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When I woke up I felt a little more refreshed. I could feel the ache in my heart but it was a dull pain that could be covered by the entertainment of ghost hunting with my best friends.

"Hey, you're up!" Colby said and opened his arms as I came over to sit on his lap, "how'd you sleep?" He asked as he rubbed my hip comfortingly. "Good." I said and looked around at the guys.

"Hey guys, sorry if I was rude this morning." I said as Sam smiled sympathetically at me, "you weren't rude, Cor. It's alright." He said as Jake nodded, "yeah, you were just sleepy, buddy." He said as Corey nodded in agreement.

"So we have to meet Charlie in the old infirmary in like 20 minutes. Is there anything we should discuss before we go?" Sam asked as I looked at the clock. It was already 7:30pm which mean I slept literally all day. "Um....do we have any food left?" I asked and bit my lip, "oh shit! I ordered you fresh food, I think it might be here by now." Colby said and pulled his phone out.

"Yeah, wanna come with me to pick it up?" He asked and patted my butt so I would stand up, "yeah, sure."   I said and slipped my shoes on. "Be right back." Colby said and took my hand, before leading me out into the hallway.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as we walked to the elevator. "Better. I think I just needed to give my brain a rest." I said as he sighed, "wake me the next time you can't sleep." He said as I nodded, "you need to rest, too." I argued as he chuckled, "and I will once I know you're okay." He said as we walked into the lobby, "you're the best, you know that?" I asked as he smirked, "I try."

We grabbed the food Colby ordered for me then went back upstairs to the room. I only had 10 minutes to scarf down the Mac n cheese he got me  before we had to meet Charlie in the infirmary.

I could feel my nerves rising as we got ready to go. I decided I had to be on my best behavior with Charlie tonight since I literally broke the man's nose last night.

I felt kind of bad still for doing that but also at the same time, he really deserved it for endangering Colby.

"Before we go down I think we should talk about the plan for tonight." Sam said and looked at the guys, then to me. "What plan?" I asked with a scrunched brow.

"If we say no, it means no." Sam said as Jake opened the door for us to leave the room. "I mean..that's how it should be but Charlie clearly has some sort of power trip. He won't take no as an answer." I said with a sigh as Colby took my hand.

"She's got a point." He said as Sam sighed, "it's just...he can't keep putting us in danger like this. One of us is bound to get hurt." He said and raked his hand through his hair.

"We just have to be submissive I think...just do what he says. I have a feeling he gets a kick out of us arguing with him." I said as Corey laughed, "this is why we need her, that's so true." He said and pointed to me.

"Honestly you're right. I'm just nervous because he could push us to our breaking points..and he's just crazy enough to do it on purpose." Sam said nervously. I got a shiver down my spine because he was right.

Charlie basically broke me already, leaving me even more fragile than I was yesterday. "It's gonna be okay, we just have to do what he says." Colby said and squeezed my hand as we got to the elevator.

When we got to the infirmary Charlie and Bill were already there. Charlie had a huge bandage over his nose. His under eyes were severely bruised causing me to cringe.

I really hurt him.

"Hey guys!" He greeted as we came in. We all mumbled our hellos as we filed in front of him,

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