your food is here, thanks for including me BY THE WAY." She said with a laugh. "Sorry, you can have half of mine if you want. I won't eat it." I said and grabbed the bag from Colby, "that's why you're my best friend." She said and took the bag from me so she could go split everything up.

"I'm gonna bring Mia up to bed." Colby said and brought her over so I could kiss her goodnight, "goodnight sweet girl, I love you always." I said and kissed her cheek before letting Colby take her again,

"so are you going to tell me?" Kat asked as soon as Colby left the room. "Tell you what?" I asked and yawned, "you know what I'm talking about." She said as I laughed, "I really don't." I said and rubbed my eyes, "hm okay." She said and dropped the subject.

After a couple minutes I stood up and stretched out, "I'm tired, I think I'm gonna go to bed." I said and yawned.

"Okayyy! Goodnight!" Kat chirped and hugged me, "night, Cor." Sam said as I waved and went to go upstairs.

When I made it to the bedroom I flopped onto the bed, "you tired?" Colby asked and came into the room. "Mhm." I said and put my hands over my eyes. "I think Kat knows." I mumbled and sat up, "what do you mean?" He asked and sat down next to me.

"I think she just knows. I don't know how she does but she does." I groaned as he pulled me into his chest, "did you tell her?" He asked causing me to shake my head, "no, I just told her I didn't know what she was talking about. I want to....keep it a....secret." I said quietly as I started to drift off to sleep.

"Goodnight, baby girl." Colby said just before I fully dozed off.

When I woke up I felt super sick, which wasn't a surprise I guess since I was sick for the first few months with Mia. I sat up to see Colby wasn't in the room, which meant he must have been downstairs.

I got up and bolted to the bathroom so I could throw up. Once I was done I collapsed onto the cold floor, shivering.

"Oh no...morning sickness?" Colby asked quietly as I just nodded, "didn't miss that." I said and reached for his hand so he could help me up. "Yeah, I'm not looking forward to the part where you like pickles." He said and cringed which made me laugh, "dude, shut up." I said then left the room so I could get changed.

"We have to be there in an hour, so I'm gonna get Mia ready so we won't be late," Colby said as I got dressed, "good job being proactive! Proud of you." I said and smiled at him as he rolled his eyes playfully.
"Just get ready." He said and pointed to me, "yes, sir." I said then sat down to do my makeup.

We actually made it to the appointment early which a miracle for Colby and I. "Cora!!!" Claire yelled and opened her arms for me to hug her, "Claire!!! We ready to do this again?" I asked with a laugh as she rubbed my back, "so ready!! Look at Mia! She's grown so much since I've seen her." She said as Colby pulled her out of her carrier to say hi, "hi sweetheart!" Claire cooed as Mia looked at her with suspicion.

"Mia, she's the person who physically brought you into the world now be nice." I said with a laugh and rubbed her cheek with my finger. She eventually smiled up at Claire as she took Mia's hand. "There we go, now we are best friends." Claire said as Colby bounced Mia in his hip.

"Anyways, how you feeling with baby number two on the way?" Claire asked as she turned to me, "scared shitless, maybe even more than with Mia." I said and reached for Colby's hand as she set me up for the ultrasound, "what? You're a rockstar! This is gonna be a cakewalk." Claire said and put the cold gel on my belly,

"I just don't understand. We use two types of protection...how in the hell do we keep getting pregnant?" I asked with a sigh, "sometimes it just happens that way, I like to think it means that you two are just meant to be together." She said as Colby squeezed my hand.

"Maybe you're right." I said with a sigh as she brought the ultrasound wand up to my belly. "Okay, oh! That's a little bean. You're maybe four weeks along. Everything looks good as of now, but we have to make it to the second trimester, that's when the fun part is." She said and pointed to the screen where the baby was. "I love that blob." I said with a smile as I squeezed Colby's hand, "remember when this little girl was a blob?" He asked and bounced Mia. "Yeah, I do." I said and smiled up at her.

"Your doctor set you up with the same prenatal vitamins as last time so that's good, I'm gonna tell you though, I'm a little concerned about your postpartum. I don't want anything to trigger it so we just have to keep a watchful eye on it. Sound good?" Claire asked as she wiped me up, "sounds good." I said and nodded.

"Alright, first appointment down! Let's have another baby!" Claire said and gave me a high five causing me to giggle.

"Let's do it."

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