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"We want to sign you."

My heart stopped.

"me?" I asked as my hand flew to my chest, "yes! You have some serious talent, and so much emotion. It's incredible." Bryan said as I chewed on my lip. "Thank you. Um...I think I need to talk to my husband and work things out. I have to do what's best for my daughter." I said and combed my fingers through my hair.

I couldn't just jump into something like that, especially if Colby wasn't going to stand by me with it. I had to make sure Mia would be taken care of before I made any decisions, since I knew it could be time consuming being signed to a record label.

There was also a voice in the back of my head, reminding me of Charlie.

What if Bryan was like him, and just wanted to use me for sex, because he knew I had a dream and could get away with it. I shook my head, trying to be excited for once.

"That's totally fine, just give me a call back at this number when you have a decision for me. Great job tonight." Bryan said as I nodded, "thank you." I said then hung up.

I felt the weight on my chest again as I heard the front door open. "Cora?!" Colby's voice called out as he ran into the bedroom, holding a bouquet of flowers.

Sunflowers and roses. My favorites.

"Go away." I said then turned to go towards the bathroom. "Cora, please listen to me." He said as I stopped, "why? You broke my heart, Cole." I said and closed my eyes against the tears that were forming.

I heard him suck in a breath, "I know..I can explain." He said causing anger to boil up, "explain what?! Explain how you weren't there for me when YOU were the one to convince me to even go after my dreams in the first place?!" I asked and whipped around to face him.

"You better have a good fucking excuse because I have ALWAYS supported your dreams." I said and pointed at him before I heard Mia crying in the other room, "great." I grumbled then pushed passed Colby to go comfort her. "Cora..." he whispered as I walked away but I was angry.

I was so mad at him I couldn't even contain it enough to hear him out. I didn't care what he had to say.

He stood me up.

When I got to Mia's room she was crying and standing in her crib, "hi sweet girl, I'm sorry I woke you up. Go back to sleep, it's okay." I said and kissed her head, lifting her out of the crib so I could bounce her back to sleep, "dada." She said as I rolled my eyes, "dada is in a lot of trouble right now." I said and bounced her, kissing her head until she fell asleep again.

I sighed as I laid her back in her crib and put some calming music on, hoping it would drown out the argument Colby and I were about to have.

As I walked out of the room I took a deep breath, hoping he actually had a good reason and didn't just forget then bought some flowers to cover it up. I shook my head of the thought and closed Mia's door carefully. We couldn't wake her again.

I walked into the bedroom and brushed passed him again, going straight into the closet to change since I was still wearing the outift I wore on stage.

"Cora please listen to me, I'm so sorry baby girl...I'm so fucking sorry," Colby said as he followed me into the closet, "You get five minutes before I decide if you're sleeping on the couch or not." I said and crossed my arms as he took a deep breath in.

"The last interviewer was late because of an accident on the highway. We weren't done until 6:30 but we tried to get to the venue before you went on. I tried to text you but my phone was dead and Sam's is still broken from when they got caught in the rain in Hawaii." He said as I watched him twist his helix piercing.

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