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While Colby was at the store I decided to FaceTime Kat so I could tell her about our tattoos.

"Helloooooo!" Kat chirped as she answered the call, "hey! How are you?" I asked with a wide smile as Sam popped his head into frame, "we are great, I love the purple in your hair!" She said, "Thank you." I said as I combed my hair with my left hand making sure my tattoo was showing, "AND IS THAT A TATTOO!" Kat yelled as I giggled, "it is." I said as she gasped.

"Damn Cora..what happened?" Sam asked as I laughed, "Colby's filming a video where he has to say yes to me." I said with a laugh, "oh so you wanted a tattoo and your hair dyed?" Sam asked as I shook my head, "No, I wanted Colby to dye his hair and we got matching tattoos." I said with a smile.

"Cora Elizabeth I cant believe you." Kat said as I laughed, "I got two." I said and pursed my lips as she gasped, "no WAY. What's the other one?" Kat asked as I pointed the camera to my ankle. "Aww is that for Mia?" Sam asked as I nodded, "yeah Colby got a blacked out one..I'm obsessed." I said with a smile.

"Where is he now?" Sam asked as I laughed, "at the store getting stuff to make me fondue." I said as they laughed, "Colby cooking fondue? That's gonna be a mess." Sam said as I nodded, "that's why I did it. Think of the video content." I said as he shook his head.

"Are you sure you're not a YouTuber, Cor?" He asked as I shrugged, "I'm not, but I am married to one so it rubs off on me." I said as Colby came in holding the groceries.

"Ah there he is, let me see your hair bro." Sam said as Colby came into frame. "That looks GOOD." Kat said with a smile. "Thank you, I think she picked a great color." Colby said and ruffled his hair, "she did, you guys look like grapes." Sam said as I laughed, "we should be grapes for Halloween." I said as Kat gasped.

"SHIT. That's in like 2 weeks! How do I always forget!" She exclaimed as Sam patted her back. "I don't know Katrina..but halloween is also going to be my album release date." I said with a smile as she squealed, "you finished it?!" She asked as I nodded, "this morning." I said as she clapped, "congratulations! I'm so proud of you!" She said as Colby wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Thank you, I'm so glad it's done." I said with a sigh and leaned into Colby. "I can't wait to hear it, just let us know what the plan is for your birthday is." Sam said as I nodded, "will do. Okay we are going to go so Colby can burn the house down." I said as Colby smacked me on the arm.

"I'm not going to burn the house down!" He said as I laughed, "we'll see..okay bye guys!!" I said then hung up the call.

"We really should figure out what we are doing for your birthday." Colby said as I shrugged, "I think my dad is flying in, and I was just going to have Bryan and Chris come, along with all of our friends of course. I just want it to be us." I said and helped him unpack the groceries.

"That sounds good, what are we dressing up as?" He asked as I shrugged. "I feel like we should do a theme with Mia. Maybe we could be Ariel and Eric and she could be flounder since she's a little guppy." I suggested as he grinned, "that sounds good to me, are you sure you want your album party to be the same as your birthday party?" He asked as I hopped onto the counter again.

"Yeah! I want to share the birth of my album with the birth of myself." I said with a laugh. "Well okay, I'll handle the rest of the party if you can get Mia's costume together." He said as he came up to stand in between my legs.

"You got it, now come on Gordon Ramsay get cookin." I said then leaned in and kissed him quickly as he smirked. "Film me?" He asked and gave me the camera.

"Of course." I said then started the camera and started filming him, "guys I don't know what I'm doing." He said and pulled out the cheese to cut it up. "You're doing great babe." I said with a laugh as he started throwing the pieces of cheese into the pot.

"Okay tell us what you are doing." I said and pointed the camera at him, "I'm cutting the cheese." He said and giggled like a child. "I hate you." I said with a laugh as he winked at the camera, "okay then what?" I asked as he pointed to the pot, "I'm gonna melt it." He said causing me to laugh.

"You really have no idea what you're doing do you?" I asked as he shook his head, "no idea." He said with a shrug. "Amazing." I said and leaned back so my head could lean against the cabinets.

The video ended up being really entertaining because Colby truly had no idea what he was doing. I had to finally jump in and help him so we could actually eat tonight.

"I don't need help babe, I got this." Colby said as the cheese started to smoke, "you're gonna burn the kitchen down!" I yelled with a laugh and ran over to pull it off the heat, "you don't melt cheese on a high setting!" I said and wiped my tears that were streaming down my cheeks from how hard I was laughing.

"Don't make fun of me, I told you I didn't know what I was doing." Colby said with a laugh as I grabbed the loaf of bread so I could cut it up. "I think fondue was a fail." He said and picked up the burnt pot of cheese, "it's okay, you tried." I said and ate a piece of bread. "Is there anything else you wanted me to do today? It's only 9, the night is young." He said as I frowned, "no, I just wanna cuddle." I said as he grinned.

"Alright, well thank you guys for watching, if this gets 45,000 likes we will do a part two but Cora will have to do everything I say." He said as I shook my head, "I never agreed to that." I said as he laughed, "Well then you better hope they don't hit the like goal...anyways please check out Violet and Billy, their socials will be in the description below! See you next week, love you byeeee!" He yelled then covered the lense with his hand.

"They better not hit the like goal." I said and grabbed the pot of burnt cheese so I could wash it, "oh they will. Get ready." He said as I rolled my eyes, "you wanna order a pizza or something since I messed up dinner?" He asked as I nodded, "as long as cuddles are involved." I said and pouted my lip.

"Of course they can be." He said and pulled out his phone to order the pizza. "Stuffed crust." I said as jumped up and down, "hell yeah, stuffed crust is superior." Colby said as I ran to the couch and jumped on it.

"C'MEREEEE." I said and opened my arms as he laughed, "you're in such a good mood today." He said and walked over to sit next to me. "Life is really good, Colby. We have tattoos and I finished my album and we are ordering stuffed crust pizza! What could I possibly be upset about?" I asked as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Nothing, I'm just glad you're happy." He said and kissed my head, "I am too." I said quietly and snuggled into him.

We spent the rest of the night together just talking and watching movies. I couldn't believe how happy I was, but I wasn't going to take it for granted.

It was a really good day.

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