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I had to admit I was a little nervous as we pulled up to the tattoo parlor. I had never gotten a tattoo and I was a little nervous to get one but I was honestly really excited for what I had planned.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Cor?" Colby asked as we got out of the car, "yeah, I've always wanted one...are you sure you're ready? Because I'm picking." I said and scrunched my nose at him. "I'm not worried." He said and took my hand.

"Mia, you want a tattoo?" I asked as she looked at me blankly, "good answer." I said with a giggle as we went in.

"Hey, you guys have an appointment?" The girl behind the counter asked as we came in, "no, is there anyway we can do a walk in?" Colby asked as the girl looked at the clipboard in front of her, "Hmm depends on the piece, what are we thinking?" She asked as Colby turned to me, "two small ones for each of us." I said as she nodded.

"Yo Billy! You got time?" She called back to the very tatted man who poked his head out, "hmmm yeah. Come on back guys." He said and motioned for us to come into the little room he was in.

"Hey before we get started do you mind if we record this? I'm filming a YouTube video." Colby asked as I sat down with Mia. "Hell yeah, what kind of YouTube video?" Billy asked. "Saying yes to my wife for 24 hours." Colby said as Billy laughed, "happy wife happy life, right?" He said as I laughed.

"That's what I said!" I said and pointed at Colby. "It's true! Ugh when my wife isn't happy nobody is." Billy said as Colby shook his head, "anyways I'm gonna start recording now." He said then pointed the camera at me, "tell them where we are, Cor." He said as Mia giggled.

"We are at a tattoo parlor." I said with a grin, "I can't believe we are really doing this." Colby said and panned the camera to himself, "me either." I said and looked at Billy.

"What were you wanting to do." Billy said as I smiled. "I want to get the letter C on my wrist with a little camera next to it, and I want Colby to get a little C with a music note next to it. Then I wanted us both to get little dolphins in honor of Mia." I said and smiled down at her.

"DAWPHIN....BOBA!" Mia screamed as I giggled, "yeah, for you!" I said and kissed her head. "Alright, well I'll sketch something up for you guys, hold tight." He said then left the room.

"You're adorable." Colby said as he turned the camera off, "I just want you two to be symbolized on my body forever." I said quietly as he kissed my head, "I do, too." He said as I rested my head on his shoulder.

A few minutes later Billy came back with the sketches and I was obsessed. Next my C was a camera that resembled the camera we were filming with. Next to Colby's C was a quarter note which was simple but sweet.

My dolphin for Mia was an outline of a dolphin where Colby's was a silhouette of the same dolphin, making ours complete if they were together.

"Those look good!" I said with a smile as I looked up at Colby who was grinning at me with love. "Who's going first?" Billy asked as I bit my lip. "I'll go first baby, that way you can see how not painful it is." Colby said as I nodded and bounced Mia.

"Alright, where do you want them?" Billy asked me as Colby sat in the chair, "um..the C can go on his right wrist, and the dolphin can go on his bicep, symmetrical to his sunflower tattoo." I said as Colby nodded, "thats where I would want to put them." He said as he handed me the camera.

As soon as Billy started, Mia looked at Colby with cautious eyes, not liking the noise the tattoo gun was making. "It's okay sweetheart, it doesn't hurt." Colby reassured as Mia pouted and I tried to film.

It only took 20 minutes to get both of the tattoos because they were pretty simple, but now it was my turn and I was really nervous.

"You'll be okay, love. It just feels like you're getting scratched." Colby said and handed Mia off to him as Billy started setting up for me.

"Wait let me see them." I said and reached for his arm, "oh..oh I love them." I said and pouted as he smiled softly at me, "you and me are together forever." He said and kissed me as Mia yawned loudly, "oh I bet you're ready for bed." I said and smoothed her curls down as I handed Colby the camera, "sweepy." She said and rubbed her eyes.

"You can sleep in daddy's arms while I get my tattoos." I said and handed her off to Colby so I could sit in the tattoo chair.

"I'm nervous." I said as Mia rested her head on Colby's shoulder, closing her eyes. "Don't be, I'm right here." He said and reached his hand out for me to grab. "If you can get through child birth you can get through this." Billy said as I sighed,

"you're right..okay..I want the C on my left wrist and the dolphin on my right ankle." I said as he nodded, "sounds good." He said then turned the machine on causing me to grip Colby's hand tightly.

Once Billy put the stencil on my wrist he looked at me, "ready?" He asked as I nodded, "you've got this baby girl." Colby said as Billy started to outline the camera. It hurt, but it had nothing on brain surgery and childbirth.

"This isn't that bad." I said but kept Colby's hand tightly in mine as he finished up the first tattoo. "See? You're a badass, Cor." Colby said as I giggled, "I wouldn't go that far." I said as Billy finished the first tattoo.

When I looked down I couldn't help the smile that bloomed on my face, "I love it." I said with a smile and showed the camera. "Alright, lay your leg on the table and we can get the dolphin done." Billy said as I lifted my leg.

"So..why a dolphin?" He asked as he started to put the stencil on, "she's obsessed with swimming so we took her to swim with the dolphins in Hawaii and they are her favorite animal now." I explained as he started doing the tattoo. I cringed at the pain from this one as I squeezed Colby's hand.

"That's honestly adorable. I love the tribute." Billy said as he concentrated. It only took a couple minutes before it was done and I honestly teared up at it. I loved that Colby and Mia would forever be a part of me not only spiritually but physically also.

We took pictures of our tattoos together and Colby filmed for the video before Billy wrapped up the tattoos so they could be protected.

"Thank you so much!" I said and waved to Billy as we made our way to the car after paying. "That was fun. I can't believe we did that," I said as Colby put Mia in her car seat, careful to not wake her up.

"Yeah, you were so tough. I'm proud of you." Colby said as we got in the car, "what next?" He asked as I shrugged, "home for now, Mia needs to sleep." I said and looked at the time.

It was already 8pm so she would probably be out until the morning which meant it was just Colby and I for the end of the video.

When we got home Colby brought Mia to bed as I went to the kitchen and admired my tattoo. I was honestly obsessed with it and couldn't believe it was actually real.

"Alright, so we are home and had to put Mia to bed since it's late for the little one. What else do you want me to say yes to?" Colby asked as he pointed the camera to me, "hmmmm I want you to make me dinner." I said and hopped onto the counter.

"What would you like?" He asked as I put my fingers to my chin, "hmmmm how about fondue. I love fondue." I said as he laughed, "I don't know how to make that, plus we probably don't have the ingredients." He said as I shrugged, "well you better go to the store and get on google." I said coyly and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Whatever you want baby." He said as he grabbed his keys to go to the store.

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