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"That's the last box!" Sam said as he put the last box in our living room. I smiled at him as I heard my dad and Colby struggling to get the couch into the house. "Let me help." Jake said and jogged over to help them as I bounced Mia on my hip.

I could tell she was a little bit overwhelmed with what was going on, because she was just looking around with wide eyes and her thumb in her mouth. "I know this is weird for you little girl, but it's gonna be fun." I said and brushed her curls from her forehead.

Once they got the couch into the living room they collapsed onto the bed, "that shits heavy." Jake said he tried to catch his breath, "shit," Mia said causing me to shake my head, "no. Food?" I asked trying to change the subject, "food." She said and smacked her hand on my chest. "Okay. Food." I said then walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed.

I started feeding Mia as I looked around at our new room. It felt weird having our old furniture in a new room.

It was bittersweet.

"Hey, Kat wants to know where you want them to start unpacking." Colby said as I looked up at him with tearfilled eyes, "what's wrong, baby girl?" He asked and sat next to me, cupping my cheek gently. "Nothing really, it's just bittersweet." I whispered and smiled slightly at him, "yeah, I know. Change is hard, but this is a good change." He said as I nodded, "it is." I agreed then shook my head slightly.

"Okay, um she can help me with the closet if you and some of the others want to unpack the kitchen? When are the movers coming?" I asked as I smoothed Mia's hair down.

"Between six and eight. Yeah, I can get stared on the kitchen with the guys if you and the girls want to do the closet." He said and leaned over to kiss me, "we are really doing it." He said as he rested his forehead against mine.

"Yeah we are." I said and chuckled as Mia started fussing. "Okay okay, I hear you kid." I said and pulled her away. "Dada." She said and reached for Colby, "guess you're on Mia duty." I said and handed her off as I got cleaned up.

"I love being on Mia duty. Hi princess!" He exclaimed and peppered her face with kisses as she laughed. "I would sit here and watch you guys all day if I could but then we would never be moved in." I said stood up, walking towards the closet. "Send them in when you can!" I yelled and walked into the huge walk in closet we had.

I looked at all the boxes and took a deep breath, sorting them. I was going to go through Colby's boxes with Kat and Tara and Devyn would go through mine.

"Here we gooo! I have never seen your whole wardrobe, I might steal stuff." Devyn said as the girls walked in. "You'll have to fight me for it." I said with a chuckle, "Alright, never mind." She said as Tara cackled, "I want to see that fight though." She said as we dug into the boxes.

We were at it for a few hours before my dad came in, "hey guys! How's it going in here?" He asked and ruffled my hair. "It's going! Who knew we had so much clothes." I said and breathed out a sigh, "to be fair we get distracted every five minutes." Kat said with a laugh, "yeah Colby owns some weird shit." I said and held up a tshirt he had with a demonic Mickey Mouse on it.

"You know you're daughter knows that word?" Dad said as he scratched his head, "well aware. You can thank Jake for that one," I said as he chuckled, "ya know I'm not surprised." He said then shrugged. "Anyways I bought some pizza if you guys want to come out and get some." He said as I pouted.

"You didn't have to do that daddy." I said and kissed his cheek, "I know but I wanted to, come on let's go." He said as we went out to the kitchen. The guys were already eating as music played, "wow wait to wait for us guys." Kat said sarcastically as they looked up at us. 

"I got you a piece, babe." Colby said and came up to me as I scrunched my nose at Kat, "thanks babe!" I said with a bragging tone as Kat laughed, "whatever." She said and grabbed a piece of pizza.

I sat with Mia on my lap as we all ate our pizza and just hung out. My heart was so full as everyone had a great time in our home for the first time.

When the movers came we decided it was time to get back to unpacking.

"Oooo can I have this?" Devyn asked and held up one of my tank tops, "yeah sure, I think it would look better on you anyways." I said with a shrug as she rolled her eyes, "that's not true, but thank you!" She said then threw it behind her so she could take it later. "You're welcome! I never wear it anyways." I said with a laugh.

As we went through Colby's stuff I pulled out his plain purple hoodie then shook it out so I could hang it up. When I did that a laced black bra fell to the floor. "Oh shit I think we packed one of your bras on accident." I said and held it up for the girls to inspect.

"Not mine!" Kat said, then turned to continued hanging Colby's clothes up. "Nope, too big to be mine." Devyn said with a shrug, "no, I'm wearing my black bra...it's not mine." She said which caused my heat to drop.

If it wasn't any of ours...who's was it?

He wouldn't do that to me. There's no way.

Maybe he finally figured out that you're not worth it.

There was NO way he would do this to me..right?

"Cor...you look like you're going to pass out." Devyn said cautiously as I let the bra drop to the floor. I felt my heart shatter in my chest as the realization hit me that he could have been cheating on me.

"I-it's none of ours..." I whispered as tears filled my eyes. "Oh my god...NO. He wouldn't do that to you, Cor! It's probably not what it looks like." Kat said as she stood up to give me a hug.

"W-we haven't had sex in a while...w-what if h-he.." I whispered feeling my chest aching. "NO. He wouldn't Cora!" Tara said and I looked down at my shaking hands. "COLBY." Kat yelled and stormed out of the room.

"Cora, breathe." Devyn said as I shook my head, "I don't think he would b-but he better have a good explanation for this." I mumbled as he came in the room.

"Cor, what's going on?" He asked with concern as Mia looked at me with wide eyes. "We should give them a minute..."Kat said and took Mia from Colby as the girls left the room.

"Cora. What is happening?" He asked as I slowly picked the bra up off of the floor.

"W-who's is this." I asked with tears in my eyes.

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