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We ran through the forest as quickly as we could, not stopping until we got to the gravel parking lot.

"What was that?!" Devyn shrieked as we all tried to catch our breath, "I have no fucking clue." I said as I turned to ask Colby if he was okay. My heart stopped when he wasn't behind me, "Colby?" I asked shakily as I looked around, "Colby?!" I yelled a little louder as Sam looked over at me, "where the fuck is Colby?!" I asked feeling the panic in my chest growing rapidly.

"He was right behind us..where did he go?" Jake asked and walked around the car to see if he was there. I looked around frantically before deciding I was going to go back in there for him. I couldn't tell them I was going because they would never let me.

So I ran.

I ran back to the entrance of the forest but unfortunately heard footsteps chasing me not even five seconds later, "Cora! No!" Sam yelled as he tackled me to the ground, "I have to go!!!! He's in there!!!" I screamed as I started to cry, "what if he's hurt Sam!? We LEFT HIM!" I screamed as he hugged me tightly.

"We can't just go running in there without a plan though Cor! We can't get lost too." He said and held my head with both of his hands, forcing me to look into his eyes.

"You're right....I just...what if he's hurt? We have to go." I said and started to stand up. "We will, but we have to stay on the path. You have to PROMISE you'll stay on the path." Sam said and shook my shoulders as he held my upper arms with his hands.

"I promise. Now come ON!" I said and dragged him towards the entrance. I didn't care how dangerous it was to be in here at this point. I didn't care how long I would have to be in here.

I was going to find Colby.

I whipped my phone out to see if he called or texted but we had no service.


"COLBY!!!" I yelled as Sam and I walked down the path, "guys wait!!" Jake yelled as he Devyn, and Corey joined us. "Did either of you notice where he went? Like did he go off the trail?" Sam asked Jake and Corey, "no. He was right behind us.." Jake said as he scratched the back of his head.

"COLBY!" I yelled and turned from everyone as my eyes watered again. I couldn't take the pain in my chest as I heard him screaming, "HELP! PLEASE HELP!" He yelled with so much fear and pain that I couldn't help but gasp and run towards his voice. "CORA STOP!" Sam yelled and wrapped his arms around my waist, yanking me back and pulling me to the ground.

"HE NEEDS HELP DID YOU HEAR HIM?!" I yelled and struggled against Sam as he pulled me closer to his chest, "I didn't hear anything!" He exclaimed as I sobbed, "HE YELLED FOR HELP SAM! HE NEEDS HELP! LET GO!!" I screamed hysterically as Corey leaned down to help Sam keep me on the ground.

"I didn't hear anything! Did you guys?" Sam asked as I struggled against him, whimpering as the fear boiled over in my chest. "I didn't hear anything..Cora you need to calm down." Devyn said quietly as I tried to relax, they were right, screaming and crying right now was going to fix any of this.

"None of you heard him?" I whispered feeling like I was going crazy. He was screaming so loud, they would have definitely heard him. "No Cor...none of us heard anything.." Jake said as Sam and Corey helped me up on my feet. I shook my head, still hearing his fear filled voice ringing in my ears.

Maybe I was going crazy.

We walked up and down the path for a while, never seeing even a trace of him. "He's dead...oh my fucking god he's dead Sam." I said as I shook my hands out, trying to not absolutely lose my mind right now.

"Don't say that, Cor. He's not dead, he may be lost out there but he's alive." Sam said as we walked back to the car. We needed to get new batteries for the flashlights or we would be lost in the forest too.

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