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It's been a few weeks since Mia's first birthday, which means I'm now about 8 weeks pregnant. I was already puffing out a little bit, so we were thinking about telling everyone soon since we were getting close to the second trimester. We were getting ready for our second appointment with Claire today.

"Should we take Mia?" Colby asked as I sat on the bathroom floor, collecting myself from the morning sickness, "doesn't matter to me." I breathed out and laid my head on the cold tile. "This baby is really kicking your ass huh?" He asked as I clenched my stomach, feeling it flip again.

As I threw up Colby held my hair back with one hand and rubbed my back with the other, "is that a good enough answer?" I asked and leaned my head onto the floor again.

"I'm sorry baby, you're doing a great job." He said and sat down next to me, before pulling me into his lap. "It's okay, it's worth it in the end right?" I asked and closed my eyes, resting my head on his chest.

"Will you try braiding my hair?" I mumbled as he rubbed my arm gently, "yeah, I can try." He said as I slid off his lap so I could sit in front of him. My hair has grown a few inches since we initially cut it so he was able to do it pretty easily. "Thank you." I whispered then went to get up.

"I think we should leave Mia with Kat or something." I said and shuffled to the closet, still feeling like shit. "Okay, yeah I agree. I'll go ask her, you gonna be okay?" He asked as I sat down at my vanity. "Yeah, I'll be okay. Hopefully this passes soon." I said and rubbed my belly as he left to go ask Kat.

"You're lucky I love you." I said down to my stomach as I rubbed it. "She said it was okay, she was suspicious as to why you were going to the doctor but I hid it well I think." Colby said as I grabbed my bag, "what did you say?" I asked as he laughed, "that you're having period issues." He said as I shook my head, "I'm sure she believed that." I said sarcastically and patted his chest twice before leaving to go downstairs.

We had to stop a couple times on the way to the doctors office so that I could throw up but once we got there I felt better. Morning sickness was really killing me, "ready to go baby girl?" Colby asked as we parked, "ready as ever. Remind me to get the scans so we can announce it to the house." I said and pointed to him. "You got it." He said and got out of the car.

When I got out I reached my hand out to him, which he gladly took. "I think Kat's gonna be so mad at us." I said with a laugh, "yeah, I think Sam is going to be mad when I propose that the you and I move out to get a house for ourselves..." he said as I sighed. We had been talking about that a lot recently, because we were married had our own little family. It seemed like it was time to get a house together.

"I know, they are all gonna be upset, but I think they will understand especially when we tell them about baby number two." I said as we walked into the waiting room together.

"Yeah, we should start looking soon, I want to be moved in before the baby comes." Colby said once we checked in. "Yeah, moving while being pregnant is gonna be a bitch though." I said as I rested my head on his shoulder, "you won't be moving a muscle." He said quietly and took my hand.

We were called back a few minutes later, "I don't know why I still get nervous, I have done this so many times." I said with a sigh and reached for Colby's hand, "it's scary, I understand." He said and kissed my hand.

"Hey Cora! Hey Colby!" Claire said as she came in the room, "hey Claire," I said and waved, "where's Mia?" She asked and looked around. "She's at home with Kat." I said as she pulled out her clipboard with my chart on it, "how's she doing? She just had a birthday right?" She asked then set up the ultrasound stuff, "yeah, she's walking like a pro now, but constantly wants to be held. She's said a couple words here and there." I said as she smiled, "like mama and dada?"

I breathed a laugh, "no. She says dada, Sammy, and food. That's it. No mama." I said and rolled my eyes dramatically, "the kid acts like I don't feed her." I said with a laugh, "she'll get there! Maybe she's waiting for the perfect moment." She said as she put the gel on my belly, "that's what I said, but she doesn't believe me."  Colby said and squeezed my hand.

"I just don't understand why she will literally say Sam's name but not mama. It doesn't make sense." I breathed out and looked at the sonogram. "Give it time Cor, she loves you more than you'll ever know." Colby said and kissed my hand again. "Yeah yeah." I said and laid my head back.

"Okay, Everything is looking good here. Do you have any concerns or anything?" She asked me as she printed the image of the sonogram. "My morning sickness has been insane, I don't know if there's anything we can do about it but I'll spend hours on the bathroom floor." I said as she wiped the gel from my stomach.

"Ginger. Eat some ginger or drink ginger ale and it should help with the nausea." She said and smiled at me. "Anything else I should know?" She asked as I bit my lip, "nope!" I said causing Colby to suck in a breath, "Cora no! She's been having post partum episodes." He said, ratting me out.

"Oh...anything in particular triggering the episodes?" She asked and wrote it down, "Mia's birthday was a big thing..I don't know..feeling like I'm replacing her is hard, especially when she doesn't even call me mama.." I mumbled the last part as I sat up, "baby..." Colby said and held my hand with both of his.

"Well, I might make you come to therapy sessions once a week to get through that part until the baby comes, then we can amp it up. I just don't want you to...have thoughts that you can't control." She said which made my heart stop.

"Okay yeah.." I said and swallowed hard as Colby tightened his grip on my hand. "Great, I'll schedule those all for you with Dr. Hoops. She's great and specializes in post partum. We can do them after each of our appointments." She said and I nodded "I don't mean to scare you either, I just worry. And I'm sure this one does, too." She said and gestured to Colby.

"All the time." He admitted as I frowned, "guys..I'm fine. It just..gets overwhelming sometimes." I said and messed with my wedding ring, "yeah, I know, but we should just watch it since your hormones are all sorts of amplified right now." Claire said and put her hand over mine.

"You're right. I just wish I could be normal." I said and bit my lip. "Nobody is normal." Claire said as Colby chuckled,

"Like Sam says, being normal is boring." He said and reached up to brush my hair behind my ear. "I guess you're right." I said and looked down.

Once Claire and I set up all of the appointments with the therapist Colby and I were on our way home.

"I'm scared to tell them!" I exclaimed and held the sonogram in my hand. "Me too, I feel like they are going to make fun of us so badly." Colby said and held my hand as we pulled into the driveway.

When we got out I hid the sonogram in my bag and jogged up to where Colby was. "I'm nervous." I said as he chuckled, "it'll be fine baby." He said and kissed my head as he opened the front door.

We walked into the living room where everyone was, "dada!" Mia yelled and toddled over to Colby as I chuckled, "love you too, Mia." I said as she smiled at me from Colby's arms.

"How's you period stuff?" Kat asked and tilted her head accusingly, "actually it went pretty well." I said and shrugged as everyone looked at me. I looked at Colby with a smirk.

"Yeah she gave me this." I said and reached into my bag and pulled out the sonogram, holding it up to them.

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