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Sam pulled into the small gravel parking lot and parked the car as Corey pulled in next to him. "We ready to hike?" Sam asked as we all got out of the car, "ready!" Kat said as I zoned out, getting out of the car.

I drowsily walked over to Colby and handed Mia off to him, then took his hand. I was having a hard time focusing on what everyone was saying so I just blocked it out, focusing on my surroundings.

We started our journey into the forest as Jake led the way with a giant stick. I wished I could be laughing and goofing off with everyone but I didn't have it in me at the moment. I would just watch them.

"You okay, Cor?" Devyn asked as we stopped to take pictures, "mhmm." I mumbled as Colby squeezed my hand gently. "Her medicine just makes her a little drowsy for a while, she should be fine by the time we get to the waterfall." Colby explained as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Oh, well make sure you're drinking a lot of water... Want me to take her?" She said and pointed to Mia who was looking up at the trees with wonder in her eyes, "that'd be great." Colby said and handed her off.  "Come on Mia, let's go look at those pretty flowers over there!" Devyn cooed and carried her away.

"How are you feeling?" Colby asked as he turned me to face him, "I'm okay." I mumbled sleepily as he caressed my cheek, "I'm so sorry sweetheart." He said quietly as I smiled a small smile, "it's okay." I whispered and leaned into his hand. He leaned down and placed a kiss on my forehead before we started walking towards the group again.

"Cora do you want to get in the picture with us?" Kat called as she Devyn, Tara, and Mia all stood in front of the beautiful landscape. I nodded slowly and made my way over standing on the end next to Devyn.

I smiled, begging my eyes to cooperate and warm up. I knew they looked dead and I knew if these pictures were posted the fans would notice it. I probably looked drugged up. "Let me see." Kat said as Sam handed her the phone, "oh cute!" She said as I walked back over to Colby lacing my fingers through his.

We continued our hike until we reached the top. There was a group of people already up there, but they were jumping down into the open water below that the waterfall in front of us was leading in to.

I found myself tensing up as I watched the teenage boys jump from the cliffside into the water. I tried to focus on the calmness of the environment I was in. I tried to focus on the sounds of the rushing water in front of me and of the birds flying past.

But my mind was stuck on the guys jumping down into the water.

I felt like I was back at McMillan, looking over the edge as I held my foot out. I could feel my body going limp as I finally let myself take the step just before Colby slammed into me.

I couldn't help the disgusting sobs that left my throat as I quickly turned around, facing away from the waterfall as my hands flew to my mouth,

"Hey! Hey it's okay." Colby cooed and pulled me into his chest as I sobbed into his tank top. "I'm sorry." I choked out as he rubbed my back gently, "shhhh just breathe." He whispered as Kat came over with a water bottle. I hid my face in Colby's chest for a second as I focused on my breathing, the numbness hitting me a little harder.

"Here, drink some water." Kat said quietly and handed me the water bottle, "I'm okay." I mumbled and took a big sip of water, "I'm sorry." I repeated and shook my hands out before facing the rest of the group. "Let's go swimming." I said with a smile as Mia squealed, "SWIM." She said said and bounced in Devyn's arms.

Sam smiled at me then pointed to the little trail that lead down to the water, "let's go." He said as Corey led the way.

"I'm definitely jumping before we leave though." Jake said as I cringed ever so slightly, "Jake." Colby said with disappointment in his voice as Corey smacked him upside the head, "it's fine guys, if he wants to jump safely into a body of water then I support it. That goes for all of you." I said and took another sip of water as I turned to walk down the trail.

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