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"Mama!" Mia yelled and ran to me as we opened the door, "hi sweet girl."I whispered and picked her up, still holding my milkshake in my hand, "food?" She asked and pointed to my cup, "yeah, it's a special treat, do you want to try some?" I asked as Sam came down the hallway, "yah!" She screamed and opened her mouth, "hold on, I have to get a spoon." I said then walked to the kitchen with her in my arms.

"Hey Sammy." I said and smiled at him, "hey kiddo, how are you feeling?" He asked as I grabbed a spoon from the drawer, "been worse." I said and took a spoon full of the milkshake, "ready Mia?" I asked as she opened her mouth.

When I put the spoon in her mouth her eyes widened from the cold but then smiled at me, scrunching her nose. "You like it?" I asked as she nodded, "YUM." She said as Colby chuckled next to me.

"Dada!" She squealed and looked at him, "yes, Mia?" He asked with a laugh, "YUM!" She repeated as Sam laughed, "yeah, it is pretty yummy." He said as I gave her another spoonful. "That's the last one, I want you to actually sleep tonight." I said and put the lid back on,

"more pease." Mia said and frowned at me, "sorry sweetie but it's not good for you." I said and rubbed my thumb along her cheek, "mama." She wimpered, jutting her lip out causing me to laugh, "how about we swim instead?" I asked as she perked up, "otay! Swim!" She said excitedly as I looked up at Sam and Colby.

"I'll take Mia swimming, you guys can finish your video." I said and smiled at them, "okay, how's your head though? You won't pass out in the pool or anything right?" Colby asked as he chewed his lip.

"My head is fine, I'm not going to pass out in the pool." I said with a laugh and put my hand on his cheek, "you worry too much." I said as he sighed, "do you blame me?" He asked as I shook my head and looked at Sam, "he worries too much, doesn't he?" I asked him as he shook his head.

"I really don't blame him, Cor. You're kind of accident prone, especially when it comes to your head. Did you hit it or something?" Sam asked as I bounced Mia.

"Yeah, I stumbled into the wall when I started to panic, I'm fine though, it doesn't even hurt that bad." I said and chuckled to myself, feeling like I was trying to convince my dad to let me go to a sleepover or something.

"Alright, well if she says she's fine dude then she's fine, you weren't even there to see how hard she hit her head." Sam said and turned to Colby, "Hitting your head at any strength is bad when you've had two brain surgeries though." Colby grumbled.

"Oh stop it, I'll be fine. I'll call Kat, maybe she can babysit me." I said and kissed his cheek, then scrunched my nose at him. "That would be perfect, thank you." He said then leaned down and kissed my nose causing me to roll my eyes.

"Whatever. Let's go get ready Mia, then we can call Kitty." I said and turned to go towards the bedroom, "have fun guys!" I said and waved as I walked down the hallway. "Kitty!" Mia yelled happily as I set her on the ground so she could walk with me.

"Yeah, we have to call her." I said then pulled my phone out. We went into Mia's room first so we could get her ready as I called Kat.

"Hey!" Kat answered as I picked Mia up and put her on the changing table, "hey, Colby thinks I need a babysitter so I can swim with Mia, wanna come over?" I asked with a laugh as Mia giggled,

"You need a babysitter? Why?" She asked with a laugh, "I had a panic attack at the studio today and hit my head, I'm fine but he's worried about it." I said as she laughed, "okay yeah, I'll be right over." She said then hung up as I looked at Mia, "Kitty's coming to swim with us." I said and smiled down at her as she wiggled happily, "KITTY!" She screamed as I put her bathing suit on her.

By the time we were both ready, Kat was here and already out by the pool. "Mia! Look who it is!" I exclaimed and pointed to Kat as we walked out to the pool, "KITTYYYYY!" She screamed and ran towards her as Kat giggled, "hey mini me!" She said and picked her up, giving her a big hug.

"I haven't heard you call her that in forever." I said with a laugh as we got into the pool, "no, I always forget she's literally named after me, that's so cool. Amelia Katrina. An amazing name." She said and got in the pool with Mia in her arms.

"Eh. It's alright." I said sarcastically with a shrug as she gasped and splashed me causing Mia to laugh and smack the water, "I'm kidding!" I yelled and covered my face from the splashes.

"So tell me why you had a panic attack at the studio, I swear you are too hard on yourself, Cor." Kat said as I sank into the water a little bit.

"I don't know. I just feel like I'm not good enough and that I'm going to get dropped any second. It's scary to me." I said and picked at my nails anxiously, "I understand that but you're so talented..also they aren't just going to drop you. They wouldn't have signed you if they didn't believe in you." She said as I stood up, "you're right. I just need to get used to this..it seems too good to be true, ya know?" I asked as Mia reached for me.

"Yeah, especially after everything you've been through." Kat said as I held Mia close to me. "I think things are really turning around now." I said and smiled at her, "I have this beautiful little girl, all of you, and Colby. God, he's so supportive of me I feel like I don't deserve it," I said and shook my head.

"You're just as supportive to him though, you guys are honestly so cute. You would do anything for him and he would do anything for you. It's really sweet." She said and smiled at me, "you and Sam are the same way, I think you two were made for eachother." I said and took her hand, squeezing it.

"I think so too. I don't think we are ready for marriage yet but maybe soon. He's the one for me, that's for sure." She said with a smile. "I can't wait for the wedding." I said and scrunched my nose at her.

"Shut up." She said and splashed me as Mia squealed. "KITTY." She said and pouted at her since water was running down her face now, "sorry Mia! I just wanted to splash your mommy, you wanna splash her with me?" She asked and took Mia from me so they could splash me,

"Katrina stop!" I yelled with a laugh as Sam and Colby came out, "are you attacking my wife?" Colby asked with a laugh as Kat giggled, "she deserves it." Kat said as I gasped, "I didn't do anything!" I said as Colby came over, "honestly she was just looking a little hot, she needed to cool down." Kat said defensively as Mia giggled and hid her face in Kat's chest.

"She's always hot." Colby said and smirked at me, "you guys are giving me a headache." I said and shook my head, "are you serious?" Colby asked with a straight face causing me to laugh.

"I'm kidding Colby, my head is still fine." I said and rolled my eyes dramatically, "okay okay, I just worry." He said and crouched down, "I know you do, you worry more than I do sometimes and that's impressive." I said and smirked at him.

"If you don't stop teasing me I'm going to go get your helmet." Colby said and pointed at me as Sam laughed, "alright Colby enough, we checked on her and she's fine. We really need to finish this video now." He said as I laughed, "Colby, I'm fine! I promise." I said and smiled, reaching my hand up to him so he could grab it, "I'm fine." I repeated and squeezed his hand.

"Okay, I believe you." He said with a sigh then kissed my hand before standing up straight. "We are leaving to finish the video though, we'll be back by tonight." Colby said and waved, "okay, be safe! Love you!" I called out as Sam leaned down and kissed Kat.

As soon as they were gone I turned to Kat, "will you help me with something?" I asked as she nodded, "yes, but what is it?" She asked as Mia slapped the water happily.

"I want to surprise Colby tonight. He's been so stressed out he deserves this." I said and reached over to pinch Mia's cheek. "What were you thinking?" Kat asked as I smirked.

"You'll see."

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