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"WAKE UP WE ARE GOING TO HAWAII!" Corey yelled as he barged into our room causing me to flinch into Colby as Mia started crying.

"Ooops sorry Mia." He whispered as I rubbed my eyes, "good morning to you too, Corey." I groaned and rolled out of bed to comfort Mia. "Come on we seriously have to go." He said as Colby put my pillow over his face.

"It's okay Mia, I know loud mouth Corey scared you awake." I said and shot a playful glare to Corey as he gasped, "hey! It's coco." He pouted as I rolled my eyes and walked over to the bed to sit on Colby, "get off of me." He mumbled as I bounced on him, "I'll get off if you get up. You can sleep on the plane." I said as Mia giggled.

"Okay deal." He said causing me to stand up. "That was impressive, Cor." Corey said as Colby got out of bed, "I could get him up faster than that but you were in the room." I said as he shivered, "thank you for not subjecting me to that." He said as Colby pushed him out of the room, "bye Corey." He said then closed the door.

"You wanna show me how you were going to wake me up?" He asked with a smirk as he walked towards me, "maybe later." I said and turned to get Mia ready for the day.

I was in a good mood today, the energy in the air was light and exciting. It was going to be a good day.

Once I got Mia ready I started working on myself, I gathered my things up and set Mia on the floor so she could play.

Colby came in a couple minutes later, with a towel slung around his waist as fresh droplets of water cascaded down his abs. He walked up to me with a grin on his face before he kissed my cheek.

"Take your medicine." Colby said and placed a small white pill in my hand. I let out a sigh as he handed me a water bottle so I could take the pill.

As soon as it was down I looked at him, "come here." I said and motioned for him to lean in. He smirked and leaned down so I could kiss him, "thank you, now get dressed, we are late." I said as he chuckled, "we are always late." He said quietly as I nodded, "yeah but we can't be late today." I said and turned to get dressed.

The dark thoughts sat in the back of my mind, convincing me that I didn't deserve this trip and that I should just run off and disappear. I wasn't going to let those thoughts win though, I couldn't let them win.

"Cor?" Colby asked as I snapped out of it, "sorry, I just zoned out." I said then disappeared into the bathroom.

I was in the middle of brushing my teeth when he came in, holding Mia on his hip. "Mama." She said as I smiled at her, "are you excited sweet girl?" I asked after I rinsed my mouth out, "mama, food." She said as I sighed, "yes, food. Come here." I said and opened my arms out to her so I could feed her.

"I'm gonna bring our stuff down, will you be okay?" Colby asked as I sat on the bed, pulling my shirt down for Mia. "Yeah, I'll be okay." I said with a soft smile as he came over and kissed my head, "I'm proud of you." He said quietly then grabbed all of our bags and left the room.

I sang Mia a little lullaby as I laced my fingers through her curls, getting lost in thought as she ate. I felt my eyes closing as my grip on Mia loosened ever so slightly.

The medicine I took made me feel a little groggy and sedated which I wasn't the most pleased with but I understood why I had to take it.

Once Mia was done I cleaned her up and stood up to leave the room so I could go to the car.

"Good morning Cora! Are you excited?" Devyn asked as she handed me a banana to eat, "nana!" Mia said as Devyn smiled at me, "yes honey, nana." I said and unpeeled it so I could eat it. "Yeah, I'm excited but I'm not excited for this long flight, how many hours is it again?" I asked as Mia opened her mouth for me to give her some of my banana.

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