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We spent the next couple days enjoying the island, but sadly it was time to go home again. Luckily the flight wasn't nearly as long because we were just going back to LA.

Mia was already asleep as we sat at our gate, "I think she's gonna sleep for a week." Colby said with a laugh as he rocked her gently

"Yeah, I think so." I agreed with a giggle as I reached over and laced my fingers gently through her curls. "Thanks for a great trip guys. I seriously appreciate you all so much," I said and looked up our friends as they all smiled at me.

"We love you! You deserved this little getaway." Devyn said with a smile and reached for my hand, squeezing it gently. "I'm gonna miss living in the same house as you again." Kat said with a frown, "I know, we are just right down the street though." I said and rested my head on Colby's shoulder.

"I'm coming over right when we land." Kat said with a nod as I laughed, "how are you going to miss me if you don't leave me? You can come over on Wednesday." I said and scrunched my nose at her, "deal." She said as they started the boarding process.

The flight was extremely boring but was pretty short, only being 5 hours. Mia slept for most of it luckily but woke up in the last two hours. She was such a good kid that she hardly even fussed, she just sat on Colby's lap as he read her stories.

I loved the relationship Colby and Mia had. It reminded me a lot about my relationship with my dad..he would literally do anything for her.

I should call my dad, I have been such a bad daughter for leaving him after basically being the sole reason why he broke up with Michelle. I needed to call him.

When Colby, Mia and I got home I went straight into the bedroom and plugged my phone in, so I could call my dad.

"Hey squirt! How's the trip?" Dad answered after only a couple rings, "it was fun, we're home now though." I said with a laugh as Colby came in with Mia toddling next to him, "what did you guys do?" He asked as Mia stumbled into the bathroom as Colby followed her.

"Well, we swam a lot. We took Mia to the aquarium so she could swim with the dolphins. Oh! Colby got lost in these haunted woods, that was scary." I said as he laughed, "he what?" He asked as I chewed on my lip,

"yeah, he ran off the path and got lost...it was scary but he's okay. We were caught in a hurricane which didn't end up actually being a hurricane but Mia didn't like that part very much." I said and picked at a stray string that was on the blanket I was laying on.

"Sounds like a very eventful trip." He said with a chuckle as Mia ran out of the bathroom and Colby followed her with a grin on his face. She was really just letting out all the energy she had built up on the plane.

"How are you doing? I feel bad I haven't called." I said with a sigh as Mia and Colby left the room again, "don't feel bad squirt. You were having fun, and I guess getting scared." He said with a laugh, then sighed. "I'm doing good, Michelle and I have been hanging out together still, I don't want her getting lonely." He admitted as I smiled, "that's great, dad." I said quietly.

"I'll stop if you want me to, squirt..I don't want to trigger anything." He said as I laughed, "no! No, it's okay dad. I'm happy for you." I said as Mia and Colby came running back in causing me to laugh,

"Hey jumping bean wanna say hi to papa?" I asked as Mia bounced with a laugh, "PAPA!" She yelled as Colby scooped her up to put her on the bed with me, "hey little miss! I love you!" Dad's voice sounded through the phone, "hey, dad." Colby said and sat on the bed, pulling Mia into his lap.

"Mia can you blow papa a kiss?" I asked and pointed to the phone. She blew a wet kiss to the phone causing me to laugh, "dad, imagine her blowing a kiss to the phone." I said with a laugh as he chuckled, "I'm sure it was adorable." He said as I looked over at Mia who was bouncing on Colby's lap.

"It was...oh hold on someone is on the other line, I have to go." I said as I looked at Colby with concern. "Okay squirt, I love you!" He said as I smiled, "love you too, dad." I said then switched the line, taking the phone off speaker phone.

"Hello?" I asked cautiously as I looked at Colby, "hey Cora! This is Elias. Colby gave me your number, and I just had a question for you." He said as my face scrunched, "yeah, what's up?" I asked as my heart started beating out of my chest.

"I was wondering if you wanted to open for my show this weekend, I know it's kind of last minute but you did such a great job at the other show I wanted to ask." He said causing my heart to stop, "ummm...let me sort some things out before I answer, can I let you know by tomorrow?" I asked and chewed on my lip.

"Yeah!! Of course! Just let me know, bye Cora!" Elias said as I looked at Colby with wide eyes. "Bye.." I said quietly then hung up.

"What's up? You look scared.." Colby said quietly as I shook my head, "no..no it was Elias..he wants me to open for him this weekend." I said and looked down at my hands.

"That's great!!" Colby said and smiled widely at me, "s-should I do it?" I asked and picked at my nails anxiously. "What's got you worried, love?" He asked as he set Mia on the floor again so he could take my hands in his.

"I don't know...just the last time I did that...Stephanie happened." I said and looked down at our hands, "hey, no. Nothing is going to ruin this. I won't let anyone ruin it for you." Colby said and lifted my chin up with his fingers, "I think you should do it." He said and looked into my eyes.

"Okay. I'll do it." I said as he leaned in to kiss me. As soon as his lips touched mine, Mia's cries filled the air, "what happened, little one?!" I asked and walked into the closet where she was sitting on the floor holding her hand on her head, "did you hit your  head on the dresser?" I asked and frowned as I scooped her up.

She cried for a minute as I kissed the top of her head where she had hit it, "there, mommy kisses made it all better." I said and she pouted at me, "dada." She said as Colby came over, "daddy kisses make it better too." He said and kissed the same spot I just did.

Mia looked at us cautiously as we smiled down at her causing her to stop pouting and smile, "there's that precious little smile." I said and pinched her cheek as she giggled.

"I wish I could recover from literally anything as fast as she recovered from that." I said with a laugh and carried her out of the room and to the kitchen so we could get her a little snack.

"We don't have much, sweet girl...how about some oatmeal?" I asked Mia as I went through the cabinets to find her something.

"I can run to the store really quick." Colby said as I pulled the oatmeal down, "nah she should like the oatmeal, because I'm gonna make it with love, right Mia?" I asked and kissed her cheek as she smiled, "okay, but we should go shopping tomorrow." He said as I nodded,

"for sure, maybe we can just order a pizza for dinner tonight." I said and set Mia up in her highchair, "sounds like a plan, did you want me to call Elias and confirm that you'll be opening for him?" Colby asked as I bit my lip, "yeah, that would be fine." I said quietly as I prepared the oatmeal for Mia.

I couldn't believe I was getting to live my dream, even after all of the twists and turns I have been through.

I couldn't believe I had someone as supportive as Colby. Most people would have told me to just give up, since I had Mia and needed to be a mom. Colby always supported me to chase my dreams.

I could believe I was actually going to be able to.

A/N: hey I'm curious haha which one of the books from the series is your favorite?

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