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It's been a couple more days and I was doing a little bit better each day.

Today was going to be hard though, because we were telling our parents about the news.

"I'm nervous," I mumbled as Colby set the laptop up. "It's gonna be okay, you're so strong." He said and kissed my cheek as I bundled the sleeves of my sweatshirt up in my hands,

"Hey guys!" Colby's parents chirped as the call went through. I tried to plaster a smile on my face, but even I could tell it wasn't reaching my eyes at all. "What's going on?" His dad asked cautiously as Colby took my hand in his, massaging at it gently as I bit my cheek.

"We lost the baby." Colby said as I heaved in a breath, hating the way those words sounded coming from his mouth. "Oh my...I'm so sorry." His mom said as I covered my face with my hands, letting out the sobs I had been trying to hold in. Colby rubbed my back, "how are you feeling? I know it's tough.." his dad said and I hid my face in Colby's shoulder,

"can you give us just one second?" Colby asked quietly, "of course, take your time." Colby's dad said as Colby muted the mic and turned our camera off for a minute.

"You're going to get through this, you're doing great." He cooed as I broke down. "I can't do this." I whispered as he rubbed circles onto my back, "you can do it,  baby girl, you can do this. Don't give up." He said and kissed my head.

After a few minutes I was composed enough for Colby to turn the camera and microphone back on. "I'm sorry." I whispered and held Colby's hand, rubbing at his wedding ring with my fingers.

"It's okay sweetheart, don't apologize. It's important to know that this is something that happens to a lot of woman, it's unfortunate but it happens very often." Colby's mom said as I bit my lip and sniffled, "you're also not alone honey. Everyone loves you so much, and we just want to be there for both of you." Colby's dad said as I wiped my eyes again. "Thank you." Colby said and squeezed my hand before turning and kissing my head again.

"We also have a little bit of good news, we bought our first house together." Colby said as I nodded slowly. We were supposed to be moving in a couple weeks but with what's been going on we haven't been able to pack or even really think about changing where we live.

"That's exciting news!" Colby's mom said as they both smiled at us, "when do you move?" His dad asked as I rested my head on Colby's shoulder. "The house is ours in a couple weeks, we aren't sure when we will move in though." Colby said and rubbed his thumb along my hand again. "Yeah, we want it to be a happy thing." I said quietly, "and it will be." Colby's dad said with a small smile.

We talked with them for a little while longer before they let us go. I wasn't ready for the next call though. I didn't want to tell my dad.

As we hung up I looked at Colby with tearfilled eyes, "I can't tell him..." I whispered shakily as he pulled me into him, "shhhh it's gonna be okay. He would want to know so he can help you." He said quietly. "I'm gonna go get you some water and tea, then we can call him." He said and stood up, taking both of my hands in his, "I'm so proud of you." He said then kissed my forehead. When he left the room I stood up, shaking my hands out, trying to bring feeling into them.

When he came back he set the two drinks in front of me and rubbed my back gently, "ready to do this?" He asked quietly. "No. But let's do it." I said and pressed the call button.

"Hey squirt! Hey Colby! He yelled happily which sent a slight sense of warmth in my heart, "what's going on, are you calling to tell me it's twins or something?" He asked as my lip quivered, "no.." I whispered as his face fell,

"oh god..oh sweetie no.." he said as I nodded slowly, "we lost it.." I said as Colby held my hand tightly, "oh squirt I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry. I'm booking a flight. I'm coming." He said frantically as I shook my head, "no daddy...it's okay." I said and rubbed under my nose as I sniffled, "maybe it would be a good thing Cor, having him here.." Colby said and rubbed my back.

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