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I could feel the nerves boiling over as we walked inside hand in hand. Mia rested her head on Colby's shoulder, being as cute as ever.

"Cora! Welcome!" A tall man with striking white hair and big glasses said as we walked in, "Bryan?" I asked as he reached his hand out for me to shake, "in the flesh!" He said then looked at Colby and Mia, "you must be this lovely ladies husband and this must be her daughter." He said and gestured to Mia, "That's me! I'm Colby, and this is Mia." He said and shook his hand.

Mia was looking at Bryan cautiously as he waved at her, "it's nice to meet you, and hi Mia." He said as she hid her face in Colby's shoulder shyly. "It's okay she will warm up to you." I said as Colby pulled his hand away from mine so he could rub Mia's back.

"Alright, let's get started then! Follow me." Bryan said then led us through the hallways. There were platinum records lined up along the walls, and sound booths around every corner. It was honestly really exciting to be somewhere so professional.

When I moved here I would rent studio space without having a record label, just to use their equipment but this was the real deal. I couldn't believe I was here.

Bryan led us back to his office and closed the door. "So this is the boring part for sure, but it's also the most important part." He said as we sat down at the desk and pulled out the contract. "I want to read every word of it." I said as he nodded, "absolutely, you can read it then we will discuss some stuff." He said and handed it to me so I could read it over.

I held it in between Colby and I so we could both read it at the same time, "now when it says this is a 4 album contract is there any way to end that early? I know she's feeling a little anxious about diving into it and not having time for Mia." Colby said as Bryan shook his head,

"no, there's no way to end it early but if you're scared of that we can sign you for a two album contract and always sign another one later. I can't do anything less than that though." Bryan explained as I nodded,

"I think I would feel more comfortable with that..my daughter comes first and I just want to make sure she's taken care of." I said as he nodded, "totally understandable." He said and typed something into his computer.

The rest of the contract was pretty self explanatory and seemed safe. Colby was still examining it fully while I bounced Mia on my lap, "are you getting excited?" Bryan asked as I smiled, "yeah, I'm pretty nervous though, I won't lie." I said as he nodded, "people usually are, but you have something special. I have a feeling you have a lot of stories you need to tell." He said as I smiled softly.

"You could say that." I said and kissed Mia's head.

Once Colby was satisfied with the contract I started the signing process, flipping through the pages and signing on each of the dotted lines.

When I was finished with the last one I looked up at Bryan who was smiling widely, "congratulations, you're signed." He said while giving me jazz hands.

"Thank you for this opportunity...I seriously can't believe this is real." I said and felt Colby take my hand, "you're going to be amazing, baby girl." He said and leaned over to kiss me.

"Did you want a tour of the studio real quick while you're here? That way we can discuss a timeline from now to the release of your first album." Bryan said as we all stood up, "that sounds perfect." I said as I heard Mia fuss,

"I'm gonna take her outside to give her some fresh air, will you be okay?" Colby asked as I nodded, "yeah, I'll be okay." I said and brushed Mia's cheek with my thumb, trying to soothe her a little bit. "Okay, I'll be back in a few." Colby said and kissed my cheek before walking down the hallway.

"So over here are the song writing rooms, we have a few different vibes, to stimulate creativity. I know you have written a few songs before but we want to bring in some professional song writers to solidify your work." Bryan said as I peered into one of the song writing rooms.

There were giant beanbags with a waterfall wall and different instruments spewed around the room. It was so calming, my hands itched to grab the ukulele that was sitting on one of the beanbags.

"Then over here we have our sound booths, they are where the magic happens, we have trained sound technicians that will come and mix the tracks for you. I want to start recording next week, so maybe prepare that love song you sang last night so we can record it?" He suggested as I walked to the sound board, admiring all of the buttons and switches.

"Yeah, I can have it ready." I said with a smile, feeling the happiness in my chest.

I was really doing this.

We took a tour of the rest of the studio then ended up back at the front lobby, "do you have any questions for me?" He asked as I shook my head, "I don't think so." I said and shook my head, "well we are really excited to work with you." He said as I smiled.

"I'm excited to work with you, too." I said quietly as I shook his hand. "See you next week? If not before. We gotta get some songs written." He said as I nodded, "you got it." I said then opened the front door.

Colby and Mia were in the little patch of grass next to the building. Mia was running around chasing a butterfly as Colby watched her carefully.

When I walked up Mia turned and looked at me, "mama!" She said and ran up to hug my legs, "hi baby." I said and picked her up, "how did it go?" Colby asked as I smiled, "it went well..I start recording next week." I said with a sigh and bounced Mia on my hip, "I'm gonna miss being around you all the time." I said with a frown as she put her hand on my cheek.

"You'll see her every day still, even if I have to bring her here when you need a little pick me up." Colby said and kissed my cheek. "You're the best..you know that? Like you win husband of the year award for sure." I said as he took my hand.

"Stop, I'm blushing." He said with a laugh as I rolled my eyes, "you hungry?" He asked as I got Mia set up in her car seat. "Starving." I said as he opened my door for me.

"Let's get some food then, what are you thinking?" He asked as I got in. "Hmmm.." I said as he walked over to the drivers side, "Mexican food I think." I said when he got in, "I was hoping you would say that." He said with a laugh.

"Mia, do you want to try some Mexican food?" I asked as Colby started the car, "FOOOOOD!" She yelled as I laughed, "I'll take that as a yes!" I said and pointed forwards, "to Mexican food!!!!" I yelled as Colby laughed.

When we got to the restaurant I was bouncing in my seat excitedly, "you two are so obsessed with food I just don't get it." Colby said with a laugh as we got out of the car, "food is amazing, Brock. Like...so good." I said and pulled Mia out of the car seat, "right Mia?" I asked and bounced her on my hip once, "yum!" She said which made Colby laugh.

"Alright let's get in there then, hungry girls." He said then gestured for me to walk in. I was hit with the most delicious smell in the world as we walked in, "oh my GOD." I said as the hostess walked up, "2 and a highchair?" She asked as I nodded, "thank you." I said as she led us through the restaurant.

We sat down and ordered our food within a couple minutes since we knew what we were getting.

"Mia, are you excited for some rice and beans?" I asked as she smacked the table happily, "food!" She said as I reached over and brushed her cheek with my fingers, "you're so cute." I mumbled then looked up arch waitress who was setting our food down.

When I took a bite my eyes rolled back, "mmmm this may be better than sex." I said as Colby raised his eyebrows, "Wanna try that again?" He asked as his pupils dilated slightly, "mmmm it's ALMOST as good as sex." I said as he chuckled, "better." He said then started to eat as I fed Mia.

We enjoyed our little family lunch, then went home. I felt like I was supposed to be tired, but really I was buzzing with energy.

My dreams were really coming true.

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