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When we got out of the car we got our stuff out of the trunk, "Charlie said he and Bill are out front." Sam said as Colby grabbed my hand, "who are they?" I asked as we made our way to the entrance,

"Charlie is the producer, Bill is the camera guy." Colby said as I nodded, "are they nice?" I asked and Corey shivered a little, "they're..interesting." He said as I scrunched my brow, "like...how? Should I be nervous?" I asked as Colby squeezed my hand, "no, love. They are just...really into this stuff. Don't worry." He said as I nodded.

Something seemed a little off.

"Okay." I whispered as we got to the entrance. "Hey guys!" A tall man with dark brown hair and a beard said as we walked up, "hey Charlie." Sam said and gave him a handshake,

"you must be the Mrs." he said and looked at me, "that's me, Cora." I said and reached my hand out for him to shake. He took it and instead of shaking it he brought it to his lips in an old fashion way.

"I'm glad you decided to join us, this is Bill and I'm Charlie. We are going to have some fun tonight." He said as I laced my fingers though Colby's again. "I'm excited to be here. Thank you for letting me come." I said quietly as we walked in.

"Of course! We couldn't miss out on a beautiful young woman who's willing to do some dangerous stuff." Charlie said as Colby tensed up next to me. I looked up at him and squeezed his hand reassuringly.

We stopped at the front desk as Charlie looked at me, "so Cora, I'm going to have you sign the same documents I had the boys sign at the beginning of this." He said and pulled them out, "that's not necessary." Colby said next to me as I scrunched my brow at him, "legally it is. It's basically just saying if you get hurt it's not on us and that you're here willingly." He said and slid the papers to me.

"I'm going to read all of it." I said as he chuckled, "we don't have time for that, your husband already signed it so even if you didn't sign it, it could bite you in the ass." He said and just signed it. If Colby could agree to what it said, then so could I.

"Okay great! Let's get started then!" He said as Bill handed Sam the keys to the room we were investigating and staying in.

"We should start with the intro, you guys know the drill, Cora just play along." Charlie said as I nodded. "Alright, rolling." Bill said as Colby plastered a smile on his face, "WHAT'S up guys it's Sam and Colby." He said and clapped his hands as I watched them both do their thing.

"Today we are at our favorite place, Queen Mary's ship in Long Beach, California." Sam said and gestured around the lobby, "we are joined by not only Corey and Jake, but by my beautiful wife, Cora." Colby said then kissed my head as I waved at the camera.

"We are finally going back to the place our real paranormal journey started, room B340." Sam said as Jake fake cried, "I don't want to go!" Corey yelled and jumped into Jake's arms. "You guys are babies." I said with a laugh.

"We will obviously be exploring the rest of the ship as well. There's so many places we have to see." Sam said as we started walking to the room. I walked beside Colby as they talked about the history of the ship and of all the places we were going to explore.

Once the camera was cut Colby looked at me, "you doing okay?" He asked as I chuckled, "I'm great." I said and took his hand, squeezing it gently.

"So I think we should start in here for a little while then we can move on, sound good?" Charlie asked as we set our stuff down. The vibes of this place were really heavy, I wasn't the biggest fan but I was still so excited to be here, doing this again.

"Rolling." Bill said as Sam and Colby started doing a little room tour. Jake, Corey, and I were just hanging out on the couches. I ended up texting Kat, to check on Mia while the boys scrolled through their socials.

"Hey guys! Come over here!" Sam called from across the room. We all got up and went over to where they were, "what's up?" Corey asked as they stood in the bathroom, "did any of you turn the shower on?" Sam asked as we all shook our heads.

"No, we went right over to the couches, why?" I asked and peered in, "the shower floor is wet." Colby said as Charlie grinned, "this is perfect.
Alright everyone out." He said and waved us all out of the bathroom, "Cora, I want you to take this and go in there alone to play Bloody Mary. I think you'll have the best results since you're a girl." He said and handed me a small camera as Colby tensed up,

"no Charlie. It's not happening." Colby said and grabbed the camera. "Come on Colby, don't you want the best content possible? She's gonna be fine." Charlie said and took the camera from him, then placed it in my hand.

"If she wants to be here, she has to do what we say." He said with a smile as a Colby glared at him slightly.

"It's okay brother, he's right. Are you okay with doing this Cora?" Sam asked with concerned eyes, "yeah....I think so." I said cautiously.

I was really freaked out but at the same time it could be cool to do this. Charlie was right though, if I wanted to be here I had to do what they said. I didn't want to ruin Sam or Colby's career by being difficult.

"Cora, you don't have to do this." Colby said quietly as he turned me. "I know..it's gonna be okay, I'll be right on the other side of the door." I said and rested my hand on his cheek.

I took a deep breath and turned towards the bathroom. I walked in and closed the door before taking a deep breath. I turned the camera on and lit the candle that was sitting on the counter. I looked at myself in the mirror for a second before I heard Charlie talking from outside of the door.

"We can't hear you Cora!" He called as I took a deep breath. "Give her a minute." Colby growled as I turned the lights off.

I could feel my heart beating against my chest as I took in another deep breath, "Bloody Mary.....Bloody Mary......Bloody Mary." I said and looked into the mirror as I focused my energy on not freaking out.

It was silent for a minute before I heard someone whisper in my ear, "get out." Causing me to scream and reach for the door.

Colby was already ripping it open before I even had a chance to grab the knob. I threw myself into him as he wrapped his arms around my waist, "are you okay? What happened?" He asked frantically as Jake, Sam, and Corey all gathered around us, "I-it said g-get out!" I shrieked and pointed towards where I was standing.

"You're okay, take a deep breath. I'm here." Colby said and smoothed my hair down as we waited for my shaking to die down.

"That was good! It's perfect. Do it one more time." He said as Colby tightened his grip, "not a chance."
He said lowly and looked over at him. "Cmon Colby! It's fine. See? She's fine!" He said and gestured towards me.

"I-I don't want to." I said and shook my head as Sam rubbed my back. "I'll do it." He said as Charlie rolled his eyes, "fine. But we probably won't get the same results." He said as I handed Sam the small camera.

"We might. What difference does it make if she's a girl?" Jake said and crossed his arms. "Spirits love messing with girls! It's proven." He said as Colby held me tighter. "It doesn't matter she's not doing it again." Corey said as Sam went into the bathroom. "But the contract." Charlie said as Colby clenched his jaw, "fuck the contract," he said as Sam closed the door.

Colby held me protectively to him as Sam did the ritual again. I was doing better now but I seriously didn't like the vibes that were coming from Charlie.

I had a feeling it was going to be a long night.

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