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"So dad, what's your Halloween costume?" I asked my dad as we ate our food. "I'm not telling." He said and shook his head as Mia slapped her hands on the table. "Ughh the anticipation is killing me though." I said and pouted my lip as he chuckled, "not gonna work, squirt." He said and shook his head.

"It better be good." I grumbled and crossed my arms as Vinny came over, "how's my favorite family doing?" He asked as Mia whipped her head in his direction, "FOOD." She said as Colby wiped her mouth with a napkin, "he has a name, Mia." Colby said with a laugh as she looked at him again.

"It's alright, she's so cute she can just call me food." He said as I giggled, "can I call you food?" I asked as he nodded, "yes, you can but only because I remember when you were as small as her." He said and pinched my cheek as my dad laughed.

We finished our meals and were eventually on the way home after arguing about who was going to pay. Colby and I eventually won, which was surprising because my dad was really putting up a fight.

Mia was out cold about halfway through the drive home, so as soon as we got home Colby took her to bed.

"How are you feeling, Cor?" Dad asked as we settled in on the couch. "I'm okay..happy." I said with a smile as I pulled my legs to my chest. "That's good, I like seeing you happy." He said as I sighed.

"I just wish you were happier." I said quietly, "I am happy, squirt." He said as I sighed, "no..you're lonely. I can tell." I said and shook my head. "Maybe a little bit, but it's not a big deal." He said as I scoffed.

"It is a big deal dad! I don't want you to end up like me!" I said feeling tears prick my eyes. "What do you mean?" He asked as Colby came in and sat next to me. "I don't want you to be depressed. I want you to be happy." I said and brought my hands to my eyes, catching the fallen tears.

"I'm not depressed sweetie, where is this coming from?" Dad asked as Colby wrapped his arm around me. "It's my fault you're lonely...I just want to help you." I said and sniffled as dad let out a breath.

"Stop doing that, Cor." Dad said as Colby rubbed my arm gently. "I can't help it...I just feel so bad." I said and tried to stop the tears from falling. "Don't honey..I'm seriously fine." He said as I sighed, not really believing him. "Okay." I sniffled and leaned my head on Colby's shoulder.

"So dad, have you heard any of Cora's music yet?" Colby asked, changing the subject. "No, she wouldn't let me listen to any of it." Dad said coyly and smirked at me.

"Nobody but Mia has heard it and it's going to stay that way until Sunday." I said and scrunched my nose at them. "Fiiiine." Dad said with a laugh as Colby turned the tv on.

We watched tv for a little while before my dad decided he needed to go to bed, "goodnight Dad, I love you." I said and stood up to give him a hug, "goodnight squirt. Love you, too." He said then hugged Colby before going off to bed.

As soon as he was out of the room I sighed and looked at Colby. "What's up, love?" He asked and turned the volume down on the tv.

"What if I moved back to North Carolina." I whispered as his face dropped a little. "You know we can't do that." He said quietly as he brushed my hair behind my ear. "I know we couldn't because your work is here but...what if I just went.." I whispered as he shook his head, "you can't because I'm not letting you leave Mia and you're not taking her with you." He said with a harder tone.

"I have to do something...I know he says he's fine but I can tell something isn't fine Colby...there's something he's not telling me." I said and picked at my nails. "Well then try to actually talk to him....moving across the country and leaving your family behind isn't an option." He said and shook his head as I sighed.

"You're right...I'm sorry...I'll talk to him tomorrow..what are we doing anyways?" I asked as he shrugged, "I have a busy day tomorrow getting stuff ready for your party but I think you and your dad should hang out with Mia. Maybe take her to the park or something?" He asked as I squinted at him.

"Are you trying to get me out of the house, Brock?" I asked as he shrugged, "maaayyybeeee." He said then kissed my cheek. "Come on, we should probably go to bed, it's late." He said as I nodded, "okay, yeah." I said and stood up.

As soon as we were both ready for bed I turned to Colby, "I'm sorry for acting so weird today. I don't know what's up with me." I said and shook my hands out, "you're nervous about the album, it's okay." He said with a small smile then climbed into bed. "Yeah I guess I am a little nervous about it...the anticipation is killing me I think." I said with a laugh as I got into the bed next to him.

"You only have to get through tomorrow and Sunday, then you'll feel better, I promise." He said as pulled me close. "You're right...It's not that long..I can do it." I said and nuzzled into his chest as he chuckled.

"Please promise me you won't unwravel and spontaneously move across the country without telling me." He said as I laughed, "that's very in my character but I promise I won't do that to you and Mia." I said as he kissed my head, "good, now get some sleep beautiful girl." He said as I nodded, "goodnight, I love you." I said as he tightened his arms around me. "I love you too, Goodnight." He said and kissed my head again.

I was in North Carolina again, in my childhood house. "Dad? Colby?" I called out and started to walk around. It was raining outside giving me a sense of comfort, but also dread.

What was going on?

"Is anyone here?!" I called out and went downstairs, not hearing anyone or anything. "You did this." Michelle's voice sounded from the living room. "You did this to him." She said as I started walking towards her.

"what did I do?" I asked as she whipped around to face me. "YOU DID THIS TO HIM. YOU SELFISH GIRL!" She yelled and held up the piece of paper that was in her hand. "What is that?" I asked and reached for it only for her to snatch it from my reach.

"No. You don't deserve to read it." She said as the weird feeling in my gut hit me like a ton of bricks.

Something was wrong with my dad.

"Let me read it!" I yelled and reached for the letter again, only for her to drop it in front of me. The page was blank. What did that mean?

Just then the urge to go to McMillan spiked inside of me. Maybe he was there.

I got in the car and drove to the mountain, as the rain poured down.

There were no cars in the parking lot, which meant he probably wasn't here but my gut instinct was to go to the top.

"Cora, don't do it." Colby's voice sounded around me as I walked down the path. "I think my dad is in trouble." I said and picked up the pace. "Please come back to be baby girl." Colby's voice echoed through my head as I sprinted. "I'm right here, I'm just checking on him!" I yelled.

When I got to the top I was expecting to see my dad there but instead I saw myself standing at the edge of the cliff with one foot over the edge.

I opened my mouth to stop myself but I couldn't get the words out as I watched myself take the step, falling out of sight.

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