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When we got to the beach Colby laid out the blanket he brought from the house as I let Mia run around in the sand. "Mama, swim!" She yelled and pointed towards the ocean, "not yet honey, we have to eat." I said and looked over at Colby who was strategically setting up the food.

I thought it was adorable how he wanted everything to be so special. He was always so willing to do anything to make us smile. I loved him so much for it.

"Okay, are you ready?" Colby asked and smiled up at me as he finished setting up the food in the most aesthetically pleasing way."I'm ready, are you ready guppy?" I asked and scooped Mia up in my arms.

"Okay, let me give you a little tour, so over here we have our salads and chicken wraps. Then over here we have the bananas and pineapple.." he said and gestured to the food as he spoke, "NANA!" Mia yelled happily as Colby chuckled,

"then we have our chips and dip over here, and to your left we have the wine for us and juice for Mia. Then last but certainly not least...the Oreos." He said then grinned at me, "very nice, babe. I think you're forgetting something though.." I said as his smile fell, "where are the pickles, Colby?" I asked and crossed my arms after setting Mia down on the blanket, "in the ocean." Colby grumbled as I rolled my eyes.

"Are you serious?" I asked as he shook his head, "no. They're in the bag all the way over there, where they belong." He said and sat down next to Mia. "Colby I swear you act more like a child than Mia does sometimes." I said and went over to the bag to grab them.

"I do not." He said and crossed his arms and pouted like a child, "case in point. Mia, are you ready to try some pickles?" I asked and sat next to Colby as he pulled Mia into his lap.

Mia squealed as I pulled one out, "these things really are gross." I said after getting a whiff of the vinegary scent. "See?! And you want her to try them so she can possibly like them?" Colby asked as I brought it to her mouth. "Just because we don't like something doesn't mean she's not allowed to like it." I said as she took a bite of the pickle.

Colby and I watched her cautiously as she chewed it, her face scrunched up as the taste hit her tongue, "do you like it?" I asked as she opened her mouth again, "I think she likes them.." Colby said and grimaced a little,

"No...I think she's cautious of them, this could go either way." I said as she took another bite. She ended up swallowing it but not opening her mouth for more, instead she turned towards the bananas, "nana." She said as Colby sighed with relief, "okay yeah, let's eat some nanas." He said and reached for one.

As we ate I looked out into the ocean as the sun set right in front of us. I couldn't help the small smile that formed on my face as I looked over at Colby. I thought he was watching the sunset with me but instead he was staring at me, "what?" I asked quietly as he grinned, "you're just really beautiful." He said quietly as he held Mia in his lap.

She was absentmindedly chewing on a piece of pineapple as she looked out at the water. "You're so mushy." I said quietly but rested my head on his shoulder. "Only mushy for you." He said as I chuckled.

"Never stop. Please be mushy for me until we are old as dirt." I said and leaned up again to look at him, "I'll always be mushy for you, even when we are old as dirt." He said with a laugh as I held my pinky out to him, "promise?" I asked as he grinned, "promise." He said then linked his pinky through mine.

I smiled then stood up, "come on then, let's go swimming." I said then pulled my shirt off as Mia squealed, "SWIMMMMMM" she yelled as Colby stood up with her in his arms, "yes! Swim!" I exclaimed and looked up at the orange and pink sky. In the distance there were huge black clouds slowly rolling in, which meant a storm was probably coming,

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