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"I KNEW IT!" Kat yelled and pointed at me as she jumped up to hug me. "Really Colby??? Period stuff??" She said and hit his chest with a laugh. "I didn't know what to say!" He defended with his hands up in surrender. "Congratulations guys!" Sam said and hugged us both.

"Wait..what's going on?" Jake asked and squinted at the picture, "ohhh shit. You got knocked up AGAIN?" He said with a laugh, "Jake!! Don't say it like that! You guys are really pregnant though?" Tara said as I nodded, "yep! Baby number 2 is on the way." Colby said and pulled me into him, "Jesus dude do you guys even TRY to use protection?" Corey asked with a chuckle, "actually every time." I said and bit my lip, feeling overwhelmed all the sudden.

"I think it's great." Devyn said and came up to hug us. "Thanks Dev." I said and hugged her, "can't believe we will have another Brock kid running around here." Tara said with a smile as she hugged me.

"Heh...about that.." Colby said and looked around at everyone. "We have to talk." He said as I chewed at my lip nervously. "I feel like I'm getting broken up with.." Sam said as they all sat back down. "Cora and I have been talking...and we think it's time the two of us found a house by ourselves." Colby said as I messed with my ring nervously.

"So they are dumping us." Jake said as I shook my head, "no! It's just that with this baby on the way..we just want to have our own space..." I said with a frown.

Everyone looked really sad but Sam's face softened first, "they have a point...with Mia and a baby on the way they need more space than we can give them." He said as I nodded, "I'm gonna miss you guys though." I said shakily as tears formed in my eyes. "Aw..Cor..." Kat said and stood up to hug me,

"You guys have helped me and Colby so much with raising Mia and being there for me during all the craziness...I don't know if I'll be able to survive without you guys." I said and wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"You will. You always come out stronger after tough situations." Tara said and smiled at me, "plus, we are always gonna be here for you... I also expect you guys to move super close." Sam said and hugged me. "Yeah, we will move as close as humanly possible." Colby said and hugged him too.

"Yeah, Mia also needs you guys, she literally knows your name before she knows mine. Mia baby, who is that?" I asked and pointed to Sam, "Sammy!" She said and waved her arms around. "And who's that?" Colby asked and pointed at me.

She just giggled and hid her face in Colby's shoulder. I thought it was funny but my heart also broke a little bit. Was I just not important enough to her?

"The point is, we may be living apart but I expect to see every one of you at LEAST once a week." I said and pointed to them, "deal." Devyn said and hugged me. "So it's settled, we are moving out.." Colby said and looked at me as I forced a smile on my face. "I guess we are." I said with a sigh as he took my hand and squeezed it.

We all dispersed after a while so Colby and I could tell our parents about the new baby.

"Hey mom! Hey dad!" Colby said as we set up the laptop with Colby's parents on FaceTime, "what's up guys!" Colby's mom said and waved at us as Mia bounced in my arms. "We have something to tell you." Colby said as his dad scrunched his brows, "you're pregnant again aren't you?" He asked as a big smile bloomed on my face, "guilty." I said and held up the sonogram, "oh my god! That's so exciting! Congratulations guys." Colby's mom said as her hands flew to her mouth.

"Thank you! We are so excited! Right, Mia?" I asked and smiled at her, "gamma!" She said and pointed to the screen. "Yes, grandma!" I said feeling my heart break just a little more. "She's starting to talk??" Colby's mom said as I felt tears form in my eyes, "yeah, she is!" I said trying to hide the quivering in my voice. "Excuse me for just a minute, ill be right back," I said and stood up handing Mia over to Colby as he looked at me with concern.

I ignored it and turned to walk away as my eyes stung from the tears trying to break through.

As soon as I was a good distance away I let myself break down. Feeling all of the emotions running though me. I got so emotional that I had to sit down on the floor because I felt like I was going to pass out.

I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen for a second causing me to freeze. What was that?

The pain was already gone, so maybe it was just my body telling me that I needed to calm down, since I'm carrying an entire human. I had to be more careful.

Colby came in a minute later as I sniffled and wiped my under eyes. "Oh angel.." he said and sat on the floor next to me, pulling me into him. "Where's Mia?" I asked and sniffled. "I brought her down to hang out with the others, what's going on?" He asked and rested his chin on my head, "its bothering me." I said quietly as he rubbed his hand along my back.

"What is? That Mia won't say mama?" He asked as I bit my lip hard, trying to keep the tears at bay. "She just...does she not love me?" I asked and started sobbing again, "of course she does! She loves you so much, baby girl!" He exclaimed and kissed the side of my head, "then why won't she say it? I'm not even enough for my own kid." I said and heard him suck in a breath,

"Don't talk like that! She's just a kid baby. Like Claire said, maybe she's just waiting for the perfext moment to say it. Just don't think lowly of yourself like that. Don't do that," he said and rocked me slowly.

"I know she's just a kid...I just....my hormones." I said as he rubbed circles on my back. "I know baby, I know. You're strong though, you just have to remember that she doesn't realize she's hurting you. She loves you so much, I see it in her eyes, even when she runs towards me instead of you. I honestly think she likes messing with you, Cor." He said as I breathed out a laugh,

"I make it pretty easy, don't I?" I asked and pulled away from him as he wiped my cheeks, "what? Being messed with? Yeah you make it pretty easy." He said causing me to smack his arm. "Ow! What was that for?!" He asked with a laugh, "for being honest!" I said as he stood up. "Okay fine, you make it so hard to get messed with, that's why I'm totally not messing with you right now." He said and reached down for my hand. "Alright alright, whatever. Let's go tell my dad about baby number 2." I said and walked back out to the laptop.

"Hey squirt! Hey Colby! Where's Mia?" He asked as I chuckled, "hey, she's downstairs, we just wanted to tell you something." I said as he looked at us with apprehension, "oh?" He asked as I held the sonogram up, "you're pregnant again?!" He asked as Colby wrapped his arm around me, "yup! Only about 8 weeks so it's still a little early but we are so excited!" I said and smiled at Colby who was already smiling at me.

"Congrats guys, I'm really happy for you!" He said with a smile, "thank you! We are also planning on moving soon. Just us and Mia, so you'll have to come visit." Colby said as he nodded, "I'm already counting down the days, I can't wait to see you again." He said as I smiled, "I can't wait to see you, I miss you lots." I said and rested my head on Colby's shoulder.

"I miss you too, but I'm gonna let you go, you look tired squirt." He said as I chuckled, "yeah I guess I am." I said and shrugged, "congratulations again, I'll talk to you later. Love you both!" He said and waved, "Love you too!" Colby said then hung up.

"You gonna take a nap?" He asked as I yawned, "yeah, it's been an eventful day." I said then crawled into the bed.

"Sleep well, beautiful girl." He said and kissed my forehead, then left the room. I hated how out of whack my emotions were, and how constantly tired and hungry I was.

I honestly couldn't wait to not be pregnant again.

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