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I woke up to Mia's cries sounding from the baby monitor, causing me to sit up and stretch. Colby was still fast asleep which was always an adorable sight.

As soon as I got up he wrapped his arms around my pillow, hugging it closely to his chest. I stood there and watched him for just a second and admired his calm features before I went to comfort Mia.

When I walked into the nursery, Mia was standing up in her crib, rubbing her eye with her fist as she cried, "what's up sweet girl? Are you not a morning person?" I asked and pulled her out of the crib. "Mama, food." She said and pouted her lip out at me.

"That's a great idea baby, let's make food for daddy too, that sound good?" I asked and combed through her curls with my fingers. "Yeah." She said and nodded as she pouted her lip out still.

"You know your face is going to get stuck like that if you don't stop." I said with a chuckle and bounced her on my hip. She giggled and hid in my neck as I tickled her cheek.

"There's my girl, okay come on." I said then walked her out to the kitchen. "What would you like to eat my darling?" I asked and held up a couple jars of baby food for her. She pointed to the peas I had in my left hand as she pounded on the tray in front of her, "good choice Mia, good choice." I said then put her bib around her neck.

"You like those?" I asked as she did a cute little happy dance after a fed her a spoonful of the peas. "Mama, food!" She yelled and opened her mouth, "hold on sweet girl, I'm gonna burn the eggs." I said then jogged over to the stove to stir the eggs.

"Bah bah bah bah!" Mia sang and pounded her hands on the tray causing me to giggle, "you're so cute, baby." I said and looked over my shoulder as I stirred the eggs up. She smiled at me as she patiently waited for me to feed her again.

Once the eggs were cooked I turned back to Mia, "okay, thank you for being patient, sweet girl." I said then started feeding hers the peas again.

I somehow was able to feed Mia while finishing breakfast for Colby and I, "did you want to try some eggs, sweetie?" I asked Mia as I sat at the table next to her, "swim!!" She said causing me to laugh, "maybe later, eggs?" I asked as I heard Colby coming into the room.

"Good morning." He said with a gravelly voice as I smiled at him, "good morning, how did you sleep?" I asked as he came over to kiss my cheek, "dada!!" Mia screamed and reached to him. "Hi princess! Did mommy feed you already?" He asked and pinched her cheek lightly causing her to giggle. "And she made breakfast? She's a superhero huh, Mia?" He asked as she looked at me with a smile.

"Oh stop, it's just eggs and bacon, it doesn't take that much effort." I said as he went to get a plate of food. "I slept well by the way, how about you?" He said and sat down next to me, "like a rock." I said with a smile.

"Dada. Swim?" Mia asked as Colby chuckled, "sure baby, we can swim when I'm done." He said and smirked at me, "Wanna swim with us?" He asked as I smiled, "Of course." I said and ate a forkful of eggs.

When we finished up Colby stayed to clean the kitchen as I went to get Mia ready to swim. "I swear little girl, you're going to turn into a fish." I said as I got her dressed. "Fish." She said causing me to laugh, "yeah, that's you." I said and pointed to her.

Once she was ready I set her on ground so she could walk with me. "Come on little one. Let's get ready to swim, yeah?" I asked and went into the bedroom so I could get changed.

Colby was already in his bathing suit and ready to go by the time we got to the closet. "Alright, I'm gonna take her out, you wanna meet us out there?" He asked as he picked Mia up. "You got it." I said with a smirk as he left to go outside.

As soon as I was alone I let out a deep sigh. I was trying to be happier and better today for the sake of Mia and Colby but I still felt dirty, I felt like I had done something I wasn't supposed to.

I didn't know how I was supposed to navigate this situation, I literally signed myself up to get violated.

How could I recover from that? Especially right after the miscarriage? I couldn't even have sex with my husband right now, let alone two creepy guys who I barely knew.

Maybe that could make this better....if I just let loose with Colby again.

Was that really a good idea?

I couldn't handle it if we happened to get pregnant again.

I also couldn't live in fear though. I had to face this eventually..I could also tell Colby was beginning to get a little sexually frustrated, I couldn't really blame him for it though. He was being so understanding though, I really truly didn't deserve him.

I sighed then put my bathing suit on so I could meet them in the pool. Once I was dressed I grabbed some towels and headed out back, "well aren't you just the cutest?" I asked Colby as he bounced Mia in the water, "I could say the same about you. Get your cute ass in here." He said and smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes playfully and walked down the stairs to join them, "mama. Swim!" Mia said and reached for me as Colby smiled down at her. "Yes baby! Swim." I said and took her so I could hold her in the water. "Hold on, I want to capture this moment." Colby said then swam over to the edge of the pool so he could grab his phone. "Okay." I whispered and pinched Mia's cheek.

"Okay, smile." He said softly and pointed the camera to us. "Mia can you say cheese?" I asked and pointed to the camera, "cheeeeeeeeeeee" she said as I smiled widely at the camera. He looked at the picture and smiled widely. "I seriously love my girls so much." He said to himself then swam over to us.

We spent a few hours in the pool just hanging out with Mia before she got tired and needed to go in for a nap. "You tired, little one?" I asked as Colby wrapped her up in a towel, "mmm." She said and leaned her head on Colby's shoulder as she closed her eyes,

"hold on sweetheart you know the drill, we gotta get you a bath." I said as Colby laughed, "maybe we can give her a bath when she wakes up.." he said as I shook my head, "I'm sorry, I have to be the bad cop right now. The chlorine is going to irritate her skin." I said and took her from him as she whined, "I know honey, I'll be quick." I said then went into the bathroom.

I gave her the world's quickest bath then put her to bed as Colby showered.

I bit my lip as I went back into the bedroom. I didn't know if what I was about to do was a good idea but I didn't care.

Life was too short to not be spontaneous.

I stripped down to nothing and slowly opened the shower door, "Cor?" Colby asked and turned around to face me. I shook my head and pulled his head down to kiss me. He was stiff for only a second before he pulled me into him, deepening the kiss. He moaned into my mouth before pulling away.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked gruffly as I laced my fingers through his wet hair. "I want you." I mumbled and kissed him again.

He reacted quickly this time and pressed me against the wall as a small moan left my throat. He moved his kisses down to my jawline and to my neck before he pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"Are you sure you're ready?" He asked cautiously as I stared into his eyes. I bit my lip and thought about this before I made any promises.

"I'm ready."

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