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I was right.

Colby woke up around 4am with sweat dripping down his face, as I sat in the chair in the corner of the room, sipping on some coffee to keep me awake.

"Cor?!" He said in a panic as he sat up, "I'm right here, are you okay?" I asked and set my coffee down so I could go over to him. "I..I had a nightmare..what are you doing over there?" He asked as I shook my head, "not important, are you okay?" I asked again, sitting next to him and pulling his head into my lap,

"Yeah, I think so...I was trapped." He said as I ran my fingers through his hair, "something was chasing me, and you were crying out for me." He said as he closed his eyes, relaxing. "It was just a dream, you're okay now." I said softly and leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.

"I love you." He whispered as he opened his eyes to look up at me, "I love you, too." I said and brought my hand down to cup his cheek. "Now why were you awake?" He asked and squinted his eyes at me.

"I knew you wouldn't wake me if you had a nightmare." I mumbled as he sat up, "So you just didn't sleep?" He asked as Mia fussed in her cot causing both of us to pause for a second.

After we determined she was still asleep Colby turned to me, "Cor?" He asked again as I went to grab my coffee cup.

"Yes. I didn't sleep." I said and went to the bathroom to rinse my cup out. "Cora. Why did you do that?" Colby asked as he followed me into the bathroom.

"Because I care about you Colby." I said and turned around, leaning against the counter. "You need to sleep though. Those pills already make you drowsy enough." He said and pointed to my pills.

"I know that, but I want to be there for you like you are for me. I know you wouldn't wake me up." I said and started walking towards the bedroom, "come on. Let's go to bed." I said as I passed him. "You're the best wife in the world you know that right?" He said and followed me back into the bedroom.

"Yeah, and don't you forget it." I said as he slid into the bed. He pulled me into his chest and kissed my head, "go to sleep Cor, I mean it." He mumbled against my hair, "yes, sir." I said and melted into him, feeling my eyelids already starting to droop.

I wanted to wait until Colby fell asleep before I did but my body had different plans as I fell asleep only about five minutes after we laid down.

I woke up against Colby's chest as Mia cried, "oh no sweet girl, what's wrong?" I asked and forced myself out of the bed.

"Mama." Mia said and reached up for me as she pouted her lip, "yes baby, mama is here to rescue you from this horrible cot." I said coyly as I picked her up. "Food." She said as I giggled, "we gotta teach you some manners little one, can you say please?" I asked and looked over at Colby who was grinning at us,

"Peas." She said as I laughed, "okay wait, do you want peas or are you trying to say please?" I asked as she looked at me blankly. "Peas." She repeated as I shook my head, "Okay, peas it is." I said and bounced her dramatically as Colby got out of bed.

When we went downstairs everyone stopped their conversation to stare at us cautiously, "what? Mia wants peas so who's going to the store?" Colby asked coyly and sat at the table. "You're okay?" Sam asked as I sat next to Colby with Mia in my arms, "I'm okay, just was a little shaken up yesterday. I'm excited for today though." He said and looked at me.

"What are we doing today?" I asked as I handed him Mia so I could prepare her some food. "This little princess is gonna swim with some dolphins." He said  as Mia giggled, "SWIMMMMMM!" She screamed causing everyone to laugh.

"Are we sure she's not a mermaid?" Kat asked as I mashed up some bananas for her, "I birthed her and I'm not even sure." I said with a laugh and sat down again.

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