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I was laying out while Colby and Mia were swimming in the pool. We were really adjusting to living by ourselves at this point. Whenever we were lonely we would just call everyone and force them to come over, they always would too.

I think they missed us as much as we missed them.

Sam, Jake, and Corey spent a lot of time here as they continued working through the legistics of the YouTube show. Colby was finally going to show me the first few episodes today.

"Are you tired yet Mia?" Colby asked as he bobbed her in the water while she giggled, "no!" She yelled as I chuckled, "I can jump in if you're tired." I said with a laugh as Colby shook his hand, "but then I would lose the view of you tanning." He said as I rolled my eyes,

"Relax, Brock." I teased as I stood up and stretched, "on second thought....stay just like that." He said as I shook my head then jumped into the pool. "Come on Mia." I said and opened my arms to her, "mama!" She said as I took her from Colby.

"I'm going in to get a drink, you want one?" Colby asked as he got out of the pool.  "Mmmmmm lemonade!" I said as Mia slapped her hands on the water happily.

"Anything you want, baby girl." He said then checked his phone and gasped. "What?!" I asked as my heart dropped to my ass. "Oh! Nothing bad. They sent me the final cuts for the first two episodes of the YouTube show." He said as I gasped happily.

"I wanna see I wanna see I wanna see!" I cheered as Mia laughed and burried her face in my neck.

"I told you I would show you first, come on." He said and nodded his head towards the house, "come on Mia! Let's watch daddy's video." I said and started for the stairs of the pool.

Mia started crying when she realized we were getting out of the pool, "oh sweet girl, it's time to get out, you're a raisin!" I said and looked at her wrinkly fingers. "Swim!" She cried as I hugged her, smoothing her hair down. "I think it's time for a nap, maybe?" I asked as Colby handed me a towel for her.

"Food?" She said as she rubbed her eyes and looked at me, "okay yeah, food." I said and wiped her cheek of the tears that were on them.

When we went inside I took Mia to her room and got her changed into her pajamas. It was a little early for her to be in her pajamas but honestly she was just the cutest thing in them so I guess we were just having a pj day.

I changed into my own pajamas then went into the living room, where Colby was setting up the video, "well don't you guys just look the cutest?" Colby asked and gestured to our pajamas. "We wanted to have a pj day, right Mia?" I asked and looked at her as she giggled and hid her face in my neck bashfully.

I sat on the couch and fed Mia as Colby brought over my lemonade for me. "Thanks, love." I said and smiled up at him. "Am I going to get scared after watching these?" I asked and nodded towards the screen. "Probably. Maybe not though, you've experienced scarier stuff in person." He said as I laughed, "I guess I have." I said with a shrug.

I really missed doing scary stuff and adventuring with Colby. It might have been a little dangerous but it was so fun, I wanted to do it again.

Mia ended up falling asleep in the middle of eating which made me laugh, "I told you little girl." I mumbled and pulled her away so I could cover myself up again. "Okay, ready?" Colby asked as I leaned into him with Mia sleeping in my arms.

"We need popcorn." I said as he chuckled, "you're right. How could I forget?" He asked as I scrunched my nose at him. He made the popcorn then jogged back over to the couch, "now are we ready?" He asked with a laugh as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "yes, ready." I said as he started the video.

We were going to watch the first two episodes which were 45 minutes long each.

The first video was the San Antonio episode where they went to the Emily Morgan Hotel. It was intense, since they stayed on the most haunted floor in the most haunted room. Sam ended up getting scratched pretty bad which made me a little nervous.

I didn't like that they put themselves in danger doing these videos, but honestly the videos were really enteraining. "Did you get hurt?" I asked Colby quietly as the second started to play. "No, sweetheart." He said and kissed my head.

The next video was in Savannah. This was the night they investigated the basement of Moon River Brewing Company.

Corey ended up leaving the building because he was so scared during this one which was both hilarious but scary. They caught actual video evidence of a shadow apparition, which was actually insane, "that's not edited?" I asked and looked up at him, "no. I saw it with my own eyes. Scariest night of my life I think." He said and shivered a little.

"Yeah? Why would they make that episode 2?
Shouldn't it be the finally?" I asked as he shrugged, "ya know, you're probably right. I'll bring that up to them." He said as his phone rang.

"Hey! Yeah we just watched them......are you serious?" He asked as I stood up so I could take Mia to her room. "No I don't think I could do that...what do you mean?" I heard him ask as I walked into the bedroom.

Mia fussed slightly as I lowered her into her crib, but she stayed asleep. I sighed and walked back to the living room where Colby was pacing, talking on the phone.

"I mean I guess if we have to....I just don't think it's something I'm able to do right now." He said as I sat down and bit my lip watching him carefully.

"Okay...yeah. I'll talk to her. I'll let you know. Okay bye." He said then hung up and huffed out a breath. "What's going on?" I asked as he plopped onto the couch next to me. "They messed up the audio for the Queen Mary episode. They said we need to refilm the whole episode." He said and raked his hand through his hair.

"Just for one day right?" I asked and turned to face him, "no, probably a couple days. That was our longest episode because the fans love the Queen Mary so much." He said as I let out a breath, "okay...so you'll leave for a few days?" I asked as he sighed.

"If you're okay with that. I really don't want to leave you..not after what happened." He said as I laid my hand on his. "It's okay...do what you have to do. Remember that I want you to chase your dreams." I said and smiled at him.

"I just..I don't want to leave you here alone. That scares me Cor...like a lot." He said as I chuckled, "it's...." I started but then my mind went off in a different direction.

I really did miss exploring with them. Mia could stay at the house with the girls and Kevin again. She would be fine if I did what I wanted to do.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He asked with concern and sat up to look at me fully.

"What if I just came with you?"

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