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Colby's POV

When I woke up Cora wasn't next to me which caused me to sit up and look around to see if maybe she was sitting somewhere else. I didn't see her anywhere but I heard the shower going.

As I scanned the room I saw that Sam, Jake, and Corey were all awake and scrolling on their phones. That meant either the ghost was showering or Cora was showering.

I was going to go with the latter on that one.

I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through my notifications as we all tried to wake up fully.

"Last night was crazy." Sam finally said, breaking the silence as I heard the shower turn off, "yeah, it really was. Everyone doing okay after that?" I asked as I sat up and scrubbed my face with my hands. "Yeah, dude are you okay? You don't feel all possessed or anything?" Corey asked as I looked at my hands, "nope. I feel normal." I said with a shrug as the bathroom door opened.

Cora walked out into the bedroom and didn't make eye contact with any of us as she went over to her suitcase to put her things in it,

"good morning Cor." I said as she looked up and smiled slightly before turning back to her suitcase, "good morning." She said quietly then stood up and walked over to get into bed again.

I opened my arms so she could nuzzle in, "you sleep well?" I asked and kissed her head, "did you?" She asked and rested her cheek on my chest. "I did." I answered, noticing she avoided the question. 

"What did you guys want to do today?" Sam asked as I traced little circles on Cora's arm. "Can we eat? I'm starving." Jake said causing Sam to laugh, "of course we can eat. That is a basic human function after all." Sam said with a laugh as Corey shook his head, "we have the day off until we film at night again, right?" Corey asked as Cora traced my tattoo with her finger.

"Yeah, I think we should just get some food and hang out here, even though it's quite literally the creepiest hotel room in the world. I just know Charlie is going to make us do some insane stuff tonight." Sam said as Cora stiffened up slightly in my arms.

"You okay?" I mumbled to her as she nodded, still focusing on tracing my tattoo.

Something was wrong.

"Wanna go on a walk?" I asked as she nodded slowly. "Okay, let me shower really fast." I said as she leaned up off of my chest so I could get up.

She grabbed my pillow and hugged it as soon as I stood up, but kept her eyes down. I contemplated waiting to shower until we came but decided to just get it over with so I would be ready for the day.

The guys were talking about the plans for the day while Cora silently laid next to Sam. I was getting a little concerned, did something happen to her overnight?

Sam met my gaze as I pulled out the clothes I was going to wear, "she okay?" He mouthed and pointed to Cora. "I don't know." I mouthed back, "I'm going to shower." I announced then went into the bathroom.

I quickly brushed my teeth and hopped into the shower. I rushed through the motions as I thought about how Cora was acting, something was seriously wrong and I wanted to know what.

I was out of the shower not even 10 minutes later then got dressed quickly. When I got back into the room she was laying in the same position, staring at the wall in front of her.

I sighed silently then went to my suitcase and put my stuff away. I walked over the bed and crouched down to be eye level with Cora, "you ready?" I asked and brushed her hair from her face as she stared off into space. "Yeah." She whispered and sat up, swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

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