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Colby's POV

"I'm scared." Cora said which caused my heart to absolutely shatter. I couldn't even imagine the things that were going inside of her head right now.

"I know, baby girl...I know. I want to kill them for what they did to you..for what they said you would have to do." I said and felt the anger boiling up inside of me again.

"I'm so sorry I let them touch me..I'm so sorry." She sobbed out and burried her face in my chest. "Cora no...no baby you don't get to apologize for that. You didn't let them do anything. They assaulted you. Don't apologize for that." I said and rested my cheek on her head as she sobbed.

We stayed silent for a moment before she tensed up, "it's okay honey...it's okay." I mumbled and held her as she broke down in my arms.

"W-what did the contract say?" She whispered after a few minutes. "Oh Cor....please don't make me tell you.." I whispered feeling my heart break for her even more. "I n-need to know...so I can fully g-get over this." She trembled as I felt my heart rate pick up.

I didn't want say the words that I had to read just hours ago.

"Cor.."I whispered as she looked up at me with dewey eyes. "Please." She begged.

I looked at her for a long time before I finally nodded. I guess she deserved to know what she signed her name onto.

I took her hands and led her to the bed, "tell me if it gets too overwhelming, I'm serious." I said as she nodded slowly, biting at her lip. I stared at her for a moment, delaying the conversation as much as I possibly could.

Even in this moment I couldn't help but admire how absolutely beautiful she was. I seriously didn't want to talk about this...I didn't want to break her even more. She needed to know though.

"Okay, basically it said in your contract that they would film you...doing things...so they could make a profit by posting it online." I said slowly as I watched the light leave her eyes. I felt my jaw clenching as the urge to kill them grew stronger.

"You weren't allowed to say no...I know they told you in the room you could say no but in the contract...it said you didn't have an option. You had to do it legally if you signed." I said through gritted teeth as she looked down slightly.

"I wouldn't have let that happen though Cor, I would have found you before things got too escalated." I said quickly and grabbed both sides of her face so I could look into her eyes.

"I was already about a minute away from checking on you when you knocked on the door." I said and looked into her eyes as she nodded, "what if they got me pregnant?" She whispered almost inaudibly as my heart broke even more.

"It didn't happen baby...none of that awful stuff in that contract happened. You got out of there..and I'm so proud baby girl..so proud." I said and pressed my lips to her forehead as she closed her eyes.

"Thank you." She whispered as I pulled away, "for what?" I asked as she opened her eyes. "For beating them up...for protecting me..for everything." She said and gave me a small smile.

"Cor, I have never wanted to kill anyone more in my entire life." I admitted as she breathed a small laugh, "I know. I've never seen you that mad." She said and brushed her hair behind her ear,

"nobody touches you but me." I said lowly, feeling the need for her grow.

I couldn't do that to her though, not tonight at least.

"Deal." She said and kissed me, as her fingers laced through my hair. Her tongue danced along mine in perfect sync as we melted into eachother.

My heart was bursting out of my chest as she pulled herself closer to me. I wanted her so badly but I knew in my heart she was still hurting a lot from losing the baby. She wasn't ready.

"I love you." She whispered as I pulled away to place gentle kisses along her neck. I felt her tense up slightly causing me to pull away, "I'm sorry." I whispered as she shook her head, "no...It's okay. I..it's okay. Keep going." She said then climbed into my lap, straddling my hips.

I didn't know if this was necessarily a good idea but I brought my lips back down to her neck. I think she was trying to replace the memory of Charlie touching her with a good memory of me actually loving her.

"I love you, too." I finally whispered back as I pulled away to look in her eyes. I could see the sparkle slowly coming back within them as she rested her hand on my cheek. We stared at eachother for a while, just basking in the love we were feeling.

"Are you tired?" I asked as she stood up a couple minutes later. "I'm exhausted...but I couldn't sleep if I tried." She said and started brushing her hair out.

"Okay, how about we watch a movie or something then. I'll make you some tea and we can just see how you feel. If you need to stay up all night, we will stay up all night." I said as she sat in front of me so I could braid her hair.

I knew she secretly loved when I played with her hair so I took my time, messing up a few times so I could give her some extra comfort.

"That sounds good, if you need to sleep though, then you can. I don't mind being up alone." She said quietly as I chuckled, "I know you don't, but I do. It's fine, Cor. I took a nap in the car, I'm sure you'll crash before me." I said and kissed the top of her head as soon as I was done with the braids.

I stood up then helped her get to her feet, "what kind of tea are you thinking?" I asked then walked to the kitchen as she settled down on the couch. "Uhh maybe sleepy time would be the best idea so we don't have to stay up all night." She said with a twinkling laugh which caused my heart to flutter.

God, I was so in love with her.

"Sleepy time it is, go ahead and pick a movie." I said then grabbed the tea kettle and filled it with water. She silently scrolled through the movies before picking Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.

"This is my favorite movie." I said and set her tea down in front of her, "I know." She said quietly as she rested her head on my chest.

We watched the movie as she slowly sipped her tea. I made sure I stayed awake so that she wouldn't be up by herself but it was starting to get a little difficult as my eyelids drooped.

"You can go to sleep, Colby. I'll be okay." Cora whispered as I shook my head, "no way. Pick another movie." I said with a yawn as she chuckled, "ohkaayyyy." She sang as she reached for the remote.

She picked another lighthearted movie but I didn't catch the title of it because I had closed my eyes for a minute. Or at least I thought it was for a minute.

When I opened my eyes again the movie was almost over and Cora was asleep on my chest. I smiled to myself and stood up slowly so I could carry her to the bedroom.

When I stood up, I stretched for a second before looking down at her. She looked so peaceful as she slept with a small smile on her face.

She never failed to amaze me at how strong she was. I know people who would crack after just one of the many hoops she's been through, but she always somehow just kept going.

I knew how difficult it was for her to stay strong sometimes but I was so insanely proud of her for how well she has handled everything thrown at her.

I really won the lottery with her.

I watched her for just another second before carefully picking her up from the couch. "C-Colby?" She mumbled sleepily as I walked her slowly to the bedroom. "Shhh, go back to sleep, you're okay." I whispered as she nodded and closed her eyes again.

When I laid her down on the bed she whimpered a little and reached for my side of the bed. I frowned and took my shirt off before getting in the bed next to her.

"I'm here baby girl..I'm right here." I whispered and pulled her into me as she relaxed again.

I focused on her breathing to make sure she was still asleep before I finally let myself drift off again.

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