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Vinny brought over our food which caused Mia to groan a little bit making me laugh. "She's just like you I swear." Colby said, "foooood." She mumbled as I pinched her cheek, "just you wait little one, it's going to be the best food you'll ever eat." I said as Vinny smiled down at us.

"I can't believe you have a kid, it seems like just yesterday you were as big as her." Vinny said as I chuckled, "you sound like my dad." I said with a laugh. "You'll be talking like us when Mia is all grown up, now eat up. Call me over if you need me." He said as I looked at Colby and bounced in my seat.

"I'm so excited! Vinny's food tastes like home." I said and cut a meatball up for Mia. "He really does make the best food I've ever had." Colby said with a laugh as he took a bite of his pasta.

"Okay Mia, get ready fo be amazed." I said and brought the fork to her mouth as she opened it. As soon as I put the meatball in her mouth her eyes widened, "MMMMMMMMM" she moaned as Colby laughed, "I think she likes it," he said as I giggled and wiped her mouth.

"Yeah, I think so." I said and took a bite making the same noise that she just did. "You two are embarrassing." Colby said with a laugh as I danced in the booth, "I just love food, get off my dick." I said and gave Mia another bite.

"Whatever. I have a question for you." Colby said as we continued to eat, "yes, I'll marry you." I said as he rolled his eyes, "thank god, I was worried." He said then scrunched his nose at me, "yeah, this meatball is looking like some good competition, you're lucky you already put a ring on it." I said as he laughed.

"You're a dork. No, I was wondering if you wanted to do a video with me?" He asked as my brow scrunched with confusion, "I thought you didn't want me exploring with you anymore." I said as he shook his head, "no, I meant for my personal channel..no exploring ..no danger. Just you and me being goofy." He explained as I smiled.

"Yeah, what did you have in mind?" I asked as he chuckled, "you'll love it. Saying yes to my everything my wife wants for the entire day." He said as I shook my head, "you already do that. Happy wife happy life, am I right." I said as he grinned at me,

"yeah I do say yes to you but that's because you ask for small things like icecream and cuddles. You can ask me to do ANYTHING for the video." He said and wiggled his brows at me.

"Okay, yeah I'll do it." I said with a shrug, "is this little jumping bean gonna be a part of it?" I asked and gestured to Mia who was bouncing up and down happily.

"Of course she is" he said with a laugh as she looked at him, "yum yum yum." She said and opened her mouth again. "I can't wait to tell you what to do all day." I said and fed Mia as he chuckled, "I don't think I'm ready for this." He said as I shook my head, "nope. You're not." I said with a laugh.

We finished up eating and went to say goodbye to Vinny, "Make sure you come visit, I've missed you." Vinny said and kissed my cheek as Mia giggled, "can you say thank you to Vinny for the amazing food?" I asked and bounced Mia once on my hip,

"Thankewww!" Mia said as Vinny smiled, "you're welcome. Alright you guys take care of yourselves, come visit at any time." He said and waved before going back into the kitchen.

"Thank you for taking me here, babe...I can't believe he's in LA now..maybe Dad will move next." I said as we made our way back home. "That would be nice, I wish he would." Colby said and took my hand as we pulled into the driveway.

When we got inside Colby ran to go get his camera so we could film the video. "Alright, you ready babe?" He asked as he jogged into the living room, "ready!" I yelled as Mia ran over holding up her stuffed dolphin. "Ready to have some fun, Mia?" I asked as Colby sat next to me, "alright, here we go." He said then started recording.

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