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Colby ended up falling asleep in the car, which was understandable considering he beat the hell out of someone not even 2 hours ago.

I was so grateful for my boys. It could have been so easy to brush what happened to me under the rug. They could have thought I was lying, or that I was over exaggerating..but they didn't. They stood up for me when I needed them the most and I was forever grateful for them.

I started to feel bad again as I thought about the other victims of their terrible act, what if they didn't have people who cared about them like I did?

My heart broke for them.

"You okay, Cor?" Sam asked quietly as the other boys slept. "I-I will be." I whispered, bringing my shaking hands to my eyes. "I'm just thinking about the other girls that they have preyed on...I hope they're okay." I said and sniffled as I nuzzled my face into Colby's chest.

"You've got a heart of gold, you know that right?" Sam asked as Colby subconsciously tightened his arm around my shoulders. "I'm just scared, Sam. What if they...succeeded." I whispered shakily.

"Then I think they would actually be dead right now." He said with anger coating his voice, "but don't think about what they could have done, Cor." He said and got off of a random exit.

"Think about what you did do. You got away. You also got solid proof of it happening so they could get arrested. You singlehandidly brought justice to all of those girls who are also victims. Be proud of yourself." He said and pulled into a Dairy Queen drive thru.

I couldn't find it in me to proud of myself though because I let it get to that point. I let them think it was okay to do that to me. I shouldn't have been alone with them. I shouldn't have even been on that trip at all.

I should have just listened to Colby.

"Why are we here?" I asked and wiped my eyes trying to get some composure back. "I'm getting you some icecream. What did you want?" He asked as I giggled, "um..cookie dough blizzard with sprinkles." I said as he chuckled, "you think any of these idiots will want some?" He asked as I sat up.

"You snooze you lose." I said with a shrug as he chuckled. "That's right." He said then ordered the icecream for just the two of us. He handed me mine with a smile then started driving us home again.

Not even 10 minutes later, Jake woke up next to me. "What?! You guys got icecream and didn't wake us?" He asked and fake pouted, "here, you can have the rest of mine." I said and handed him the half full cup of icecream.

"You're the actual best, Cora." He said and took the cup from me. "I try." I said with a small smile as I  leaned into Colby again. He must have been waking up because he pulled me closer and placed a kiss on my head. He didn't say anything though, so he could still just be asleep.

We were only driving for another hour before we finally got home, "Colby.." I whispered and patted my hand lightly on his face as he groaned.

"Are you okay?" He mumbled with a gravelly voice, "I'm fine, we're home." I said then gently placed a kiss on his lips. He smirked against my lips then opened his eyes finally.

"Mia's probably asleep but we need to go back to our house." I said as he brushed my hair behind my ear, admiring my features as if it was the first time he's ever seen me.

"You're beautiful." He mumbled as the others got out of the car. I smiled at him and just held his cheek in my hand as we soaked up this moment together. "Let's see Mia." I whispered then brushed my thumb along his cheek for a second before turning to get out of the car.

I could feel the butterflies of anticipation as we walked to the front door. I couldn't wait to see my little girl and just hold her.

We walked into the house and went to the movie room where the girls were waiting up.

"Oh! You're home!" Kat yelled and ran to Sam as he enveloped her in his arms. I could see him pulling her as close as possible as she nuzzled her face in his chest. Tara ran up to Jake and did the same thing as Devyn hugged Corey.

I smiled at how adorable all of my friends were as I looked up at Colby with a small smile. He looked down at me and smiled before bringing his hand to my chin, lifting it slightly so he could kiss me.

Once everyone was done with their reunions, they came over to hug us. "Cora..Sam told me everything...are you okay?" Kat asked and slowly rocked me back and forth.

"I don't want to talk about it right now. How were things here?" I asked as she smiled sympathetically at me. "Things were good! Dev is going to get Mia right now. She's going to be so excited to see you guys." She said with a smile as I bounced with anticipation, "She wasn't too much trouble was she?" I asked as Kat giggled.

"You know she wasn't, Cor. She's always a little angel." She said as Dev carried her in. Mia's head was laid sleepily on her shoulder as her eyes were barely cracked open.

"Hi sweet girl.." I said quietly and took her hand, rubbing it with my thumb. She let my words process for a second before her head flew up and her eyes opened fully, "mama." She said and reached for me, "yes, baby. Mama's here." I said and held her close, kissing her head. "Dada!" She said and looked at Colby, bouncing so much she almost slipped out of my arms.

"Hi princess." Colby said and took her from me so she could cuddle him. "Thank you again for watching her guys...I really appreciate you." I said and looked at the girls. "Anytime, Cor. We love Mia and we love you guys." Tara said and smiled at me as I went to hug them again.

I was truly blessed with the best friends in the world.

"Ready to go home, baby girl?" Colby asked as I nodded, "more than ready." I said with a smile as I went to grab Mia's stuff. Sam was going to drop us off at home and I honestly just couldn't wait to lay in my own bed.

I felt the raincloud start to rage though as we pulled into the driveway. The feeling of Charlie's lips on my neck came creeping back as I shivered. "You okay?" Colby asked me quietly as Mia slept in his arms. "Y-yeah. Just excited to be home." I said and opened my car door.

"Thanks for the ride, Sammy. Love you to pieces." I said as I pulled our bags out of the trunk. "Love you too, Cor. I'll see you guys later." He said and waved as Colby, Mia, and I went inside. Colby went to bring Mia to bed as I went into the bedroom to get ready for bed.

It felt so good to be home but I still couldn't shake the feeling of my skin crawling. I wanted to just lay down and cry, but I had to be strong.

It could have been worse. Way worse.

"Cora?" Colby asked as I wiped my face quickly, so he wouldn't see I had been crying, "what's up?" I asked as he cautiously made his way over to me, "are you okay?" He asked and put his hand on my arm causing me to flinch.

My mind instantly went to Charlie, brushing his fingers along my jawline, "I-I'm gonna go shower." I mumbled quickly before turning to go to the bathroom, "Cora." Colby said and grabbed my arm, stopping me from going into the bathroom.

"You already showered...what's going on?" He asked and looked into my eyes as I fought the tears that were begging to break through.

"I-I feel so dirty..filthy..and I.." I whispered as I stared into his sad, blue eyes. He was patiently waiting for me to finish my sentence as he rubbed my arm soothingly.

"I'm scared."

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