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"Come here." Colby whispered as he patted his knee. I nodded then walked over, passing Sam who was now screaming to the person on the phone again. The tone in his voice caused me to cringe as I sat on Colby's lap. "Don't cry.." I whispered to him quietly and brought my hand to his cheek.

"I wanna kill them." Colby mumbled as I wiped away the fresh tears that were coating his cheeks. "I know. I can't believe this is happening." I whispered and rested my head on his shoulder as I chewed on my sleeve.

"Are you doing okay?" He asked as he tightened his grip on me, "I don't know. I think I am.." I said with a sigh as I looked up at Sam. His face was red with rage.

"Why won't they take it down?" I asked quietly as Colby pressed his lips to my head, "they can't get access to the account. Apparently one of the editors thought Charlie was wrongfully fired, so he put the clip in, and changed the password to the account so nobody could log in to delete it." He explained as my  chest tightened with anxiety.

The longer it was up the more people would see it.

I felt my breathing pick up as tears stung my eyes, "hey, it's okay, we are working on it. Shhhh relax sweetheart." Colby soothed as I started to cry, "get it taken down." I whispered as he pulled me into his chest, "we're trying honey...Sam how's it going?" He asked as he rubbed my back soothingly.

"They can't get into the server..I'm so sorry Cor, we are trying to get it taken down." Sam said as he paced the room with his phone to his ear.

"They all saw..everyone knows what I did..." I whispered shakily. "Shh, you didn't do anything, it's okay baby girl." Colby cooed as he cried himself.

"Why is this h-h-happening?" I asked as my phone started ringing, "I don't know, I'm so sorry Cora..I'm so so sorry." Colby said and kissed my head as he cried.

I finally fished my phone out of my pocket and answered it, "hello?" I asked with a sniffle as I leaned my head on Colby's shoulder,

"Cora Elizabeth what is going on?" Dad's voice sounded from the other line, "daddy..." I whispered as I brought my hand to my mouth. "Why did they put that in the video!? I'm going to kill Colby!" Dad shouted as I shook my head, "it wasn't his fault, Dad. He's just as mad as you are...please calm down." I whispered and started to cry again.

"Oh no..squirt don't cry..I'm sorry." He whispered as I sniffled, "please don't yell at me." I begged as Colby kissed my head, "I'm sorry squirt, are you okay...Why didn't you tell me?" He asked as I shook my head, "Because I'm ashamed of myself." I whispered as my dad gasped.

"You should not be ashamed squirt, those pieces of shit should be the ones that should be ashamed." Dad said with venom in his voice, "how much of that clip is in the video?" I asked as Colby stiffened around me, "it doesn't matter squirt." He said quietly as I shook my head.

"Please tell me.." I whispered as he sighed, "all of it, until the part where you agreed to do it." He said as my heart stopped, "I...what? I never agreed to do it..what are you talking about?" I asked and looked at Colby with wide eyes. "Yeah...you told him you would do it, then it cut to the end credits." Dad said as all the air left my lungs.

"N-no...t-that didn't h-happen." I whispered as my hand shot up to my chest. "I believe you honey...I believe you." He said as I shook my head. "I didn't do it..." I whispered feeling the panic attack start to bubble up, "sweetie just breathe, it's okay, are they getting it taken down?" He asked as I shakily handed the phone to Colby.

I knew I wouldn't be okay in a second.

"We are trying our hardest to get it taken down...yeah..I know." Colby said into the phone as I slowly sat on the floor. "Yeah, I'll update you. I'll make sure she's okay..yeah..okay we love you too." Colby said then hung up and sat on the floor with me.

"Any update, Sam?" Colby asked as he wrapped his arms around me, trying to keep me calm.

"No, they are still working on it..I'm so sorry Cora." Sam said as I shook my head, "not your fault." I whispered as Colby ran his fingers through my hair. "Want some tea? I feel like it would be good for you." Colby said quietly as I nodded, "yeah." I mumbled then let him help me up.

I tried to keep myself from unwraveling as we made our way to the kitchen, "I'm proud over you. I know this is hard for you." Colby said as I grabbed the tea kettle.

"I'm trying..." I whispered as he came over and wrapped his arms around my waist, "everyone probably thinks I did it though." I whispered as my lip quivered.

"Sam and I are going to clear everything up, don't worry about about a thing." He said and grabbed the tea tin for me, "Okay.." I breathed out and looked at him, "are you okay?" I asked and put my hand on his cheek, examining his features as he took a deep breath.

"I hate that they did this to you." He said and shook his head, "I hate that I had to see what they did to you...as if hearing it wasn't enough." He said and combed his fingers through his hair. "I hate that they hurt you." He said as I rubbed my thumb along his cheek.

"I do too, but your fans are supporting me. They actually like me now." I said with a small smile, feeling the small bit of joy that saying that brought me.

"What do you mean?" He asked as I shakily picked out a tea bag. "#JusticeforCora is trending right now." I said as he smiled, "I'm happy they're supporting you in this." He said quietly and kissed my forehead as the sweet sound of Mia giggling filled my ears.

"Mama. Dada." She said as Kat carried her in, "hey, she was crying for you guys." She said as I painted a smile on my face, "hi sweet girl, sorry we kind of ditched you." I said as I took her from Kat, "Mama sad." She said as I shook my head, "mama is a little sad, but she's okay. We are all okay." I said and bounced her as Colby smiled softly at us.

"Have they gotten it down yet?" Kat asked as Colby brushed his fingers along Mia's cheek while she giggled at him.

"No...not yet. Sam is working on it." I said and frowned, feeling the emptiness again. "It's okay, I'm sure it shouldn't be much longer." Kat said reassuringly as she rubbed my back.

"I just feel so disgusting...I can feel his lips on my neck again. It feels like it just happened." I admitted and bounced Mia as she wrapped her arms around my neck, giving me a hug. 

Colby clenched his jaw and took a deep breath before shaking his head, "what can we do to help?" He asked which warmed my heart. It was little acts like this that made me love him so much more.

"Maybe a shower...do you think I can use our old shower?" I asked and bit my lip as Kat smiled at me, "I'm sure Jake and Tara wouldn't mind." She said as I nodded, "thank you." I whispered and handed Mia to Colby, "I'll grab you something more comfortable to wear." Kat said as I nodded, "thank you." I whispered and looked at Colby as he kissed Mia's head.

"I'll keep your tea warm for when you get out. I love you." He said and kissed me before stepping to the side so I could go upstairs. "I love you, too." I said as I walked passed him.

It almost felt weird walking up these stairs since we haven't lived here in months, but it brought a certain sense of comfort as I opened the bedroom door.

It hurt my heart a little bit when I opened the door and realized it was completely different. Jake and Tara's stuff was in here now, making it feel like a completely different room.

It wasn't necessarily bad, it was just....different.

I walked into the bathroom and had the same melancholy feeling, remembering all the memories we have had in this room. From the countless amount of baths, to my water literally breaking in here..every memory came flooding into my brain and honestly it was a huge shock to the system.

I sighed and undressed, before getting into the all too familiar shower. I started to cry as soon as the door was closed, feeling safe to let my emotions out. 

I wanted to stay strong and not let this effect me, because it was behind me, but in this moment I didn't care.

I just cried and cried until it felt like I was going to pass out.

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