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Today Colby and I were going to look at a house for us to get together. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous, this is a huge step and I didn't know if we were ready for it.

"Ready to go?" Colby asked as he finished tying Mia's curly hair into pigtails, "I'm ready. Where is this place?" I asked as I hiked Mia's diaper bag onto my shoulder. "Just down the road actually. I think you're really going to like it." He said as we made our way downstairs.

"We will be back soon!" Colby called and opened the door for me. "Thank you." I said and rested my hand on my belly, rubbing little circles onto it. Every day I popped out a little more it seemed. I couldn't believe I was already almost 10 weeks along.

I think I was going to get bigger faster because my body was more prepared for this baby since I already had Mia. "How's the morning sickness?" Colby asked and held my hand in his. "Actually haven't had it in a couple days." I said and smiled at him, "maybe the kid is giving you a little break." He said with a laugh, "yeah, I've had little dizzy spells but no throwing up, so you could be right." I said with a laugh as we pulled into the driveway of the house.

Colby wasn't kidding when he said it was just down the street, we only drove for a couple minutes before we were there already. I couldn't help the wide smile that spread across my face as I looked at the beautiful house in front of me.

It was white with big pillars in the front and a brown double door as the front door. There were flowers planted strategically along the walkway that led to the front door.

"It's so pretty!" I said and looked back at Mia, "are you excited!?" I asked her as she smiled, "yah!" She said and waved her arms around, "me too!" I said and got out of the car to grab her.

"Hey, John?" Colby asked and shook the hand of the bald man standing by the front door. "Yep! You must be Colby." He said as I walked up next to him, "and you must be Cora and Mia." He said and smiled at us, "nice to meet you." I said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, too! Let's get right to it." John said and opened the front door for us.

When he opened it I couldn't help the smile that bloomed on my face. It had high ceilings with a chandelier in the foyer, over to the left was a couple rooms, and a bathroom, the black and white kitchen was right in front of us to the right, with the living room connected to it on the left with an open concept. Directly to our right was a dining room with a giant bay window in it.

"What are your first thoughts?" John asked as I slowly started walking around, "it's beautiful." I said with a small smile, "I agree." Colby said as Mia rested her head on my shoulder. "So this is a 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom house, there's a pool in the backyard along with a screened in deck. In the master bedroom there's a soaking tub, a shower, and a steam room." He said as I laughed, "a steam room?" I asked in disbelief, "yep! Fully functioning sauna." He said as I looked at Colby with an impressed look.

"Let's take a look at the bedroom." John said and led us down the hallway, "okay, go ahead and explore." He said as we slowly walked into the giant master bedroom, there was a view looking out towards the pool, and there was also a small pond off to the side.

I could almost see Mia and the baby playing in the backyard. I smiled and turned to Colby, "I love it." I said and took his hand as he led Mia and I through to the bathroom. I gasped at how big the tub was, "that's a win for sure." Colby said with a laugh, "yeah it is! And ooo that's the sauna I bet." I said and pointed to the wooden door that was off to the side.

"Down the hall here we have a guest bedroom, and a bathroom." John said and gestured for us to walk down the hallway, "this could be the nursery, since it's closest to the master." I said and bounced Mia on my hip since she was getting a little fussy.

"We are almost done baby, then you can nap." I said and kissed her head as we walked into the guest bedroom, "yeah this is enough room to be the nursery." I said and looked around, impressed by how beautiful everything was.

Upstairs had 2 more guest rooms and another bathroom, along with a little movie/game room. I honestly was in love with the house, and it was so close to where we currently were. We could see everyone all the time if we wanted.

I was in love with the house.

"What do you think, Cor?" Colby asked as I slowly rocked Mia to sleep. "I love it, how about you?" I asked quietly, "I think we should put in an offer." He said with a smirk. "Really?" I asked with a wide smile, "really. It's perfect for us." He said as I bounced up and down and jumped to hug him, "I agree!" I said as Mia started crying, "oh! I'm sorry sweet girl. I'm sorry." I said quietly as we made our way to the car as Colby talked to John.

"I think I'm ready for a nap too." I said with a yawn to Mia as I rested my head on the window. I couldn't believe how much energy this baby was already taking out of me.

"You tired?" Colby asked as he got in the car, "mhmm." I mumbled and closed my eyes. When we got home Colby chuckled, "stay in here for a second, I'll bring Mia up then come get you." He said making me giggle, "it's okay Colby. I can walk." I said with a chuckle then opened the car door.

Colby got Mia out of the car as I shuffled inside, feeling the fatigue catch up to me. Colby asked me a question but I didn't really hear it as I went upstairs. I just wanted to sleep.

When I got upstairs I collapsed into the bed and started to dose off, "Goodnight baby girl." Colby said and kissed my head, "I expect snacks when I wake up." I mumbled before drifting off.

When I woke up my stomach was growling so badly it almost hurt, "ooooh," I groaned and got up so I could go downstairs. I didn't know what I was craving but I needed it in my body immediately.

"Hey Coraline." Jake said as I walked into the kitchen. "Hey Jake, where is everyone?" I asked and looked through the cabinets for food, "uhh I think Colby is out getting something for a video, Sam and Kat are on a date, Devyn is swimming, Corey's in his room and Tara is in the bathroom." He said while still typing on his phone.

"Is Mia with Colby?" I asked and he nodded, "yeah, she's with Colby." He confirmed as I continued to search for food as my stomach growled again, "I know, kid. I'm trying." I said and rubbed my belly.

A few minutes later Colby came into the kitchen holding a bag of McDonald's out to me.

Holy shit, THAT'S what I was craving.

"oh my GOD. How did you know my craving before I did?!" I exclaimed and took the bag from him.

"You were mumbling about McDonald's in your sleep." He said with a laugh. "Ugh yes!!" I groaned at how good it looked. "Thank you baby." I said and kissed his cheek. "You're welcome. How are you feeling?" He asked as Mia started bouncing in his arms, "I'm feeling good now that I'm eating. I think I'm gonna take Mia for a swim after this," I said with a smile, "sounds like fun to me. I have to shoot a video otherwise I would join you." He said and smiled.

"What video are you filming?" I asked with my mouth full of fries. "Truth or drink with Sam." He said as I laughed, "lemon juice?" I asked as he cringed, "yeah, I'd rather do vodka." He said as I smirked, "I bet. Well have fun with that." I said and smiled.

As soon as I finished eating I took Mia upstairs to get her bathing suit on. "Ready to swim little girl?" I asked and tickled her tummy as she giggled, she squealed happily and wiggled as I picked her up. "Okay I know you love being held but let's try walking with mommy." I said and put her down so she could walk next to me. I seriously couldn't believe how big she was already. I held her hand to keep her steady as we made it to Colby and I's closet.

I quickly got changed then picked her up and took her down to the pool. We spent the rest of the night swimming with Devyn. "Okay Mia, can you say mama?" Devyn asked and pointed at me but she just giggled and hid her face in my neck. "No, mama!" I said as she just kept giggling, "Colby's right. She just likes messing with me I think." I said with a sigh and rubbed my chest with my hand as Mia slapped the water happily. "Maybe, she's a little booger, I wouldn't put it past her with her being Colby's kid." Devyn said with a chuckle, "ugh you're right." I said and groaned.

I just wanted her to say it.

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