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When we got home from the store I could feel the sadness gnawing away at me.

I wanted to lay in bed.

"You had enough?" Colby asked as I bit my lip and nodded slowly, "I don't want to let Kat down." I said quietly as the tears started, "you won't be baby girl, let's just get you to bed, then when you wake up maybe you'll feel good enough to hang out with the girls." He encouraged as we got out of the car. I went to grab Mia and held her close, "mama." She said which made me chuckle.

I couldn't help but think it was funny that she didn't say it for so long but now it's pretty much the only thing she says. She really did love messing with me, until I was hurting really bad, then she only wanted to comfort me.

She was just like Colby.

"Hi sweet girl." I whispered and carried her inside.

When we got inside I could hear people in the living room but my heart was aching, and all I wanted to do was lay in bed. "Go on up, I'll talk to them." Colby said and kissed my head as he took Mia, "dada!" She said and hugged him around his neck,

"hi princess." He said with a chuckle then smiled at me again, "go ahead." He said as I nodded, then turned around,

As soon as I got to our room I crawled into bed and threw the blankets over my head.

I was really proud of myself for today, but with every action there's an equal and opposite reaction. Since I went out and wasn't thinking about the heartbreak I was feeling for a while that meant I was in for a hard time right now.

I would get through it.

I ended up crying myself to sleep a couple minutes into laying there which I guess was good.

"Mommy?" Mia asked as we walked through the grocery store hand in hand. She was much older now, maybe five or six. "Can we get some nanas?" She asked and pointed towards the bananas "yeah, of course sweet girl." I said and smiled at her. I looked down as we walked, seeing that I was pregnant again. I smiled and put my hand on my belly feeling the warmth flood my chest.

"Come on." I said and guided Mia over to the bananas, when we got there I noticed a man eyeing us, "honey, stay close to me okay?" I asked and put my hand on her head as she nodded, "yes, mommy." She said as I reached for the perfectly ripened bunch of bananas.

Time moved in slow motion as the man who was eyeing us snatched Mia into his arms, "STOP!" I screamed and reached for him as a searing pain filled my stomach and blood dripped down my legs.

"NOOOO!!!!!" I screamed in agony as I sat up, holding onto my stomach for dear life, "Cora!?" Colby yelled and slammed the door open, "NO!" I cried hysterically as he came over and pulled me tightly to his chest, "WHERE'S MIA!!?" I screamed as my sobs became almost painful, "she's downstairs with everyone! She's okay, you're okay." He soothed, "I-I'm not!" I yelled and pushed my face deeper into his chest, craving his comfort.

"Shhhhh, it was just a dream, take a deep breath with me." He said and coaxed me to breathe in with him. I pulled away from his hug so I could look into his eyes as I took a deep breath in, "good." He said and smiled as he placed his hand on my cheek, "go again." He said as we breathed together.

It took a good ten minutes before I was fully calmed down but once I was there I felt good again. I was just so grateful for Colby.

I took a deep breath and got out of bed, "Where are you going?" Colby asked as I went to the closet, "I need to see Mia." I said and pulled a sweatshirt over my head, "do you want to talk about anything?" He asked and leaned against the doorframe, "no, I'm okay." I said and gave him a small smile.

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