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"HOLY SHIT. This place is so fuckin nice!" Jake said as we all went into Colby and I's new, but mostly empty house.

"Jake, can you not swear around my very impressionable daughter who is just learning how to talk?" Colby asked as Mia stared at Jake, "oh shit my bad." He said as Mia giggled, "shit." She said causing me to smack my forehead, "way to go Jake." I said as Sam smacked him in the back of the head.

"Go ahead and explore I guess." I said and gestured to the empty rooms.

Colby and I were officially moving tomorrow, which was both exciting but scary. My dad was flying in tonight to help us out with the move and to help us out with our healing process.

I couldn't wait to see him.

I was trying to move forward with life since I hit rock bottom, but some days were still so hard. I knew my dad being here would help a lot but I just hated being such a burden.

"This place is so cute, I'm so happy for you guys!" Kat said as they all dispersed through the house, "thank you." I said as Colby wrapped his arm around my shoulders,

"shit." Mia said causing me to let out a breath, "Jake is so dead." I mumbled but pinched Mia's cheek, "let's redirect. Do you want to see your room?" I asked and smiled widely at her, "let's go see your room!" Colby said and bounced her on his hip,
Before jogging down the hallway causing her to laugh loudly. I couldn't help but smile at how cute they were.

I loved those two so much it made my heart burst.

"We are going to put all of your stuffed animals over here, and then your bed will go over here, and your dresser over here! Are you excited?" Colby asked as she giggled, "shit!!" She said as I groaned. I honestly thought it was funny but at the same time I wanted to put my sassy pants on. It's been a while.

"JAKE." I yelled and stormed out of the room, "oh god." I heard him say as Tara laughed, "he's up here!!" She yelled from the movie room upstairs. I stormed up to where he was and poked his chest, "you." I said and scowled at him as he held his hands up in surrender, "unteach it to her." I said as he laughed, "I don't think that's possible, Cor." He said with a nervous laugh.

"I don't think that's possible, Cor." I mocked as Tara stifled a laugh, "Figure it out!" I said then walked away. "She's so scary." I heard him whisper to Tara as she burst into laughter.

"Damn Cor, welcome back." Corey said with a laugh as I flashed a grin at him. "What did you do?" Colby asked with a laugh as I met him at the bottom of the stairs, "just yelled at Jake, I was mostly kidding but it's fun to watch him squirm." I said then looked at Mia, "Mia can you say Jake's dumb?" I asked as Colby laughed, "Jake dumb." She said as I nodded, "yes, he is." I said and scrunched my nose at her.

I was really feeling great today.

It almost felt like this house was going to be a clean slate for us. No bad memories, no heartbreak within these walls. Just our little family, finally having our own space.

I intended to keep it that way.

Everyone explored the house a little bit before we went back to our current house. Colby and I had to leave in a couple hours to pick my dad up from the airport but I was going to spend that time packing up more stuff.

Colby put Mia down for a nap then came into the bedroom where I was sorting through clothes to pack up.

"How are you feeling, Cor?" He asked and sat across from me, helping me sort through the clothes. "I feel fine. I'm excited to see my dad." I said with a small smile as he grinned at me. "I love seeing you happy." He said quietly, almost as if he was talking to himself,

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