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"Do you have to go?" I asked my dad as we stood outside of the airport. "I do, squirt...I wish I didn't though." He said as I frowned, "I understand.." I whispered as he put his hand on my cheek. "I'm always a phone call away." He said and gave me a tight hug. "I love you. Please text or call when you land so I know you got home safe." I said as he chuckled,

"you're such a little mom." He said as I shrugged, "yeah, but it's only because I care." I said with a wink then bundled my sleeves in my hands as Colby walked up with Mia.

I took a step back and watched as my dad took Mia from Colby, "goodbye, pumpkin. Papa loves you so much." He said as she wrapped her tiny arms around his neck. "Papa." She said as he rubbed her back. "Yes, I'm your papa." He said with a laugh as he hugged her tightly. He held her for just a second before he handed her off to me.

"Bye son, it's always good to see you." He said and gave Colby a hug. "Always good to see you, have a safe flight." He said and hugged my dad. "Take good care of her." I heard my dad say as they pulled away, "always." Colby said before my dad picked up his bag and waved at us one last time before heading into the airport.

I bit my lip and looked at Mia who was watching me with wide eyes, "hi." I whispered and kissed her head as I looked at Colby with sad eyes, "I know honey, it's okay." He said and leaned down to kiss my cheek.

I didn't even have to tell him what was on my mind for him to know what I was thinking.

I just really fucking missed my dad.

"Come on baby girl, let's go home." Colby said and opened my door for me, then took Mia so he could strap her into her car seat.

We have been living in this house for almost a week and it still felt weird. We have slowly been adjusting but it was always so quiet and a little lonely. It was even weirder pulling into the driveway today though because even dad was gone now.

"It's so empty..." I said with a sigh as we opened the front door. "Yeah..we should invite some people over later." Colby said and walked to the couch so he could set Mia down on the rug. She grabbed her favorite toy then ran up to me, "mama!" She said and held it up so I could grab it. "Thanks sweetheart! You play with it though." I said with a laugh and handed it back to her so I could sit on the couch with Colby.

I let out a sigh as I rested my head on his chest and curled into his side, "you tired?" He asked as I nodded slowly, "just a little bit." I said quietly as he rubbed my side soothingly. "You should take a nap, then when you wake up we can invite everyone over." He said as I nodded slowly.

"That sounds good." I said as he reached over and grabbed the remote to turn a movie on. "Hey Colby?" I asked as he looked down at me, "what's up baby girl?" He asked as I looked up at him, "you're the best and I love you." I said causing him to smirk, "I love you too, get some rest." He said then kissed my forehead before I rested my cheek on his chest again.

I watched the movie that was playing for a couple minutes before Colby leaned over to help pull Mia onto the couch with us. She nuzzled into his other side which made Colby chuckle, "I love you girls." He said quietly then kissed both of our heads as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I'm not sure how long I was asleep before I woke up to the house shaking violently.


Colby held my head protectively to the left side of his chest as he held Mia's to the right. "C-Colby?" I asked as Mia started crying, "it's okay, shhh it's okay. It's almost over." He said and tightened his grip on us.

It was over in the next 30 seconds but Colby didnt let up his grip on us, "I think it's over babe." I said and tried to lean up away from him. "I know...I just...your head." He said nervously as I frowned and sat up.

"My head is fine, I'm fine. Mia's fine. It wasn't that big of an earthquake. We are okay, babe." I said quietly and rested my hand on his cheek as he bit at his lip. "We are okay, thanks to you." I said and looked at Mia who was looking up at Colby with dewey eyes,

"it's okay princess, come here." He said and pulled her closely into his chest. "It's okay." He whispered and kissed her head as I rubbed her back. The aftershock hit a few minutes later but it was even weaker than the initial earthquake so we barely felt it.

"Should we invite people over now?" I asked and stood up to stretch out, "if you want to, I can order food." Colby said and watched me cautiously as I walked to the fridge to get some water. "What?" I asked as I took a sip, "you're okay?" He asked as I laughed, "yeah. I knew you wouldn't let anything happen to me. I'm fine, that wasn't nearly as bad as the other one we have had." I said as he stood up and walked with Mia as she yawned.

"I guess I'll take her for a nap." He said then walked down the hallway to the nursery as I texted the group chat for everyone to come over.

When Colby got back to the kitchen he smiled at me with a proud look on his face, "what?" I asked with a laugh as he came over and lazily rested his hands on my waist. "Just proud of you." He said as I smiled up at him, "I didn't do anything." I said with a laugh, "you're just so strong, and selfless and god you're just relentless. I'm so proud of you." He said then pressed his lips to mine.

I smiled into the kiss as he pulled my hips into his, causing me to gasp. He took the opportunity to deepen the kiss as he lifted me up onto the counter. I reveled in the feeling of his lips on mine as I laced my fingers through his hair.

He pulled me closer into him as he deepened the kiss even more. I pulled away quickly though, gasping a little bit. "I-I'm not ready yet...I...I'm so sorry." I whispered as he placed his hand on my cheek, "it's okay baby, don't apologize." He said and looked at me with understanding eyes.

I was frustrated with myself that I still couldn't deal fully with the situation, I knew Colby was probably a little frustrated too, but he hid it so well with those blue understanding eyes.

"Soon....I promise. I-I'm almost there but...I'm just not yet." I said and bit my lip, looking down at my shaking hands. "I'm in no rush baby girl, I know it's difficult for you to take that step again. Take your time. Like I said, I'll wait forever for you." He said then placed a tender kiss on my lips as the doorbell rang.

I chuckled as Colby helped me down from the counter, then went to get the door. "Were you getting your hanky panky on?" Jake asked as I opened the door, "hi Jake. It's good to see you too." I said and gestured for everyone to come in.

"How are you feeling?" Sam asked as he gave me a hug, "I'm doing pretty good. How's the house without us?" I asked as he shrugged, "quiet. We miss you guys and Mia so much." He said as Kat tackled me with a hug, "Where is she anyways?" She asked and looked around.

"Mia's taking a nap. She got spooked from the earthquake." I said as Kat gasped slightly, "me too, Mia. Me too." She said and nodded her head as Devyn came over,

"did you paint that? On the wall over there?" She asked and pointed to the painting I did for Colby when he was filming the YouTube series. "Yeah, I did." I said with a small smile, "that's beautiful! You should look into selling your art, I know I would buy some." She said as I smiled.

Maybe I could. I also wanted to back into music, I wanted to just be creative. I think it could help vent some of the feelings I was having.

"Yeah, I'll think about it." I said with a grin as all of us settled down on the couch.

We spent the rest of the day playing games and goofing off. Once Mia was awake we went to go swim in the pool.

"You like swimming, don't you honey?!" I asked Mia as I bobbed her up and down in the water. She giggled and brought her hands to her cheeks, "swim!" She said with a laugh as I grinned at her, "yes. Swim." I said as Tara came over.

"Okay kid, it's time to learn my name. Can you say Tara?" She asked and brushed the curls from Mia's face, "Titi!" She yelled as Tara pouted, "That was so cute! JAKE I WANT ONE!" She yelled and looked at Jake, "hell no!" Jake called as Mia giggled, "shit." Mia said as I nodded, "shit is right, little one." I said as Tara laughed.

We spent the rest of the night just hanging out and having a good time.

Even though a huge piece of my heart was still missing it felt nice to be able to just have some fun.

I needed that.

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