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Colby's POV

"Hey guys, the last interviewer is running a little late, you guys okay with that?" Our manager Gretchen asked as Sam and I waiting in the green room.

I pulled out my phone and unlocked it to look at the time, I had about an hour and a half before I needed to be there for Cora's show. "That should be fine, I just can't be late to Cora's show." I said and went to text her to let her know I might be a little late but my phone died right before I could even start typing.

"Shit, can I use your phone dude?" I asked Sam as he shook his head, "my phones been broken since Hawaii, I think it got fucked up when Kat and I got stuck in the rain. My new one is still in the mail." He said as I groaned, "okay, we can't be late though...I'm serious." I said as he nodded, "I know dude, we won't be." He said and smiled at me.

We waited around for a while as I bounced my leg anxiously. I hated being out of control right now, because I knew it would crush Cora if I didn't get to wish her luck before she went on.

"Dude you're making me anxious with your leg shaking." Sam said as I leaned down and put my head in my heads, "I'm so stressed out, where is this guy..I seriously have to be there for Cora." I said and looked down at the bouquet of flowers I have been carrying around all day.

"You will be! He's on his way, we still have plenty of time. Just breathe dude. Even if we are a little late she will understand, she cares about your dreams just as much as you care about hers." Sam said as Gretchen came into the room, "okay he's here, we will try to keep this short for you guys I know it's been a long day." She said as we stood up and went into the room he was getting set up in.

"Sorry I was running late! There was a huge accident on the highway, but let's get started okay? I don't want to take too much more of your time." He said as we sat down.

We went through the same six questions we have been asked all day, which had gotten really boring. I knew the fans were going to make fun of me for this interview in particular because I was so scatter brained and honestly was just wanting to get out of there.

Sam ended up taking most of the questions though because he knew my mind was somewhere else, which I appreciated.

"Thank you so much for your time guys, I can't wait to see the series unfold." The interviewer said as they cut the cameras, "we can't wait for you to see it, do you know what time it is?" I asked and stood up, grabbing the flowers.

"Uhhh...6:30." The interviewer said as I sucked in a breath, "shit. We have to go." I said and dragged Sam out of the room,

"Cora is going to KILL me." I hissed and snatched my keys up as Sam put his jacket on, "relax dude! I can get us there in 20 minutes, give me your keys." He said and held his hand out.

"No getting pulled over though, because then we will really be late." I warned and tossed him the keys as I walked out towards the parking garage. "God, I wish I could text her at least..she's gonna think I'm not coming." I groaned as we got in the car.

"She will be fine once you get there though, we will get there before the set starts." Sam said and started the car. "We better," I mumbled and looked down at the flowers in my hand.

I had picked them up on the way here because I knew I wasn't going to have time on the way to the venue. I picked out a bouquet with red roses and sunflowers since that was her favorite combination of flowers and I just wanted to see her smile.

I was so damn proud of her.

"Are you this nervous when Kat performs?" I asked and twisted my helix piercing. " I like to call it nervcited. I  get nervous for her but also so excited to see her shine." He said as the road got a little bumpy, "yeah, I feel the same way..I'm just so proud of her, I can't wait to see her up there." I said with a smile just before we heard a loud popping noise.

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