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"Kat, I need your help." I said into the phone as I stared at all of my clothes. Tonight was the night I was opening for Elias and I had no idea what I was doing.

"I'll be there in five minutes." Kat said then hung up as I laughed. She was really the best friend in the whole world.

"What do you think Mia?" I asked her and help up two dresses as she sat on the floor, playing with one of my old makeup brushes. "Pretty." She said as I smirked, "okay but which one?" I asked as she looked at me blankly, "pretty." She repeated. "Alright, thank you." I said and hung the dresses back up.

I scooped her up into my arms as I heard a knock on the door. Colby was out with Sam filming interviews for the new YouTube show, so it was just me...and now Kat.

"Hey Cor! I hope you have food because I'm starving." She said and immediately walked into the kitchen, "we have food, I can throw in a frozen pizza if you want." I said and opened the freezer, "oh yum! Yes, then we can make some decisions about tonight." Kat said as I turned the oven on.

"Are you excited?" She asked as I shrugged, "I'm really nervous. I never have time to practice..so like I'm rusty." I said and set Mia up in her highchair. "You're gonna be great. Have you written anything recently?" She asked as I bit my lip. "Yeah...about the miscarriage...and the attempt. I don't think I'll sing it though, it's sad." I said and combed my fingers through my hair.

"I also wrote a song about Colby..he's never heard it. Maybe I'll sing that tonight." I said and shrugged. "I want to hear both of them. Right now." Kat demanded as she folded her hands in front of her.

I sighed, "alright. I'll be back." I said and went to go grab my ukulele. I really never expected to share these songs with anyone but I think it's a beautiful thing to be able to turn pain into art.

"Okay. Which one do you want to hear first?" I asked as I sat down next to her, "the sad one." Kat said and I nodded then started playing it.

I ended up crying halfway through but Kat watched me with an expression I couldn't really figure out. When I finished she pulled me into a hug, "Cora that was beautiful. You should definitely sing that." She said as I wiped my cheeks, "yeah and cry in front of hundreds of people? I'd love to." I said as she shook her head, "it's so full of emotion, it's beautiful. Perform it please!" She said as I groaned, "fiiiine!" I said as Mia giggled.

"Okay, next one." Kat said as the oven preheated, "hold on let me put this in." I said with a laugh and put the pizza in the oven. "Is this one gonna make you cry too? Because we can't have two crying songs." She said as I sat back down, "no this ones happy." I said and then played the song about her.

It was honestly just a song about falling in love, and how it felt to feel so comfortable with someone. It was about feeling like home in someone's arms, "Cora I love your music! How are you not famous yet? I'm serious." She said as I chuckled and looked down.

"You think I should sing them?" I asked with a sigh, "yes! They are amazing Cor!" Kat encouraged as I nodded, "okay, then its decided..I'll sing them." I said and put my ukulele down again.

We ate lunch as we tried to plan out what order my set would be. I was so grateful to have Kat because she was much more involved in the music industry so she was going to be really helpful through all of this.

"Is Colby coming back here to take you to the venue or is he meeting you there?" Kat asked as I did the dishes, "He's meeting me there. He said their last interview is at 5:30 and I go on at 7, it's like a thirty minute drive so they should be there by 6:30." I said and shivered, realizing I only had a few hours before I had to be there.

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