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I bolted up clutching my chest as I looked around, taking in my surroundings.

I couldn't do this.

My mom was right, I was just going to fail, there's no way I could be a mom and delve into the music industry.

I would tell them I couldn't do it.

Colby would be so disappointed. He's so proud of you.

I couldn't do this though, I wasn't going to be able to be what a 'pop star' is supposed to be. I was different.

I scrubbed my face with my hands and got out of bed. I guess an hour and a half would be fine for sleeping. I wasn't going to able to fall asleep again so I was just going to go watch the sunrise.

I looked back at the bed to make sure Colby was still asleep before I went outside. He was sleeping so peacefully I almost wanted to crawl back in bed with him.

I wanted to watch the sunrise though, if I was going to be up this early I might as well enjoy it.

I went out to the living room and quietly made myself a cup of coffee so I wouldn't look or feel like a zombie all day.

As soon as my coffee was prepared I went out by the pool, laying on one of the lounge chairs that was out there. I stared up at the stars, thinking about how crazy my life has been.

I let my mind drift off to where I was before I met Colby. I worked at the coffee shop and pretty much only hung out with Kat, my biggest dream was to be signed by a record label so I could make my dad proud.

He was so encouraging, and wanted the best for me even if he had to sacrifice some things.

I had to do this for him.

I slowly skipped on my coffee as the sun rose around me. It was honestly such a calming morning which was a huge contrast to the restless night I had.

"Couldn't sleep?" Colby's groggy voice sounded from the back door, "No..what are you doing up?" I asked and looked over at him, "Mia was crying, I think she had a nightmare. Sit up." He said and walked over to my chair. I sat up as he positioned himself to sit behind me so I could lean on his chest, in between his legs.

"What's going on?" He asked quietly as I set my coffee cup on the ground next to us. "I don't know if I can do it, Colby. Maybe my mom was right. You can't raise a kid and live your dreams." I said and leaned my head back into his chest as he tightened his arms around me.

"Maybe she couldn't, because she's weak. You can though...Cora you can't give up on yourself before you even try. I'm not going to let you. They are going to have you sign a contract, we just have to make sure you have an out if you need it." He said and kissed my head.

"At least try it, if it doesn't work out thats fine, I think you're just being too hard on yourself." He said as I sighed, "I don't know Colby...I'm just scared." I said and bit my lip. "I know, and that's okay. It's okay to be scared. I'm going to be here with you through it all though." He said and rubbed my arms soothingly.

"What time is it?" I asked and leaned my head back to look at him, "8:30 why?" He asked as I sat up again, "I should probably call him. He's probably awake." I mumbled and reached for my phone which was sitting on the table next to us.

My hands were shaking as I dialed the number, "hello?" Bryan answered as I painted a smile on my face, "hi! It's Cora..from last night." I said and leaned my head back onto Colby's chest.

"Oh hey! Do you have a decision for me?" He asked as I silently sighed, "let's do it." I said as he chuckled, "great! Can you meet me at the studio in an hour or so? We need to get a contract prepared for you." He said as I nodded.

"Yeah, is it okay if I bring my husband and daughter?" I asked and rubbed at my wedding ring. He chuckled, "yeah of course! You sound nervous, kid." He said as I sighed, "maybe a little bit." I said with a small laugh as Colby tightened his grip.

"Don't worry, we are going to take good care of you." Bryan said as I nodded slowly, "okay, thank you. We will be there in about an hour. Thank you again." I said as he chuckled, "of course, see you soon." He said then hung up.

"So?" Colby asked as I got up, "we have to go to the studio, I have to sign a contract." I said quietly and bit my sleeve. "Hey..it's okay." Colby cooed as he pulled me into him.

"I'm just...thinking about Charlie and what happened. You have to make sure they let me read the contract." I said and looked up at him with worried eyes.

His jaw clenched as he nodded, "I will. I promise." He said quietly then pulled me into him again, "okay, let's get ready then." I said as pulled away, shaking my hands out.

We went inside and both got ready while we let Mia sleep in a little more, she had a restless night too and needed as much sleep as possible.

When we were both ready we went to go get her, "I'm gonna try and move her without waking her up." I whispered before we opened the door. "good luck with that." Colby whispered with a laugh as we walked inside.

Mia was still sleeping peacefully when I made my way to the crib. I hesitated to grab her because I knew she would wake up and that would be the fourth time she would be woken up today. I sighed and looked at Colby with pleading eyes as he grinned.

"You can do it." He whispered and watched me with a smirk, "you're an ass." I whispered back then went to pick her up. She fussed and started to whined "it's okay sweet girl,  you can keep sleeping. Shhh." I said and bounced her slowly, "mama." She said and hit my chest,

"I know you're mad." I said and took her to the changing table to get her changed really quick. "MAMA!" She screeched and kicked my arms as I tried to change her while Colby laughed, "stop laughing, she's pissed!" I said with a laugh as she hit my hands away.

She was SO much like Colby.

"I'm sorry, I think it's funny!" Colby said as I finished getting her dressed, "you would think it's funny, she's just like you in the morning." I said as she giggled a little bit, "you think it's funny too?" I asked and tickled her belly as she stopped kicking me.

"Funny!" She squealed and waved her arms around, "right, it's funny to be fussy in the morning." I said sarcastically as she rubbed her eyes.

"Welp, she's awake now." Colby said with a shrug as I rolled my eyes and picked her up, "well then you won't have a problem holding her." I said and handed her off then collected her stuff so we could go.

"Of course not, look at her! She's just a little princess." He said as she happily rested her head on his shoulder. "Such a daddy's girl." I said with a laugh then led the way to the car.

When we got to the car I immediately got in and fiddled with my fingers, remembering where we were going.

Colby got Mia situated in the backseat then got in the driver's seat, "okay let's go, super star." He said as I rolled my eye, "Brock, you have literallt millions of fans. Relax with the superstar shit." I grumbled and shook my head as he smirked and took my hand, "you're fun to mess with, love." He said causing me to scrunch my nose at him.

The drive wasn't that long but it felt like an eternity as my nerves ate me alive. "Relax Cor, you're trembling." Colby said quietly as he rubbed my hand with his thumb, "I don't know why I'm so nervous...people do this kind of thing all the time." I sighed out and rubbed my eyes with my free hand.

"It's really scary to jump into something like this, but you have Mia and I to be your little cheerleaders." He said quietly as we pulled into the parking lot.

"Yeah, I guess." I whispered and sighed.

I wanted to be excited about this but something in the back of my mind was telling me to be worried and scared.

I wish that part of my brain would just go away.

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