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"Why are we here?" Kat asked as we walked into the grocery store parking lot.

"We need supplies." I said and grabbed a cart so I could put Mia in the little seat. "Supplies for what? I'm gonna need you to not be so vague." Kat said as I laughed,

"I'm making Colby a steak dinner. We also have to stop at target so we can get blankets and stuff to make a fort outside, with twinkly lights so we can watch the stars together afterwards. That's the plan." I said and grabbed a bunch of potatoes as Kat groaned.

"Why are you guys SO cute. It's honestly annoying." She said and rolled her eyes, "you can steal my idea and do the same thing for Sam, I won't judge." I said with a shrug as Mia slapped my arm, "what?" I asked with a laugh as she put her fingers in her mouth, "nana." She said and looked at the bananas, "we have some at home, honey." I said with a small laugh as she pouted and reached for the bananas, "nana." She repeated as I shook my head.

"You can have a nana at home, I promise." I said and brushed her curls from her face. "Kitty." She said and looked at Kat with hopeful eyes, "not gonna work, kid." Kat said as we walked towards the steaks, "do you even know how to cook a steak?" Kat asked as I looked at the cuts of meat.

"No idea." I said and bit my lip, trying to figure out what the best kind to get would be. "Why don't you just order it from Outback or something?" She asked as I laughed, "I want to make it with love!" I said and finally decided on two steaks that looked good enough.

"Oh god, do you have a fire extinguisher?" Kat asked as I rolled my eyes, "I know how to cook Kat, right Mia?" I asked as she looked at me with a frown, "nana." She said as I pinched her cheek, "you make it so hard to say no to you." I mumbled and brushed her hair with my fingers.

"It doesn't matter that I don't know how to cook a steak, google exists. We have to hurry though we don't have that much time." I said and ran the cart down the aisle causing Mia to giggle happily again . "There's my smiling girl!" I exclaimed and scrunched my nose at her.

We went through the aisles and got all of the ingredients, I got stuff to make a salad, Brussels sprouts, mashed potatoes, gravy, steak, and even stuff to make an apple pie.

"We have to find a way to distract him because this is going to take so long." I said as I unloaded the groceries into the car.

"I'll just text Sam, he can keep a secret." Kat said as I nodded, "thank you, okay! To target!" I yelled as Mia giggled in her car seat. "You excited?!" I asked as I started to drive. "Cited!" She yelled which always made my heart happy.

We made the trip to target super fast so that I could get home and set everything up. It's been forever since Colby and I have had a date like this and I was super excited for it. I loved being able to just spend time with him,

"Okay we have the fairy lights, blankets, and comfy pillows, anything else?" I asked as we walked towards the checkout area, "mama! Dawphin!" Mia yelled and pointed to a little dolphin stuffed animal.

"Okay, we can get you the dolphin." I said with a smile and grabbed it for her, "BOBA!" She yelled happily, "what did she just say?" Kat asked with a laugh, "oh, Boba was the name of the dolphin she rode in Hawaii." I said as she hugged the stuffed animal. "That's adorable, I don't think she could get cuter." Kat said as I laughed,

"Just wait until the tantrum she throws when I have to pay for the dolphin." I said with a laugh as we made our way to the registers. We went to self checkout so the dolphin fiasco wouldn't cause too big of a scene, "okay honey I need to borrow Boba for a second." I said and took the stuffed animal from her which caused her to scream and cry, "it's okay honey just give me one second." I said and frantically looked for the tag so I could scan it.

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