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I felt much better when I got out of the shower, sometimes crying really is the best medicine.

I felt cleaner too, I couldn't feel my skin crawling anymore which was a good sign that I was going to be okay.

I wrapped myself up in a towel as Colby came in, holding a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, "wait...these are yours, why are they here?" I asked as he grinned at me.

"I may have went back to the house to grab them, I know wearing my clothes makes you a little more comfortable." He said sheepishly as I stood up on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek, "thank you...I'm really feeling better though. The shower helped." I said as I started getting dressed.

"I'm glad you're feeling better." He said and kissed my forehead as I brought the hoodie over my head, "is my tea still warm?" I asked as I towel dried my hair, "yeah, I have Kat on Mia and tea duty." He said as I chuckled, "perfect, is the video down yet?" I asked and bit my lip as Colby sighed, "I'm not sure, I haven't had a minute to talk to Sam yet." He said as I nodded.

We went downstairs and into the kitchen where Kat was dancing with Mia, "oh hey, look..it's mommy!"
She said as Mia whipped her head around to look at me as I smiled at her, "hi sweet girl. Did you help Kitty keep my tea warm?" I asked and took her from Kat, "yah." She said and nodded as I pinched her cheek, "perfect, thank you." I said then grabbed the mug.

"I suppose we should go check in with Sam shouldn't we?" I asked with a sigh as Colby bit his lip, "if you're ready to.." he said as his voice trailed off. "The damage is already done, I don't think it could get much worse." I said and started walking towards the movie room.

Mia rested her head on my shoulder and sucked her thumb as we walked in. Sam wasn't on the phone anymore, instead he was typing on his computer, "what's up, Sam?" Colby asked as he looked up, with tears in his eyes. "Woah, hey! What's going on?" Colby asked as he ran up to him.

"It's down but damnit I feel so bad! Nothing like this ever should have happened...she doesn't deserve this!" Sam yelled and slammed his computer shut causing Mia to whimper slightly, "it's okay honey.."I whispered and smoothed her curls down.

"No, she doesn't. It's damage control time though, we have to fix this." Colby said as Sam scrubbed his face with his hands, "everyone is losing their minds online right now." Kat said with a sigh as she scrolled through Twitter, "good or bad?" I asked and peered over to look at her phone, "both. Some people think you're innocent and feel bad for you but other people think it's fake and was just put in there for attention." She said with a sigh as we all sat on the couch.

"We need to come up with something..maybe a livestream. We don't have time to really edit a video because I want this cleared up as soon as possible." Sam said as Colby nodded, "that could work, Cora are you okay with that?" He asked as I shrugged.

"That should be fine..am I gonna be in it?" I asked as Mia fussed in my arms, "if you want..Maybe it would be good to hear your perspective." Sam said as I set Mia on the floor so she could run around.

"If you can't though, please don't push yourself." Colby said nervously as I shook my head, "no, I should do it..I should tell my story." I said and let out a deep breath as Sam opened his computer and started typing something as Colby patted the couch next to him so I could sit in between them.

"I'm tweeting that we are going to be live in five minutes so more people will join." Sam explained as Colby wrapped his arm around me. I looked down at Mia who was on the ground waving around her stuffed koala with a smile on her face.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Colby asked quietly as Sam set up for the livestream, "yeah, I think I'll be okay as long as you're by my side." I said and leaned into him. "I'm not going anywhere." He said then kissed my head.

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