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"What do you think?" Bryan asked as my song played in the speakers around me, "it's so cool!!" I squealed and jumped around. "You like it?!" Bryan asked and danced along with me, "yes! Oh wow. This is amazing! Track 1 is done only 6 more to go!" I said and danced around the booth while the song replayed.

"Yes! Speaking of, did you finish that song we were working on?" Bryan asked as he turned the music down, "yeah, I finished it late last night." I said and pulled my notebook out.

We spent most of the day yesterday at the traphouse with everyone but once we got hone I begged Colby to let me finish my song really quick. Mia was in bed so agreed and sat up there with me letting me ping pong ideas off of him. He honestly had some great ideas. I had a thought that maybe he could record a song with me, but I'm not sure if it was in his comfort level.

"Let's hear it." Bryan said with a smile and gestured for me to play it for him. I nodded and started strumming and singing what I had, he interrupted me though, "wait stop, you sound exhausted." He said which caused my heart to stop.

It was just like my dream.

"W-what?" I asked feeling my heart start to race. "You just sound exhausted." He said as my chest started to cave in.

No. Not right now. Please.

"Are you okay?" Bryan asked as my hand flew to my chest and I stumbled backwards, slamming my head into the wall.

No. No. No.

"I c-can't b-b-b-breathe." I whispered as the room started to spin and tears formed in my eyes. "Oh my god, what do I do?!" Bryan asked frantically as he got eye level with me since I had slid down the wall, I tried to answer but I couldn't breathe, the hysterics were fully boiling over.

"Do I need to call an ambulance!? Cora stay with me!" Bryan yelled as I shook my head, "c-c-call C-c-Colby." I stuttered out then brought my knees to my chest as the world caved in around me.

"Okay! Okay! Oh my god..." Bryan said frantically and looked for my phone as I sobbed into my knees hating the pain that was radiating in my chest and in my skull.

"Hello?? No..it's Bryan..no something is wrong....I can try..." Bryan said into the phone then knelt down next to me, "he wants to talk to you." He said softly as I sobbed. I couldn't breathe but I put the phone to my ear shakily,

"what's going on Cor? Are you panicking? I'm on my way, just keep breathing for me okay?" His voice rang through the speaker and into my ear giving me some comfort.

"C-c-can't b-b-b-breathe," I whispered in between sobs, "I know sweetheart, I'm coming, just try to breathe with me, follow my lead." He said calmly as he started to breathe. Bryan watched me carefully as I fell over into the fetal position, trying to breathe with Colby.

"You're doing great honey, I'm almost there just keep breathing for me okay? I'm coming." He cooed as Bryan sat next to me and rubbed my back.

I was so beyond embarrassed that this was happening to me right now. Why couldn't I just be normal for once?

I tried to hold the phone up to my ear but I couldn't do it anymore, so I let it drop to the floor. Bryan picked up and talked to Colby for a second as he rubbed my back. "Okay, I have to go let him in, I'll be right back, just keep breathing, Cora." Bryan said and stood up then ran out of the room, leaving me alone.

He's not coming back.

They are going to give up on you.

Your mother was right.

You're a failure.

"S-s-stop." I whispered and pressed my hands against my ears as I sobbed. Why wasn't it ending? They aren't usually this long.

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