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I cuddled into Colby's side as I watched the screen intently.

The episode started off with Sam and Colby introducing themselves as well as Jake, Corey, and I. As soon as I came on the screen Mia giggled, "mama!" She said and bounced up and down as she held a piece of bread in her hand, which she was eating absentmindedly.

"Yeah, mama is a ghost hunter now." I said quietly to her and kissed her curls. "A damn good one, too." Colby whispered and kissed my head as he tightened his arm around my waist.

The editing was done perfectly, and Charlie was nowhere to be seen or heard in the video so far, which was great.

We were getting to the part where jake almost fell from the smokestack. I didn't know if I felt comfortable watching this part, because I genuinely was so scared knowing he almost died right in front of us.

I heard Tara gasp when it happened, causing her to smack Jake's arm, "Why didn't you tell me you almost died!?" She yelled then tackled him with a hug. "Sorry! It wasn't really a big deal because Cor saved me." He said as I shrugged, keeping my eyes on the screen.

So far I felt good, not having any moments of panic or fear. Maybe it was because Mia was sandwiched between Colby and I as she watched the screen intently.

She wasn't scared at all which made sense because I don't think she knew what was going on. She was also half Colby's kid and he wasn't necessarily afraid of this stuff either, so maybe it rubbed off on her.

I kept my eyes on the screen, watching as we made our way down the latter and back to the main deck.

Then the scene changed.

My heart stopped when I saw the image of Charlie kissing my neck show up on the screen. "What the fuck?!" Colby growled as my mouth fell open and my hands started to shake.


"I can't hear her. Can you Bill?"

"Nope. Can't hear her."

I felt my chest tighten as Sam scrambled with the remote. I couldn't tear my eyes from the screen though as Colby pulled me into his chest, holding his hand over my eyes, forcing me to not watch anymore.

"TURN IT OF!" Colby screamed which caused Mia to cry. I opened my mouth to comfort her but instead deep sobs left my body, building up so fast I felt like I was going to be sick.

Why was that in there?

"It's okay, you're okay..." Colby soothed as I cried into his chest. "I'm gonna be sick." I whispered as the screen went black. "Shit!" Sam yelled as I got up and bolted out of the room.

I need to be sick.

When I got to the nearest bathroom I emptied my stomach contents into the toilet then collapsed onto the floor.

I could feel Charlie's lips on my neck again as the cold feeling in my chest appeared, almost as if I was reliving it.

Someone pulled me into their arms as the haze filled my senses, "n-no! D-don't touch me!" I screamed and tried to push them off but my body was weak.

I was weak.

"It's okay Cor, it's just me..it's just me baby girl." Colby's voice filled my ears as I struggled against him, "NO! I SAID NO!" I screamed and closed my eyes as tight as I could. "Shhh..." he shushed and held me closer.

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